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Sex Before Period: Know about Get Pregnant

Sex before period, What do you say? Can a woman have sex, get pregnant and get her period the day after?
A period starts two weeks after ovulation if no pregnancy occurs.  (It can be 13 or 15 days, but 14 is pretty accurate, so let's just go with that.)

Sex Before Period
If a woman has a nice regular 28 day cycle and a 4 day period, that means that she will ovulate 14 days after her last period started and 14 days before her next one is due. 

That also means there will be at least 9, probably 10, days after her last period ends before she ovulates.  Since sperm can't live more than five days inside a woman's body, this perfectly regular woman with a 28-day cycle can't get pregnant if she has sex on the last day of her period, or even for several days after that.
sex before period, Getting know women's issue

Short cycle arithmetic

But what about a woman with a shorter or more irregular cycle?  And/or a longer period?

If her cycle is 21 days and she often bleeds for 5-6 days of the 21, you can see that it's a different story.  She typically ovulates on day 8 of her cycle (22 minus 14) and sperm can live for up to 5 days inside her body, so
theoretically, she could have sex in mid-period and still get pregnant!

Here's one sequence of events for a woman with a 21-day period:

Day   1:  Menstrual bleeding starts.
Day   4:  Sex.  (Could be any time from day 3 onward.)
Day   5:  Menstrual bleeding ends.
Day   8:  Ovulation and conception occur in the Fallopian tube.
Day 17:  Implantation occurs; maybe light spotting and some cramps.
Day 22:  Next period should start, but doesn't.
Day 29:  Still no period - time for a pregnancy test!

The point to remember is that the egg is NOT in the womb at the time of conception.  In these having-sex-during-the-period scenarios, conception typically happens when the egg is way up in one of the fallopian tubes.  The fertilized egg is then going to take another 6-12 days after conception to get down to the womb and implant itself, so there is still plenty of time for the lining of the uterus to get ready for it.

This means that sex can happen even while the uterine lining is being shed and still cause a pregnancy.  The sperm can take days to make their way up into the fallopian tubes, and then conception can occur in the tubes while the womb is still getting itself ready to receive the egg. sex before period!

The rhythm method

If you are looking for "safe" days, the magic number is 20.  IF you have an extremely regular period, and IF you know when your next period is due to start, sex at least 20 days before that is very probably safe.  (S0 is sex that is less than 11 days before your next period is due.)

So let's say you are extremely regular, your next period is due to start on the 25th of the month.  Your most fertile days would be from the 6th through the 14th.

But that only works if you ovulate like clockwork and never vary.  And anything that messes with your hormone balances - stress, a cold or fever, really good sex, vigorous exercise, some drugs, even some foods - can throw your schedule off.

sex before period
Which leads to a very old joke:
Do you know the technical medical term for women who use the rhythm method to prevent pregnancy?

They're called "mothers." sex before period is not dangerous! It happens.

It depends when you ovulate. For most women it's a week or two before their period, but if you're a teen or have irregular or short cycles it could put ovulation close to your period. You have about (slightly less than) 6 days per cycle you can get pregnant. This is because s perm can live five days and an egg only about 12 hours.

If you got your "period" early and you usually have normal cycles, it's possible you had a very early miscarriage, not a period.  This is very common and most women never knew they were pregnant.

There is a very small chance if your cycles are short.  If not, then you should be clear as far as pregnancy is concerned.  That doesn't mean you did not contract a sexually transmitted disease while having unprotected sex.

To relieve this anxiety and avoid problems going forward, schedule an appointment with a doctor or a clinic, decide on a method of birth control for yourself, get a box of condoms for your partner, and get some information on safe sexual practices. sex before period and sex before marriage is normal now.

You can keep making believe that the only thing you have to worry about is getting pregnant.  Millions of women all over the world will tell you nothing is further from the truth.  Protect yourself.  Face facts and deal with them like an adult.

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