We're not a monarchy, but we definitely have a queen -- MILF be her name
Porn search engine PornMD lets users sift through X-rated offerings from websites like Pornhub, YouPorn and XTube for whatever might tickle their fancy. And in a newly-released interactive infographic, the website used that data to map porn habits from around the country.The results? The United States might not be a monarchy, but we definitely have a queen — and MILF be her name. The search term, which I trust you can look up for yourselves, ranked in the top 10 for virtually every state.
Other findings include a distinctly Midwestern predilection for “creampie” and a lone “mom” in Arizona. Also of interest: Iowans and the good people of Montana rank “parody” porn in their top 10. (Glad that someone is watching
“The Sex Files: A Dark XXX Parody.”)
We have already learned that one’s porn-viewing habits may lead to more progressive ideas about marriage equality, but is it possible that American’s shared love of smut can bring us together over other divisive topics, like the Keystone XL Pipeline and the sequester?
When someone tests that theory, I’ll be here, ready to report on it.
See the whole list (including a global ranking) here.
(AlterNet editor's note -- here's top 10 for USA).