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25 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Couples

Here are some creative ways to tell your spouse, “I love you.” 

valentine's day decorations ideas
Is it more important to love … or to be loved?
Most of us would agree with George Eliot’s words, “I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved.”

Valentine’s Day is the occasion when you can experience both. We asked LondonClicks Facebook friends and e-mail readers to share some of their favorite Valentine’s Day ideas. 
With a little help from our friends, here are 25 creative ways to tell your spouse, “I love you.”

Write down every kind of kiss

1. On small pieces of paper, write down every kind of kiss that you can think of (examples: passionate, on the cheek, etc.). Then fill an inexpensive red felt bag with your “kisses” and give it to your spouse. Ask your spouse to pull several pieces of paper from the felt bag, and then give your sweetheart whatever kind of kiss is described.  

Make a book about why you love your spouse

2. Make a book about why you love your spouse and why you are thankful for him/her. The woman who sent this idea wrote, “He loved it! Said it was the best gift he has ever gotten. And it helped me to focus on the things I love about my husband and not his shortcomings.”

Instructions your Valentine’s Day activities

3. Take your sweetie on a scavenger hunt. Ask him/her to answer riddles to find the clues to items that you placed somewhere around town. The last item should give instructions that lead to your Valentine’s Day activities.

Enjoying a candlelight dinner

4. After enjoying a candlelight dinner for two at home, give your spouse a massage and watch a romantic movie. The woman who suggested this wrote, “Last Valentine’s Day when I got home from work, my husband … had our bedroom set up with a candlelit table for two. He is NOT a cook but he made an awesome meal … grilled steak, sautéed shrimp in lemon, garlic, and butter, a vegetable, and [he] bought a chocolate fountain that was flowing—surrounded by fresh fruit for dipping. After dinner he led me over to his homemade massage table. … We ended our special night with a romantic movie.”

Surprise your spouse with a special getaway together

5. Surprise your spouse with a special getaway together. The man who suggested this made reservations at a bed and breakfast, arranged for childcare, asked for time off from work for himself and his wife, and packed his and her bags. When he asked his wife to go to lunch on Valentine’s Day she was in for a wonderful surprise. “The little bit of effort I put into that weekend paid off huge for weeks to come.” (For an extra  special experience, take your spouse to one of LondonClicks's Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways.  It's one of the best investments you could make in your marriage. Find an event near you.

Give your wife a dozen roses

6. Give your wife a dozen roses. On each stem attach a note for a future date—to do something that she would enjoy. (For example, “Go to the symphony.”)

7. If possible, go on a date with your spouse to a restaurant that you enjoyed when you first met. After you order your meal, take some time to write down favorite memories from the past year. Then share your lists.

8. Have 11 roses delivered to your wife, and then give her a 12th yourself while reading her a love poem.

9. Fill a large box with helium balloons and special gifts for Valentine’s Day. The woman who suggested this said that her gifts included “new sleep shorts for him and a new nightgown for me, a box of chocolate-covered strawberries and red napkins ... some new candles, and a romantic CD. He got the hint. And loved the weekend.”

Create an intimate Valentine’s Day evening

10. Create an intimate Valentine’s Day evening at home, without the children. The woman who suggested this idea said that she and her husband “enjoyed planning the menu, shopping for the meal, and ultimately preparing the meal together. Cooking to soft, romantic music can really be a turn on! While dining, the same soft, romantic music is a wonderful mood-setter. Dinner was followed by just the two of us having the whole dance floor, our den, to ourselves. I won’t say what all this led to, but it was a truly romantic night that would not have happened at the local restaurant!”

11. Order food from a take-out restaurant and have a picnic for all the Valentines in your family on your living room floor. The person who suggested this said, “The kids look forward to this every year. When we tried to change it, they wouldn’t allow it ... it has become a tradition. The kids see the value of family and a loving marriage.”

12. Privacy and weather permitting, watch a romantic movie on your deck or patio. 

13. If you are separated across the miles, send a care package filled with things that are red.

14. Make a meal with symbols of love. Examples: Write I love you with string beans, make a tart in the shape of a heart …

15. Hide little heart candies in your spouse’s shoes, coat, car, etc. The woman who suggested this said that she’s been doing this for decades. “Now a couple of the grandkids help me with delight.”

16. Wives, show up at your husband’s office before lunch. Call him from the parking lot and tell him you are going to take him for a lunch rendezvous and that you will be waiting for him whenever he can take a break. Wear a nice outfit and tell him you have something sexy on underneath for when he gets home. Take him to a nice place for lunch and back to the office. Give him some great kisses telling him how glad you are to be married to him, and tell him you will be waiting for him when he gets home.

17. Fill a jar with Valentine candy and notes for your spouse. Examples of notes are: Good for a backrub, 10 kisses, etc. Notes could also express your love and respect: “I am so glad that God blessed my life with such a great husband like you.” Individually roll each note and tie it with a ribbon.

18. Surprise your spouse by taking a vacation day from work and enjoy Valentine’s Day at home. Have a relaxing morning together on the porch, deck, or patio. Then go to a favorite restaurant for lunch. The man who suggested this idea had also reserved a spa treatment and tanning session for his wife. “While she was doing that,” he says, “I went home and made her a special dinner.”

19. Write a poem for your spouse and frame it.

20. On individual note cards, write why you love your spouse. Insert these cards in a small photo album. The woman who suggested this idea began her album with a honeymoon picture and introductory note card, and ended it with a love note.

21. Surprise your husband when he comes home from work on February 14. Place a welcome sign on the kitchen table and leave a trail of red foil-wrapped Hershey kisses to your bedroom. 

22. With roses in hand and permission from your wife’s boss, go to her workplace and read a love poem to her. The woman who shared this idea said, “I am a teacher in an inner-city school. Last year my husband dressed in my favorite suit and tie, came to my school with roses in hand. He got permission and assistance from the office staff to open the speaker system into my classroom and proceeded to read a long and beautiful love poem to me. He then came to my classroom and presented me with the bouquet of roses which I received while wiping my tears of joy and love for this wonderful man whom I have been married to for just under 30 years.”
23. Make a special “14 Reasons I Love You” Valentine’s Day breakfast for your sweetheart. On his/her plate, leave a letter or card listing 14 reasons that you love your spouse.
24. If possible, send a card postmarked in a town that has a romantic name such as Loveland, Colorado; Valentine, Texas; or Romance, Arkansas. 

25. After your spouse goes to bed, tape notes to his car’s steering wheel with reasons that you love him, or decorate the bathroom mirror with lipstick kisses or Valentine’s window clings.

Have fun on February 14, and remember: Love is not meant to be given and received just  on Valentine’s Day. Instead, it’s to be practiced every single day of the entire year.

What is magi in the bible: You shoul know who is real Magi

In Bangladesh people ask very often this burning question!

Who is really magi? 

Why people ask girls/ women as a Magi? 

The Magi (/ˈmædʒaɪ/ or /ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/; Greek: μάγοι, magoi), also referred to as the (Three) Wise Men or (Three) Kings, were, in the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition, a group of distinguished foreigners who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Who were the magi, those gift-bearing wise men from the east who are so central to the traditional telling of the Christmas story? Bible scholar Brent Landau believes he has found at least one answer to this age-old question.

 Stop Asking a girl as Magi! Its a sin, it Can't be a slang

The Bible tells us very little about the magi. Their story appears but once, in the Gospel of Matthew (2:1–12), where they are described as mysterious visitors “from the east” who come to Jerusalem looking for the child whose star they observed “at its rising.” After meeting with King Herod, who feigns an intention to worship the child but actually plans to destroy him, the magi follow the same star to Bethlehem. There, upon seeing the baby Jesus and his mother Mary, the magi kneel down and worship him, presenting him with their three famous gifts—gold, frankincense and myrrh. Then, without reporting to Herod, they depart for their homeland, never to be heard from again.

For early Christians, the seemingly pivotal yet unexplained background of the mysterious magi provided abundant room to shape new narratives around the question, “Who were the magi?” One of the most compelling, recently translated into English by Brent Landau, professor of religious studies at the University of Oklahoma, is the so-called Revelation of the Magi, an apocryphal account of the traditional Christmas story that purports to have been written by the magi themselves.

The account is preserved in an eighth-century C.E. Syriac manuscript held in the Vatican Library, although Brent Landau believes the earliest versions of the text may have been written as early as the mid-second century, less than a hundred years after Matthew’s gospel was composed. Written in the first person, the Revelation of the Magi narrates the mystical origins of the magi, their miraculous encounter with the luminous star and their equally miraculous journey to Bethlehem to worship the child. The magi then return home and preach the Christian faith to their brethren, ultimately being baptized by the apostle Thomas.

 Never use the word "magi" as slang

According to Brent Landau, this dramatic account not only answers the question “Who were the magi?” but also provides details about how many they were, where they came from and their mysterious encounter with the star that led them to Bethlehem. In the Revelation of the Magi, there are not just three magi, as often depicted in early Christian art (actually, Matthew does not tell us how many there were), nor are they Babylonian astrologers or Persian Zoroastrians, as other early traditions held. Rather from Brent Landau’s translation it is clear the magi (defined in this text as those who “pray in silence”) are a group—numbering as few as 12 and as many as several score—of monk-like mystics from a far-off, mythical land called Shir, possibly China. They are descendants of Seth, the righteous third son of Adam, and the guardians of an age-old prophecy that a star of indescribable brightness would someday appear “heralding the birth of God in human form.”

When the long-prophesied star finally appears, the star is not simply sighted at its rising, as described in Matthew, but rather descends to earth, ultimately transforming into a luminous “star-child” that instructs the magi to travel to Bethlehem to witness its birth in human form. The star then guides the magi along their journey, miraculously clearing their path of all obstacles and providing them with unlimited stamina and provisions. Finally, inside a cave on the outskirts of Bethlehem, the star reappears to the magi as a luminous human child—the Christ child—and commissions them to become witnesses to Christ in the lands of the east.

Why Did the Magi Bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?

It’s a fascinating story, but does it actually bring us any closer to understanding who the actual magi of the Christmas story might have been? Unfortunately, the answer is no, says Landau, although it may provide insight into the beliefs of an otherwise unknown Christian sect of the second century that identified with the mysterious magi.

“Sadly, I don’t think this is actually written by the historical wise men,” said Landau in an interview with National Public Radio’s Diane Rehm. “In terms of who wrote it, we have no idea. [But] the description of the magi and [their religious practices] is so remarkably detailed and I’ve often wondered whether it’s reflecting some actual community out there that practiced and kind of envisioned themselves in the role of the magi.”

More on the Magi

In art, the adoration of the magi appeared earlier and far more frequently than any other scene of Jesus’ birth and infancy, including images of the babe in a manger. Read Robin M. Jensen’s full article “Witnessing the Divine: The Magi in Art and Literature” as it appeared in the December 2001 issue of Bible Review for free online in Bible History Daily.

Do You Love Your Boobs, Everybody Else Does


Ladies (and gentlemen), let’s talk about boobs.

Specifically, let’s talk about boob acceptance. Yes, I said it: boob acceptance. Because so many companies want us to feel bad about our boobs. The media is so ready to rate actresses based on cup size. Magazines tell small-chested ladies not to wear bandeau bathing suit tops because it’s not “flattering” — flattering meaning “big breasted.” (More on this later.)

There’s nothing wrong with having big breasts. And there’s nothing wrong with having small breasts, either.
Can we all agree that breasts are great? They feed our kids. I am not a mother and probably never will be, but I still find that amazing. We’ve got baby restaurants in our bodies.

 begging for breast implants

But when you’ve got small baby restaurants, you’re suddenly forced into thinking that you should have bigger ones. I went through a few years where I yearned for bigger breasts. I called my parents, crying, like a total brat, begging for breast implants. That’s probably one of my most shameful moments. I didn’t appreciate my body and all the great things it could do for me – I was upset because I didn’t have a C-cup.
Let me pause here and say, if you’ve got or are getting implants, that’s totally fine, too! I want you to love your body, and if you have the means and the ability, and you want to pump those suckers up, go ahead. Not my business.

I would just hate if you did it because you felt like you had to. You should never change your body for someone else, especially for just an idea of what someone else wants. You should love your body. And it’s damn hard sometimes, I understand.

When I saw an article in a major women’s magazine advising women what bathing suits to wear based on their cup sizes, I was annoyed. They took a beautiful A-cup sized woman, who was smiling and happy in her “before” photo, bandeau top and all, and put her in a padded bra in the “after” photo, with the caption, “FIXED!” What the hell needed to be fixed? Why shouldn’t she flaunt her small boobs? What is so offensive about small boobs? Why do they need to be “fixed”?

theory that hipster guys love small boobs

Do you know how hard it is to find a bra for my boobs that isn’t padded? It’s like the world is telling me I’m not good enough. (Though I don’t feel bad; I have a theory that hipster guys love small boobs.)

But I’m sick of it, I’m done. Yes, some of my bras are padded, and some of them aren’t. Sometimes I feel like having some artificial cleavage, and sometimes I don’t. And that’s my decision to make, and yours, too. There’s nothing inherently bad about push-up bras as long as they don’t make you miserable for what you don’t have. Because I see them as celebrating what I do have: they may be small, but they’re awesome, and sometimes, they get a little assist.

I’m not going to give a list of models and actresses who are smaller chested, because that’s silly, and the point isn’t to make everyone worship at the altar of Audrey Hepburn (whoops — okay, no more names). The point is to celebrate our breasts for what they are and aren’t. We’re too fixated on boobs. Back when I was shaming my body, my argument was that I needed implants to “make me more balanced.” Where the hell did I get that notion? My body isn’t a level that’s going to be used to hang a picture frame. Balance is all in your head. Proportion is all in your head.

So use your head and accept your boobs. I don’t care if you think they’re “too small” or “too big” or “too lopsided” or “too saggy” — they’re yours. Forever. Just love them already. Life is too damn short to hate your boobs.

This post was republished with permission from onlinelivingblog

How to Make Money from Your Blog: Your Ultimate Guide

If you just recently began blogging, this article could be for you. Blogging is seen nowadays like means of gaining the additional income. If you are lucky, however, you could have a source of revenue which could support you for a life. 

Can you make a decent income online?

Yes, absolutely.  At the very least, a high five-figure annual income is certainly an attainable goal for an individual working full-time from home.  I’m making a healthy income from londonclicks.com.  If you have a day job, it will take longer to generate a livable income, but it can still be done part-time if you’re willing to devote a lot of your spare time to it.  I’ve always done it full-time.

Making money from internet is not really that harder that you are thinking. But you have to know the right way to go ahead and step in. So now let me show you how to make money you can make money from your blog!

There are different ways for monetizing the blog and choosing the ones that meet your objectives to make out the cash. You should choose the right option for your blog.

Advertising Programs is most popular Method

Perhaps the most obvious changes in the past few months have been with the addition of a variety of viable advertising options for bloggers looking to make money from their blogs. The most common way bloggers seem to earn money online is via the contextual ad program from Google – Adsense (We will discuss this below). A more recent addition that many are using successfully are Chitika.

Google Adsense is the Best and Easy way to Make Money

What is Adsense?

AdSense (Google AdSense) is an advertising placement service by Google. The program is designed for website publishers who want to display targeted text, video or image advertisements on website pages and earn money when site visitors view or click the ads.

Google AdSense is capable of displaying advertisements from numerous topics or niches, doesn’t matter what your website is about, there must be somebody already advertising something which would be related to your traffic, even if it isn’t as profitable as certain other topics. When you are using this form of monetization, the advertisements that show up on your website can take various forms ranging from textual links, images, banners etc. 

If You want to make money with google adsense then you should learn How to apply to adsense and How to get approved by adsense program.

Affiliate Marketing

It is the process of product linking from your website such that when a visitor clicks it and buy it, you get some commission over it. This is applicable to nearly anything from actual products, membership sites, software, courses, downloads, and lots more. You need to sign up for the affiliate program of the product and then you may start making money by redirecting your traffic to that website to make some purchase. The most famous example of affiliate marketing website is the Amazon. There are larger affiliate programs like Amazon, Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction but also literally thousands of others from the large to the very small.

Selling Advertisement Space

As an alternate to showing products links or advertisements which will make money for you when the readers click and buy something, you may also sell ad space on a flat rate regardless of the amount of clicks they get. This kind of monetization is more predictable compared to the Google AdSense and affiliate marketing as you normally get a lump sum before an ad goes live. But this also means that you aren’t going to earn large amount in case your content gets a lot of traffic and clicking rate goes up; even though this may help you in negotiating a good rate for your next ad space. There are many adsense alternatives too.

Sponsored Posts

Depending on your blog topic, it may be a good idea to offer a sponsored post. This option lets you take a fee for post publishing, normally a review of a service or product on your website. The amount of money you would charge depends on the traffic, and you can enhance this income by incorporating an affiliate link to this post so that you may earn a commission. Normally technology and travel niche blogs are targeted by those having products for marketing. Depending how well known your website it, it may get you a free or cheap trip to some resort or a new gadget’s review copy.

You’re out there blogging with Google Blogger or some other host, bringing many sets of eyes to your Web site. Where’s the harm in making a little money for your efforts? The Web is full of ways to make your blog pay.

Why Etihad Airways enjoys flying in the cloud.

Successful business growth puts a strain on your contact centres. Our video shows how Etihad Airways overcame the issue using a hosted cloud-based solution.
Flying higher than ever.

Etihad Airways has quickly established itself as one of the world’s leading airlines. It has grown from serving 50 destinations to 116 — working with guests in 16 languages across 68 countries. However, such success brings its own challenges. For instance, how does the airline maintain the high quality service it prides itself on as it continues to attract new passengers?

This task faced Project Manager Alex Holcroft when he took on the job of transforming Etihad Airways’ three contact centres in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Manchester. The airline views its contact centres as its most important opportunity to create a lasting first impression — wanting every customer interaction to be of the highest quality.

Keeping contact in the cloud.

“The challenge was that those legacy contact centres were run as individual sites”, says Alex. “There was no sense of a single contact centre servicing the entire Etihad Airways business.” That’s why the airline decided to bring them together as one virtual entity on the BT Cloud  Cisco platform.
Using a hosted, cloud-based contact centre allowed Etihad Airways to centralise its resources and exploit economies of scale. The platform integrated all inbound calls into a single queue, helping agents to work more productively.

“We’re able to use our 600 multi-lingual agents around the centres much more effectively”, says Ruth Berkin, Head of Global Contact Centres. “We’ve already started to see a ten per cent increase in their efficiency.

Driving the digital guest experience.

The transformation of Etihad Airways’ contact centres creates an opportunity to better meet the needs of the organisation’s customers. “When the call comes in, precision queuing routes that guest to exactly the right agent”, says Ruth. “They may be in Manchester or they may be in the UAE.”

The change has even allowed the airline to improve its already-high levels of service. With new tools giving agents more control over their day-to-day work, the contact centres have increased the speed of their call responses by almost a third.

And this approach helped guest numbers reach a record of 15 million during 2015. “Etihad Airways is re-imagining the digital guest experience”, says Robert Webb, the airline’s Chief Information and Technology Officer. “In a fantastic partnership with BT and Cisco, we’re leveraging technology innovation — as well as each other’s strengths to improve guest orientation.”

How to Make money with ShareASale – affiliate marketing


What is affiliate marketing?

We looked at Escalate previously and I described them as an advertising network.  You can certainly earn some money this way and many of you already have done.  But today we will look at signing up with ShareASale which is different – I would describe them as an affiliate network.

Escalate features banner adverts which you display and can be paid for in a number of ways, primarily Pay per Click and Pay per Conversion – email sign ups.  The advertisers aren’t necessarily selling anything.  You might try out several adverts to see what you readers are interested in, and perhaps change these out frequently as new offers are published.  These tend to be more temporary in nature.

But ShareASale adverts primarily promote online stores where you will be paid a generous commission for any sales referred by your site.  I’ve seen commissions of up to 80% but more typically they will be around 10-30%. These referrals can be by way of a display banner advert in your sidebar, but can also be by text links, sponsored posts, product reviews and social media – and more.

A sidebar banner can still work, and bring you sales if targeted correctly.   The really big earnings from Affiliate Sales comes from careful targeting of your merchants to your readers interests, along with personal recommendation and promotion which encourages your readers to BUY.  If done correctly, affiliate marketing can be a big earner.  But if there are no sales – you earn nothing.

Make Money with ShareASale

Take a look at this first video where I’ll talk you through:
  • signing up at ShareASale
  • how to find and select the best vendors to work with
  • how to pick relevant products to feature
  • looking at vendor stats, commission rates and agreements
  • and applying for their programs.
Do go over to ShareASale and sign up if you haven’t already done so.  By the way, this is an affiliate link, so I’ll get $1 if you sign up with them, place an advert and generate a click on your advert.  I hope you don’t mind! A girl has to buy blogging fuel in the way of strong coffee…

And in response to a Reader’s Question about ShareASale, take a look at my suggested list of vendors that might be worth signing up with – large and small.  Some of them even offer freebies for their affiliates or auto-approval.

Adding banners, making recommendations and Deep Linking

Affiliate marketing may be more direct and personal to your readers than the advertising banners we have added before.  As an affiliate, you are only paid on SALES, so you may chose to take a more active approach in promoting your offers.  By offering your readers real value, you will receive value in return.
Your readers value your opinions, trust your content and want to hear more about what you have to say.  If you have a company or product you love – tell them about it, recommend it.  But don’t lose the trust of your readers. Recommend only products you have used or would use yourself.  You should never jeopardize the long-term standing of your site and reputation in the hope of making a quick buck.
Be genuine.

If you are already used to advertising banners and have recently been adding in banners from Escalate, then adding your affiliate links will be easy.  Your probably even already know how to do it.  But I will still review adding in a banner to your sidebar and post in case this is your first time.

Most affiliate sales come from ‘Deep Linking‘.  That is where you recommend and link to a particular product or range of products.  So rather than direct your banner to the front page and leave your reader to do all of the work, I will show you how to set up your own custom affiliate link to any page or product for the best possible sales results.
In this second video, how to:
  • add a banner to your side bar
  • add a banner to your post
  • add a more subtle text link
  • create a custom link to products or pages – essential for the best sales.  This is known as Deep Linking.

Reporting on your clicks, sales and commissions

So how did you do – did anyone click?  Did you make any sales?  The ShareASale reporting system is easy. 

You should now be up and running with ShareASale and know how to apply for programs, place your adverts, promote products with Deep Linking, and then report on your results.  If you have any questions – do let me know. I’m happy to help.

Is sex before marriage okay if you love each other?

Bible definitely condemns it
No, sex before marriage is sinful even if you love each other. Being in love doesn't alter the reality that the sexual act is outside of marriage--marriage being the ceremonial union of a man and woman in matrimony. Sex outside of marriage is called fornication, and the Bible definitely condemns it.
  • Matt. 15:19-20, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. 20 These are the things which defile the man."
  • Acts 15:29, " . . . that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well."
  • 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
  • Heb. 13:4, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge."
So, very clearly fornication is condemned in Scripture, and there is no provision for it being acceptable just because someone loves another person. Besides if this couple is so much in love, then why don't they carry out what true love is and marry each other? True love is when you put another person first--not when you take something from them. When a man and woman engage in fornication, they declare that such love for the other person is more self-centered rather than other-centered.

What is permissible in the bedroom?

Anything is permitted in the bedroom provided it is by mutual consent, does not violate Scripture, and is between a husband and wife. Therefore, fornication, bestiality, adultery, pornography, voyeurism, sodomy, etc., are not permissible. Oral Sex is permissible as is fondling, caressing, and mutual stimulation. Of course, all of this is intended for the married couple: husband and wife.
What about different sexual positions? Again, as long as it is by mutual consent, does not violate Scripture, and is between a husband and wife, then go for it and have fun.

Indian girls have sex before marriage: Yes They Love it


Yes. Many Indian women have sex before marriage. Its perceived that the women from the biggest middle class in the world are very conservative and don't engage  in premarital sex before marriage. Its rubbish perception to say the least. 
The Indian society do have values and morals, but the rich and upper class don't follow the traditional morals, and poor people don't have any necessity for that. These morals are mainly followed by the middle class because of the social pressure, and traditionally young women do take this burden, but it doesn't mean that all of them follow it rigorously. You will also find that premarital sex is widely prevalent in rural areas than urban. And urban areas do see a lot of premarital sex. So you can do the calculations.

Not all Indian Girls do Sex Before marriage.

yah its a confusing question.

Some Indian Crazy Girls Have sex Before Their Marriage

How about I just say that some do and some do not.
To know, you have to look at the society from within, not from outside, from hearsay. I have personally known many a friends and witnessed many relationships where  couples engaged in sex before marriage. So, to answer it simply, yes Indian women do engage in sex before marriage.
Sex is a simple chemistry, a natural instinct and simply the burden of morality won't stop it from happening in any society.

a woman's virginity has been her prized possession

From time immemorial a woman's virginity has been her prized possession. Throughout history one will read about cultures across the world placing a high value on a a woman's virginity. But times are changing and for an increasing number of young men and women, sexis no longer the kind of taboo that it earlier used to be. And much to our older generation's charging, pre-marital sex is a definite reality of our times.
In fact, these days, couples who are in a relationship have no qualms about getting sexually intimate with each other even though there may be no guarantee that the relationship will culminate into marriage. However, when it does come to the question of marriage, especially in the case of arranged marriages, a woman with a sexually active history still raises eyebrows and sets tongues wagging. What then is the big deal about virginity and how does this kind of a mentality hamper the lives of numerous women?

How do I know that my bride or girlfriend is a virgin?

According to Dr Mahindra Vatsa, gynaecologist and sex counsellor, this kind of mentality is largely because our traditional values are still strongly embedded in us. "One of the most common questions I get, till date, is 'How do I know that my bride or girlfriend is a virgin?' The only answer that I have to such questions is that there is no way to know," says Dr Watsa. According to him, it's just the man's and his family's inflated ego that results in such unrealistic demands. How then, does our traditional culture not hamper couples from engaging in pre-marital sex? "Once a couple is engaged, it's like a license for marriage so they feel they can do anything," he opines.
"It's actually not such a big deal. However, I still get men who complain to me saying that the wife did not bleed on the first night and hence, they suspect that she's not a virgin. The truth is that the presence of the hymen which ruptures (resulting in the bleeding) is not a sure shot sign of virginity. Some women are born without it, there there are those for whom it is so elastic that it never ruptures while for some it is so fragile that a slightly intense activity may have ruptured it without them even realising it. It is just not possible to access whether a girl is a virgin or not by just examining her except if she's been through a pregnancy or if she admits to having sexual intercourse," says sexologist Dr Rajan Bhonsle.
He goes on to add that in a relationship, if a couple is to make it work successfully, it is more important for the couple to worry about virtues like trust and honesty. "If a woman admits to a sexually active past, it shouldn't be held against her. The very fact that she's even admitting it, even though she could have very well hidden it, means that she is honest and that's all that should matter," he says.
For some men, however, especially those raised in very orthodox families or old-fashioned joint families, it's the family members who tend to influence their decision. "In many of these families, something like falling in love or sex before marriage equates to the girl being bold. Their reasons, hence, for rejecting such girls is that post-marriage, too, the girl will continue with the same behaviour," Dr Bhonsle explains.

Actress Sophie Choudry opinion about "Sex Before Marriage"

Commenting on the issue, actress Sophie Choudry opines, "Most people in Mumbai and other metropolitan cities do not expect their partners to be virgins anymore because India has gone through a dramatic change in the past 10 years. India is no longer the closed society it was. The modern young Indian woman is working, independent and makes her own choices in life. It's a change the Indian man has had to adapt to. Nonetheless, we cannot ignore that there is tremendous pressure on girls from smaller cities and more conservative families and virginity does still play a major factor when it comes to their marriage."
An intact hymen is not a sure sign of virginity.
A woman's hymen can be ruptured by non-sexual activities like intense sports, dancing, sitting astride on two wheelers, etc.
It is not necessary for a virgin to bleed the first time she has sex. In fact, is one goes by the statistics, only 42 per cent of women do so.
With the current advances in medical technology, a plastic surgeon can quite easily reconstruct a layer of tissue to resemble the hymen (the procedure is called Hymenoplasty).
Remember, virginity and chastity are not the only measures to base a happy marriage on, honesty and trust are far more important traits that both partners should possess.

5 women you should always avoid

Make sure you avoid women of these sorts, to stay out of trouble. We tell you why

Your ex-girlfriend

It's best not to revisit a past relationship if things did not end well. Primarily because, you two were incompatible and had some serious issues, which would still be a bone of contention, if you were to get together. It's easy to fancy an ex in a moment of weakness, especially when you are lonely, and you may choose to forget the reason why you broke up and jump back in the relationship, only to regret it.

Your best friend's sister

Avoid getting involved with your best bud's sister. Not only will it destroy your friendship with your closest pal, if things don't work out, you are also likely to be at risk of being punched in the face for hurting his little sister. Also, you can forget about crying on his shoulder when things are not going great between you and his sister, as there's a direct conflict of interest here, and he may not always choose your side.

Women who are bad news

You know that dating her can be fun, but it will get you into a lot of trouble. Always remember it's best to be safe than sorry. Do not give into temptation or you will rue your decision for the rest of your life.

The high-maintenance gold digger

Stay away from her, unless you want savings to be wiped clear like your bank account. Not only will she expect you to splurge on her every whim, but will also pick faults with you and blame you for spending too much time at the office, ignoring the fact that you are working hard so that you two can live a comfortable life. It won't end there, her "good friends" will encourage her to take you to the cleaners when she wants to get out of the relationship, as she is tired of it.

Your friend's ex

If you value your friendship with your best pal, avoid dating his ex. Word will go around your circle of friends and it will do no good for your reputation. Besides, it could strain your relationship, if he has not moved on and will make things awkward whenever all of you decide to socialise with common friends.

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Sex Essentials for Teens: Important Things Teens Should Know About Sex

 The Most Important Things Teens Should Know About Sex

 The Most Important Things Teens Should Know About Sex

For teens, the mere thought of sex can be overwhelming. There is so much to think about, so much to worry about, and so much that can go wrong. Whether you are sexually active or not, knowing the facts about what sex is, and what it is not, is very important.

Sex is...

  • both physical and emmotional in nature
  • risky; you can get pregnant, catch a sexually transmitted infection, have your heart broken or your ego bruised, or feel let down and disappointed when it is over
  • a milestone; you only get one chance to lose your virginity
  • sensitive; be sure that the timing is right for you and your partner
  • not to be taken lightly or treated as recreation
  • best when it is a personal expression of caring between two people
  • messy and full of strange, sometimes embarassing noise

Sex is NOT...

  • a way to make somebody love you or make a commitment to you
  • a test of your love for your partner
  • a measure of how mature or grown up you are
  • a good way to get back at your parents or assert your independence
  • a leisure activity
  • always fun or enjoyable, sometimes you will wonder if it was really worth it
Remember, when you have sex for the wrong reasons you hurt yourself!

Being Sexually Active

If you are sexually active there are some important things you should know about the sex act itself. There is so much more to think about than whether or not you are doing it right but this is the thing people tend to worry about the most. Rest assured that there really is no right or wrong way to have sex.

When it comes to se one thing that people should think about but rarely do is the law.
There are age of consent laws surrounding how old you have to be in order to have sex and what constitutes consensual sex. There are even laws about the kind of sex acts you can engage in.

Must Know Facts About Sex

Unless you want to get pregnant, and you shouldn't want this if you are a teen, birth control is a must.

The only protection against STIs for sexually active people is a barrier method like a condom. This is a safe sex must even if you are using something else for birth control.
Oral sex is still sex and some STIs, including HIV and AIDS, can be transmitted orally. A barrier method, like a condom or dental dam, must be used for this type of sex as well.
If your partner is under the age of consent, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, pressured or threatened in any way, or asks you to stop at any point, you CAN NOT legally engage in sex. Any or all of these scenarios could result in your being charged with rape.
You can get pregnant or catch an STI the very first time you have sex, even if you use protection. It is always a risk.

Birth control and STI protection must be used properly to be effective. Missed pills and doubled up condoms are the most common misuse of birth control and can result in pregnancy or STI transmission.

There is no right or wrong way to have intercourse but if it hurts, or if it doesn't feel right emmotionally, you should stop right away.

The Sex Checklist

If you are going to have sex you must have:
  • a willing partner who is legally able to consent to sex
  • effective and properly used birth control
  • STI protection, a male or female condom
  • realistic expectations about what having sex will mean for you
  • a safe place to engage in sex
  • the maturity to understand that sex has emotional and physical consequences
  • respect and trust between you and your partner
The Most Important Things Teens Should Know About Sex For teens, the mere thought of sex can be overwhelming. There is so much to think about, so much to worry about, and so much that can go wrong. Whether you are sexually active or not, knowing the facts about what sex is, and what it is not, is very important.

Sex is...

  • both physical and emmotional in nature
  • risky; you can get pregnant, catch a sexually transmitted infection, have your heart broken or your ego bruised, or feel let down and disappointed when it is over
  • a milestone; you only get one chance to lose your virginity
  • sensitive; be sure that the timing is right for you and your partner
  • not to be taken lightly or treated as recreation
  • best when it is a personal expression of caring between two people
  • messy and full of strange, sometimes embarassing noise

Sex is NOT...

  • a way to make somebody love you or make a commitment to you
  • a test of your love for your partner
  • a measure of how mature or grown up you are
  • a good way to get back at your parents or assert your independence
  • a leisure activity
  • always fun or enjoyable, sometimes you will wonder if it was really worth it
Remember, when you have sex for the wrong reasons you hurt yourself!

Being Sexually Active

If you are sexually active there are some important things you should know about the sex act itself. There is so much more to think about than whether or not you are doing it right but this is the thing people tend to worry about the most. Rest assured that there really is no right or wrong way to have sex.

When it comes to see one thing that people should think about but rarely do is the law. There are age of consent laws surrounding how old you have to be in order to have sex and what constitutes consensual sex. There are even laws about the kind of sex acts you can engage in.

Must Know Facts About Sex

Unless you want to get pregnant, and you shouldn't want this if you are a teen, birth control is a must.

The only protection against STIs for sexually active people is a barrier method like a condom. This is a safe sex must even if you are using something else for birth control.
Oral sex is still sex and some STIs, including HIV and AIDS, can be transmitted orally. A barrier method, like a condom or dental dam, must be used for this type of sex as well.
If your partner is under the age of consent, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, pressured or threatened in any way, or asks you to stop at any point, you CAN NOT legally engage in sex. Any or all of these scenarios could result in your being charged with rape.
You can get pregnant or catch an STI the very first time you have sex, even if you use protection. It is always a risk.

Birth control and STI protection must be used properly to be effective. Missed pills and doubled up condoms are the most common misuse of birth control and can result in pregnancy or STI transmission.

There is no right or wrong way to have intercourse but if it hurts, or if it doesn't feel right emmotionally, you should stop right away.

The Sex Checklist

If you are going to have sex you must have:
  • a willing partner who is legally able to consent to sex
  • effective and properly used birth control
  • STI protection, a male or female condom
  • realistic expectations about what having sex will mean for you
  • a safe place to engage in sex
  • the maturity to understand that sex has emotional and physical consequences
  • respect and trust between you and your partner

Amazing Free Online Games For Young Girls


Free Online flash games For girls

A lot of online free games for girls or teenagers are available in the internet. Online gamers include the revolutionary breed of gamers. They find plenty of games about the network connecting everyone namely the internet. They help to make lists of favourite games. Chances are they'll download them then that they play. They learn and understand a lot better than the conventional methods.

That they repeat what they discovered. This variety of gamers would be the kids on this current world of technology along with computers. While thinking of games what relates to our minds?? Those card games with the past, games like monopoly, for case in point. Let me tell you something there're the past. The present and the future will depend on the flash games played online by most of the kids nowadays. The making of these games is usually a tough job but following sport is ready it is a better way of recreation to the young generation. A large amount of sites offer a variety of such games online as well as simple play or down load for additionally use. It is a misconception that games are simply played by the kids. Although girls also play these video gaming. But it's true that most of the girls enjoying playing the identical kind of games. The most important thing although discussing the likes and dislikes of girls in games would be the fantasy involved in games. Whether it be a movie, a comic book or possibly a game; fantasy would be the word that will connects girls to these causes of recreation. Every one folks recognizes the popularity on the toy named Barbie among girls involving different age ranges worldwide. It wouldn't be wrong to state that fantasy’s of its popularity.

The same law is applied while speaking about flash games. Girls like to outfit upwards or make over such dolls along with these games provide opportunity to accomplish this in a much less complicated way. There are websites that helps the girls to shape their fantastic creations that they wish. These games are totally different from the outdated as well as complex colouring books. The dolls in the video gaming live their lives as well as perform all activities that look like real of course guided through the girls playing the sport. It seems real because of the graphics involved. These games are adjustable dimensional many steps prior to traditional games that were mainly single dimensional. The girls become the player or the type and pass through the various levels predetermined. The ladies enjoy participating in these games and gain more chances to get before the basics as well as gain much additional. The girls involve themselves within the particular relations, choices and strategies incorporated inside the games. The girls will not be generally considering winning or even losing. But it is the particular relationships involved that attracts them to play far more every time they shed. Girls will vary through the boys. Where boys are regarded profitable or collecting most points is actually what matters the most whereas comes to the girls it is sort of opposite. You could never see a girl fighting for items. Girls play for exciting and it’s this that matters.

Free Computer Games For Teenagers

One of essentially the most captivating games for women of all ages, which are now available on the stores, is the particular Nancy Received Captive Problem game for both COMPUTER and Mac. The success of any game is an excellent storyline, one which can right away engross the imagination in addition to the attention of the gamers, in such cases the young girls. The Captive Curse opens that has a story which says about an unspeakable horror, a monstrous animal that terrorizes the particular German forest surrounding Castle Finster. When the monster claims a victim, the product disappears. The locals say that every time this monstrous person reappears; it evidently implies that it's the turn of another man or women of all ages. The player has in order to assume the role of any teen detective as well as unlock the thrilling mysteries of the creature to see the facts behind the truth in addition to the myth.

The details are absolutely stunning in addition to the Bavarian castle and the regions are so beautifully captured the imagination on the young mind playing the activity is instantly captivated. The sport has become critically acclaimed possesses become hugely popular among girls.

The Power puff Young ladies Game:

Saving the World ahead of Sleeping is another well-known role-playing games that deserves mention because of the immense popularity they are also. Designed for girls in excess of 8 years age, this game which can possibly be played by 2 a number of players involves role paying out and strategy with a little bit of luck mixed which allows even the weaker while using the players to win from periods.

Online developers realized girls has to be great target for on-line thumb games. Building about the popularity of games as well as paper dolls and dress-up, online flash games that allow girls to enhance dolls and characters became very popular.

What type of online flash games for girls are there?

There are many genres of flash games for women that are quite well-known. These include:

- Adventure- Adventure games for girls include games such as horseback racing or aiding the Jonas Brothers escape in the paparazzi.

- Cooking- Cooking games for girls in the online thumb atmosphere allow girls in order to bake cakes, help to produce pizza, bake lasagne, or help to make smoothes, just to identify several. In one on the more popular online thumb games, girls can produce and decorate a marriage wedding cake.

- Dress Up- Spice up games for women give each girl a 3D "doll" and a wide-ranging wardrobe with everything from handbags, shoes and wigs in order to denims and ball dresses. Girls can decorate celebrities including Victoria The legal or even Michelle Obama. The newest craze among young ladies in these online arcade games should be to dress up male megastars including Justin Bibber or even Chance Crawford.

-- Exciting or General- In amusing or general games, girls are able to do activities like run your pet salon or spin pockets. They can host a sleep party or consider quizzes.

- Makeover Games- Remodel games allow girls to offer their famous celebrity an entire makeover. Girls pick up celebs like Angelina Jolie, Ellie Kardashian, Bayonne, or possibly Selena Gomez. The girls are permitted to test out different hairstyles and colours on their favourite celebrity or video celeb.

Online kissing games are becoming the biggest trend for young ladies. Girls get to experience what kissing a common crush would be like within a virtual environment. Because these are definitely single player games, parents can be reassured that their girls are safe given that they play.

Girls have constantly enjoyed playing decorate as well as paper dolls. Online games for girlss give girls the possibility to play these games within a world that is limited only by their curiosity.

Find the top Spice up Games For Young gals

Virtual is this news word today, with almost everything adopting a virtual way. Through emails to electronic malls, in addition in order to from virtual education in order to digital games, all have grown to be increasingly popular. The Internet would be the technological innovation that has made our lives less of a challenge. You can access almost everything under sun within the very comfort at home. Some people argue whether virtual games provide the same sense of excitement as experienced inside the real games or not really. The most famous electronic games for area would be the dress up video games or fashion games. Though all girls are very much fond of dolls, today's girls are far more excited about virtual dolls. Using a personal computer and a reasonably fast net connection, your girl child would have the ability to access hundreds of sport sites offering online enhance games. All these flash games provide a typical theme including Barbie birthday party sport, a fashion show, or getting ready with plenty of accessories and clothes from which to choose. Your little girl just must click her favourite outfits, gadgets, and hairstyles etc. and her doll can be ready in a jiffy. This would also save the expense of investing in different dolls and variety of outfits.

Is These Online Dress up Games Good for My Kid?

This question can have come across your mind often times when you watch your hardly any angel play make-believe games when using the virtual dolls. The obvious answer is based on your daughter's eyes which you could easily see enormous enjoyment and achievement when she's involved in dressing upward her virtual Barbie for the party. These virtual dresses up games for girls would help them to see their artistic sense by means of inter modifying different colourings, designs and varieties of costumes and accessories. They can thus get busy forever exploring endless doll dressing options on the internet. Who knows, playing these games in the childhood may instigate these individuals undertake a fashion building career sometime soon! And these games are definitely a lot better than the games involving creatures, fire guns and blood vessels, right?

Kinds of Online Dress up Games for Teenagers

There are many websites online that include hundreds of online gaining a costume and fashion games for young ladies. You can choose from Barbie or perhaps Bratz games, makeover games, star fun games, enhance rooms, little one relaxing games, animals dress in excess games, getting dress up regarding wedding or prom, princess and fairy games many such exciting as well as creative decorate games for women.

Playing virtual games helps the limited one to explore difficult options and events that they can may have only imagined within their fantasies. With the assist involving virtual games, they could not only spend some exciting time and also enliven their imagination as real time appearance. So, help your daughter find the fun dress up games involving her choice and allow the girl explore her latent talents along with imagination skills.

The Varieties of Dress Up Games for Teenagers

Playing dress up games for women could be very fun as well as tiring specifically the moms and dads whose young daughters and nieces have such a wide imagination that they cannot even stop to rest their own play. They even have the ability to find different variations to the dress me up games for women likely playing. If you are feeling that you've been left behind, do not really worry.

This type of outfit me up game for girls (and also boys) can be a huge favourite because of the success of anime and also the way people actually exert so much effort as a way to look like if not exactly the same as their favourite cartoons persona. It is quite adorable to check out the young girls decorate and placed on plenty of make up as a way to play and get directly into persona. Another type of decorate games for women would be the dress up like the best celebrity. A lot of girls today are hooked to TV shows that they like as well as occasionally they imitate the celebrities that they can see on the monitor. Other styles of decorate games for women are decorate like your preferred cartoon character or even film character. The types of outfit me up games for girlss are endless. All it takes is many imagination and creativity as a way to have a thrilling time period.

Why Dress Up Games For girls Are a thrilling time period

Dress up games for women can be considered as one of the most played games wherever on earth. There can be simply no young girl who did not once in her living played decorate with her older sister or perhaps friends. Dress up games for girls are a sort of game that is equally instructional and exciting to the kids because they are able to make use of the clothes of these parents and older siblings occasionally.

This game is considered fun because you'll be able to see the delight about the faces with the children that are playing. For some reason these people find absolute joy in gaining a costume as another person and doing identical actions for the reason that person they are trying to follow.

Another reason why the video gamings are fun is because you're able to watch your child turn out to be someone different while she's at play. She gets to explore all the jobs that she can perform and realize her potentials along with talents.

When playing outfit upwards games, the children have the ability to behave and sing and dance with their heart's delight which you'll find surprisingly fun and entertaining on your own. One more reason why playing decorate games for women is entertaining is given it is an alternative approach to bond with your little ones.

In case your child really wants to play decorate as a person, it would be an alternate way to relate with her when you help her select several clothes of yours which you think she can do. Dress up games for young ladies is fun especially if you're able to play with your child and operate the play time as ones bonding moment with the woman's.

The Attributes of Playing Spice up Games For girls

Mind you, if you think that actively playing is something childish and does not in the slightest help your children develop approximately be better persons, think all over yet again. Playing dress up games for girls in fact has a number of advantages which you is probably not aware of because you cannot really provide them achievable much notice firstly.

For one, when playing decorates games for women, children figure out the best way to be creative and have got passion for stuff there're currently doing. When participating in decorate all sorts of ideas bursts forth in the heads of the children given that they try to copy the characters they are often portraying.

Since they have got minimal resources, they try and make perform with whatever it is they've on hand. Another benefit of playing decorates games for women are that you ought not to buy so many devices, hence, you get to save additional money for family members. Because the children rely exclusively on their imagination and utilize the particular resources and clothes that they've accessible, they are able divert their own attention from buying expensive gadgets that they can will outgrow sometime soon.

Another advantage of playing is that one could to bond with your young ones since you help these individuals discover whatever hidden talent or potential it can be that they may have got. These are just some of the many advantages of playing decorate games for women with your young versions. It is something which is worthwhile sharing with them while there're still young in order that they have something to look time for whenever they grow up

Top 3 Free Online Cooking Games For girls

You want your young girl to enjoy the exciting, learn things, in a balanced wholesome way, and since lots of their time these days is spent with some electronic media, especially the online world of the internet, finding the best ones is right readily available and has never been less of a challenge.

Recent surveys show that girls like the cooking video games, animal games, dress-up games, and in line while using the survey, their most favourite is actually cooking games. What better way on your girl to enjoy the fun and learn about cooking and how to become a good little tool around your kitchen compared to with free online kitchen games?

Girlsgogames shows Prepare having Sandy- Cake Formulas, and Papa's Taco Mia among their hottest. Ecooking has lots of popular simple play cooking games for many ages, including Chicken Salad, King Ranch Casserole as well as Flower Cake among the hottest games. All can be obtained to help play totally free, online, no subscriptions, simply no required downloads.

Among these types of sites, there are some that look like the most popular. Those add some cooking games that girls favour and enjoy a lot. There are three that be noticed:

Cookie Sandwich (girlsgames4u) In Bag of chips Sandwich, players get to enhance a cookie sandwich by any means they would like, given the big selection of different options, distinct cookies, different filling, and various toppings.

Papa's Taco Mia (girlsgogames) Using a cute soundtrack and a photo slide introduction, the game starts off with easy to follow recommendations, and then players follow a very nice tutorial to learn the steps to check out orders and prepare tacos, teaching the crooks to read ingredients and follow instructions in steps equally in a recipe e-book. As the game moves on the tacos transform as well as vary in ingredients along with complexity.

King Ranch Casserole (Ecooking) Using a soft musical background, this game will take your youngster in depth through an actual recipes of any tasty casserole. The instructions are simple follow and also the game is quite engaging.

Each of these sites is usually bursting with engaging and fun games off types. There is other site that includes some really cool ideas, too. There are the kinds that are included with the purchase of a huggable lovely toy creature, like Webkinz with a lovely bunch of games and also cooking games.

Webkinz' Pizzas Palace resembles Papa's Taco Mia. Gamer’s aid Berry's Pizza Company grows, by removing customer orders then creating the chicken wings and baking them inside the oven. With a fun accordion tune playing inside the background, players continue for taking orders and advance through the time-management game, making upgrades towards the equipment as the amounts climb. You win Kin cash you can use to buy things for your Webkinz pet, including ovens and mixers to provide food items for your pet.

Makeover Games For Fashion Girls That you

If you will be the fashion lover, you need to feel bored about yourself wearing identical look daily. Girls always think enjoy it becomes great if I'm able to only make some minor changes to aid myself. But this is somehow impossible. That's why I'm promoting the free online remodelling games to girls which you! While playing these exciting lady games, you can enjoy totally different looks everyday and you may want to copy these great looks with your daily life! Seriously!

Usually we wish to start the makeover in the top, yeah, that's LOCKS! You want to a bob cut, undoes, log onto or braids? You can are the hair stylist! Just click on the hairstyle you enjoy and try it out on ones model. Or maybe follow the recommendations as well as finish a hairdo. When you'd like some DIY, here would be the sport for you - Hairstyle Formation. Use the particular given fringe, limited head of hair, long hair and braid to provide up into different hairstyles. Then choose suitable headwear and clothes to finish the whole look. Sense good about another hairdo? Let's go on to NAILS!

A girl like you'll never allow minor details to ruin the entire look. Perfect nails will assist you to be seemed flawless. You can click to put on different beautiful nail paints or take advantage of your imagination to create unusual nail art! This Cool Nail Art game is the most popular one. Enjoy!

I'm sure you'll find so many inspirations from these makeover games for girls. Transforming these brilliant ideas providing you with, and you will become far more exquisite and attractive!

Fashion Game titles: Perfect for Girls

You can perform many things and think for several ideas with fashion decorate games for women. It is perfect for young girls who wish to play and learn about vogue.

Barbie fashion games are among the top favourites on the subject of fashion games. Young girls who still attend Barbie will surely enjoy such a game because they can perform wide range of things here. The best portion of the game is they may offer their own clothing design just after getting materials needed and drawing this is actually the plan. Always keep in mind that if you are letting young girls play this manner game, remind them to get cautious in using scissors or better in the event you assist them when participating in. Young child mustn't be permitted to handle sharp things for accidents can occur.

You can also have the Barbie fashion game allowing young girls to discover the best outfit for the Barbie. This game can be completed by dressing the particular Barbie dolls throughout as well as choosing the clothes that could fit well for the particular dolls. Accessories are also included and likewise they can choose what they wish to use with their dolls. These kinds of game are fitted to young girls who dreams of entering fashion world in the future. This will enhance their imagination and capacity to make good design on the subject of fashion.

Older girls can enjoy playing this game by gaining a costume dolls that look the same as their most admired famous people. They can search to the fashion pattern or vogue dress worn by a common celebrity through the net or they are able to buy fashion magazines and apply it as a basis. You will make it more exciting and pleasurable by exhibiting them a dress and let them build a guess who designed these clothes. They should have the capacity to help familiarize themselves about different style in addition to the designer who made the item. This will help these individuals read more about vogue world. Use the latest mages and various models to produce it additional amusing.

You can use many publications and surf the internet to watch out for great dress up fashion video gaming. Search for numerous sites to see something that can provides you with the top games and concepts for vogue. You can easily see thousands of the games in the internet having many great ideas for women, there are many available games for girls with different ages that can them learn more on the subject of fashion. This fashion dress up game is probably the best training grounds for children who want to become a great designer someday because this will likely engage them in fashion young and it's also beneficial to girls who only want to play as it will boost their curiosity. Girls will surely spend playtime using this fashion games. If you are hosting youngster's party then this game will make them excited and they will all love it. You do not have to buy expensive materials and it won't cost you major amounts.

Play Free Online Kissing Games for Little ones

Loves, romance as well as madness, all go in hand and although some would deny it outright, many of us crave for love and want a little bit of it in our lives in a few forms or the other. And any romantic journey must somewhere add a soft little kiss or possibly a slick peck about the cheek as a kiss is probably the most beautiful and sweetest strategies to expressing love and feelings to aid one's beloved. Many love stories start with a kiss and culminate in a relationship of a life time. It is indeed among the purest ways of the particular manifestation of love as an alternative to only lovers but it is something doting mothers also supply a generous dose of with their tiny little wards.

In truth, people go to unimaginable extents on the lookout for love and to have the best bride or a bridegroom regarding them. They do insane products; do things which they would never have thought of otherwise. In this specific process, many go through excruciating pain and unbearable misery and several even become like kids - to get a bit of love as well as fill their lives ones magical spark of relationship.

While using arrival of online gaming, the multifaceted emotions are already rediscovered with a reconditioned fervour. Kids from different strolls of lifetime come on-line and make the electronic world the supreme destination for a give vent to the particular their suppressed desires. Really like, now features a overhauled and reinvented definition due to the online game, specifically women. And there are generally no cash payouts for guessing, that the hottest game included in this all are generally the kiss games.

Kissing games for girls along with kissing games for boys are of the very extremely sought after games on the online world. These kissing games online are steadily followed by free kissing games, kiss chemistry games as well as games in the very same collection. Although it is observed that girls are more with it, it wouldn't be correct to state that boys stay clear of it. Both girls and guys play these kissing games online with unbridled excitement as well as passion. They spend a number involving hours each week and devote sufficient time in it. One of the very extremely dominating reasons behind the popularity on the games is that they cannot drag on forever and tend to be crisp and fun packed. There're innovative and only a few would disagree, out on the pack.

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I know why you are visiting this page, I'm glad you are reading this. Just relax, I'll show you some hot, cute and Sexy Girls Photos and numbers to you. Before I give you all them, please do a Promise to me, You guys never disturb them if you really won't give them value, Keep your Personality to yourself and try to respect all girls. Yes I know, some one needs girls friends, someone wife, or a few maybe looking for this just for one night sex.

If you are here for only One time Sex, Please Read This Article, One Night Sex Girls In Bangladesh!!

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Each country have their own perspectives and values.And their people also likes them, So if we see in Asia, all Asian country people likes their own values and their own people than others culture and people. Bangladeshi beautiful girl wallpaper. Bangladeshi call girl photo. how to convince a tibetan girl to marry a Bangladeshi guy. any Bangladeshi film stars suffering Bangladeshi i girl wallpaper. pictures of Bangladeshi women breasts. beautiful Bangladeshi girls tubes. 

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In most cases, it is used as a personal journal entry to keep friends informed. The best home business opportunity is that which you start on your own.

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Bangladesh is an Asian country . The girls and  females of bangladesh are so sexy and hot . They are now involved with bangladeshi media section and many of them became celebrity . Bengali girls spoke bengali . India is near country of bangladesh . She belong to educated family and can understand the feelings of uneducated people and their problems. Desi Bangladeshi girls from Khulna are not only showing their beauties but they are really enjoying a party with their college fellows and It might be good for you to make a chance and visit them to start friendship session.
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Love and Friendship, these elements plays vital role in our life. Specially when some body is without aims and objective in life. And want to tell you about true friendship and real meaning of love and friendship dating. What do girls need most in their life ? Some will say to me stupid question, they need money most. I also agree with the answer. Tanzim is cute bangladeshi hotel girl. 

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She also need money. She says, ' i need as much money that i can make a house with them'. She can do every thing  for money. What do think does she? They are addicted to money and destination  to be rich.A rich man always have a beautiful wife or girl friend.

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Bangladeshi culture having some elements in his nature which are causing the beauty of Bangladeshi girls. This is a private Shadi Wedding Dance Mujra, in This youtube video a Call girl is dancing on the Old Famous Song Husan Mukhray To Laa kay naqab aa gaya, this song is sung by Madam Noor Jahan, the Call girl wearing black dress in this youtube video. Bangladeshi culture having some elements in his nature which are causing the beauty of Bangladeshi girls. Children as a market were generally not targeted until well into the nineteenth century. Mirpur is major city of Bangladesh where people are lovely and friendly speaking.   
They enjoy their self and give opportunity to others to have fun. These girls are friends each other and want to make more friends. Bangladeshi boys also likes shy full girls and those girls who know how to respect a boyfriend. Armed with that valuable information I was at least able to read the 'Dimsie' books in the Royal Library, the Swedish National Library, but it took over a year before I'd found my own copies of all those four books. There was undoubtedly some truth in these charges. Enid Blyton’s two series of books about St. Clare’s and Malory Towers follow extremely narrow plot patterns by means of pretty unimaginative prose. 

3 Things To Consider Before Sleeping With Boyfriend

Before you hop in the sack, check out what the latest research has to say about premarital sex.

It's no surprise that most people engage in premarital sex, but one new study found that even if we look at surveys going back for decades, we see the same prevalence of the behavior.

Very few people actually wait until marriage to have sex — less than 10%, according to Lawrence Finer, research director at the Guttmacher Institute. That's been going on since the 1950s, contrary to the common belief that couples were more chaste back then.
Also Read: A Quick and Dirty Dating Guide to Foreign Girls
Yes, it's normal to have sex before marriage, meaning that almost everyone does it. After all, there are few things more tempting than the urge to make love with the new guy you're falling madly in love with. But is it healthy?

As with all great questions, the answer is: it depends. Here are the factors that make this normal behavior either healthy — or not — for you and your relationship.

1. Age at first sexual experience

 A new study from the University of Texas at Austin suggests that individuals who have their first sexual experience later than average may have more satisfying romantic relationships in adulthood. According to the study, individuals who waited to have sex beyond age 19 reported less conflict, more enjoyment, and greater love and affection with their partners.
Why do some white girls like black guys?: Dating Secrets
The younger you are when you have sex for the first time the less likely you are to have stable relationships later in life. Because teenage relationships are inherently unstable (how can you know who you want to be with for the rest of your life at age 16?), most of them break up, often abruptly. The resulting trauma tends to be lasting because you are not yet as emotionally resilient as you will be as an adult.

The other risk with teenage sex is learning unhealthy patterns of relating. Due to the immaturity of partners at that age, it's likely that you will ride the emotional roller coaster up and down with the drama of being "on" one week and "off" the next. This creates highs and lows not unlike the ones associated with drug use. Because the brain is still forming as a teenager, you can cement an impression that this is "normal" for relationships, causing you to seek partners later in life with whom you re-create that instability. Sometimes that leads to a syndrome called Love Addiction.

Last, but not least, young people tend to be less informed about sexual health, resulting in teen pregnancies and the transmission of STDs. The bottom line is this: do your best to put off being sexual until at least age nineteen, for the best overall life and relationship outcomes. Regardless of the age at which you begin having sex, the next piece of advice will help you make better decisions about your sexual relationships.

2. How long you date your partner before having sex

 The longer you date before having sex, the more likely you will get to the stage of emotional commitment prior to being sexual. Studies show that the higher the level of commitment, the greater the overall relationship satisfaction. That finding is especially true for women.

Before you hop in the sack, check out what the latest research has to say about premarital sex.
Becoming sexual with a partner typically means that the choosing is over for her, and the chasing is over for him. Your bond is deeper and the choice is more real if you've taken the time to really know one another prior to sex.

The other issue is emotional insecurity. Sex-too-soon often causes women to feel insecure and men to steer away from the perception of neediness. She wakes up the next day believing they're in a relationship, while he may feel that he's still checking her out. The bottom line: putting off sex with a new partner — for weeks, if not months — helps you pave the way for a more loving experience.

3. Your choice of partner

 Postponing sex increases the likelihood of making a better choice of partner, and that is especially true for women. Studies show that women in particular, following sex, experience significant increases of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding. That is why you can choose a sexual partner thinking it is going to be "fun and games" but wake up the next day craving validation that you are in a relationship.

Because sexual bonding tends to cloud judgment, putting off sex gives you a better shot at remaining somewhat objective, and thus more capable of evaluating a potential partner. The whole point of dating and relating is to choose a good partner, someone to love and be loved by, with whom you share values and want the same outcomes in life.

Sex is a wonderful shared experience in a loving, committed relationship. To get to that experience, you may have to rein in your hormones, practice delayed gratification, and use your rational brain to make choices. But the reward may well be worth the wait!

Men prefer winters for sex than summers

A new survey has discovered that men are more sexually attracted to their partners, and consequently like to indulge in sexual activities more, in chilly winter months than in summer months. 

A must Read: Is Sex before Marriage Right if both Love each other?

For the study, which was conducted by sex toy company Lovehoney on 114 men, participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of some women in two sets of photos every three months over a year.

the Daily Star reported. One set showed only women's faces and the other showcased their slightly covered bodies The findings showed that men were attracted to women's faces all through the year, but their attraction to women's bodies had changed.

Also Read: Indian Girls Having Sex Before Marriage, Why?

After viewing women's revealing pictures, participants were more turned on in the months of December, January and February than in June, July and August, the study showed. The results were published on the influential blog The Psychology of Human Sexuality.

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First Name:Niharika
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Age:24 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1989
Mobile Number:+91-99-315455000
Email Address:niharika_4u@yahoo.com
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Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating
First Name:Romi
Last Name:Advani
Age:23 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1990
Mobile Number:+91-99-92451475
Email Address:adeti794@gmail.com
Interested in…
Music, Nature, Music,Drama
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating

First Name:Adeti
Last Name:Malhotra
Age:23 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1990
Mobile Number:+91-99-90223143
Address:New Delhi
City/State:New Delhi
Email Address:adeti794@gmail.com
Interested in…
Music, Nature, Music,Drama
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Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating

First Name:Aaliya
Last Name:Advani
Age:22 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:18.12.1981
Mobile Number:+91-96-44465892
City/State:Andhra Pradesh
Email Address:aaliya_advanifordate@yahoo.com

First Name:Reshma
Last Name:
Age:25 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1988
Occupation:House Wife
Mobile Number:+91-95-67596431
Email Address:
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship.I want a friend but only sincere not flirty or any bad boy please need 

First Name:Gayatri
Last Name:Joshi
Age:20 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1993
Mobile Number:+91-95-84528524
Email Address:
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship.
I want a friend but only sincere not flirty or any bad boy please need

First Name:Anjali
Last Name:Devi
Age:19 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1993
Mobile Number:+91-95-48218742
Email Address:
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship.
I want a friend but only sincere not flirty or any bad boy please need

First Name:Neelam
Last Name:Verma
Age:25 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:05.12.1989
Mobile Number:+91-95-48211145
Email Address:Neelam_421@yahoo.com
Interested in…
Music, Nature, Movies, Dram, Hot Boys
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating

First Name:Chitrangada
Last Name:Singh
Age:25 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:05.12.1989
Mobile Number:+91-95-48212541
Email Address:
Interested in…
Music, Nature, Movies, Dram, Hot Boys
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating

First Name:Mona
Last Name:Chopra
Age:23 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:05.12.1990
Mobile Number:+91-95-42157854
Email Address:
Interested in…
Music, Nature, Movies, Dram, Hot Boys
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating

First Name:Supriya
Last Name:Karnik
Age:22 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.04.1991
Occupation:College Girl
Mobile Number:+91-96-53461234
Address:Andhra Pradesh
City/State:Andhra Pradesh
Email Address:supriya_4see@yahoo.com
Interested in…
Music, Nature, Movies, Dram, Hot Boys
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship, Online Dating

First Name:Andrea
Last Name:Jeremiah
Age:19 Years
Marital Status:Single
Date of Birth:21.05.1993
Mobile Number:+91-95-49856231
Address:Tamil Nadu
City/State:Tamil Nadu
Email Address:
Looking For…
Young and Smart Boys for Dating and Friendship, Long Relationship.I want a friend but only sincere not flirty or any bad boy please need 

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First Name:Bina
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Man Age 18 to 55 for Dating, Marriage, Friendship, Long Relationship….

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Education:Master Degree
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My love affair with the London city: Living in London

London is sprawling – a giantess with veins pumping not blood but people; arms spread wide reaching to fingertips of Oakwood and Uxbridge and toes tickling New Malden and Bromley; a colossal beating heart at the center and an overactive brain that never sleeps.

How to live in London, UK

London is a manic city, an overexcited and hyperactive teenager fulled by bright lights, the smell of restaurants from around the world and the sounds of music and shouting. There’s no arthritis in its bones – London is fluid and lively and energetic. Paris is romantic, languid, a lover picking petals in a garden filled with daisies. 

New York is supermodel sleek, modern haircut and all the latest accessories. But London, London is a bit grubby round the edges and its hair is a mess, there’s a hole in one of its shoes but it really doesn’t give a shit, it never goes to school and spends its time smoking behind the bike sheds.

But we bloody love it, don’t we?

Lost in The London City…

There are some days (like today), when the weather is miserable and the city weeps, that I just feel like putting my iPod on, hands firmly in pockets and head down, and walking nowhere in particular. I love wandering aimlessly, knowing that I have nothing to do and nowhere to be, going adrift in the myriad of London streets. I love walking in the rain, in the grey, and getting totally and utterly lost in unfamiliar territory.

The London is Great City to Live and Travel

Although I have lived in London all my life (I may be clutching at straws, I live in Zone 5 but I work in central and have done for four years), I still find hidden little gems in the city on walks like today. I’ve discovered food stalls that sell the most authentic Pad Thai, decorated with raw crunchy bean sprouts and slicked with lime, served by humble Thai ladies behind tall counters that I’ve had to tiptoe to thank. I’ve discovered book stores, hidden down back streets, and I’ve sheltered inside amongst sweet, musty smelling pages. I’ve sat and smoked in tiny parks in London’s business district – small parks with astounding greenery and little wooden benches, surrounded by huge foreboding buildings with glossy windows and immaculately dressed workers, going about their lives like mechanical clones of each other. I’ve perched on walls overlooking the Thames, and admired graffiti in all its anarchic arrogance. I love the ease with which you can travel around London during the day, hopping on and off the tube lines, coming into contact with but not talking to other London day-trippers. Because ideally I wouldn’t want to interact with anyone on a day like today. I just want to walk around, getting lost in London town.

Long live London’s nightclubs

London’s biggest club, seOne, has thrown its last party. An announcement was made on 22 February that it had ceased trading with a statement from the club:

“It is with great sadness, that I must inform you that ‘seOne London’ ceased trading on Monday Afternoon, 22nd February 2016.

After eight long, hard and exciting years, seOne London has fallen victim to the recession and hard times felt in nightclubs all over the UK. 

Another club in the capital bites the dust  – even hugely popular nightclubs are suffering from the recession, with reports that seOne struggled to fill the club any night other than Saturday.

seOne threw events as diverse as Raindance and Minus, and was one of the few venues still around where it was possible to go to a proper, dedicated drum and bass rave.

I feel an added sadness as the iconic club shuts its doors. Not only was it an excellent venue but it was one of the first places I ventured into in London, underage and passionate about music. I met my first boyfriend under the arches, I discovered Goldie and Hype and fell in love with drum and bass in general.

It’s a sad time for the clubs in the capital. With the end shutting early last year and Bagleys shutting a while before that, that’s three of my all time favorite clubs in the capital now gone. Which is why we have to support the petition to save Ministry, as its future also hangs in the balance.

London isn’t London without seOne. Thanks for the memories.

Why I Really Love London: 25 Reasons to Love London

There are loads of things I love about living in London. The city is eclectic, a cosmopolitan metropolis stuffed to the brim with architecture and people, all jostling for their own bit of precious space in a city so vastly expansive but yet so crowded.

I’d liken my feelings about London to the way I feel about my favorite old pair of socks. Yeah, the left one has a hole in the toe, they’re both so misshapen from thousands of washes and they slip down the backs of your ankles until they finish in a bunch in that uncomfortable part of your foot. But you don’t (nay, can’t) throw them out. They stay in a ball at the bottom of your drawer for the end of a hard day at work, when you can wiggle them on.

That’s how London feels to me. For all its flaws – the uncomfortably crowded tube journeys, the people who barge you out of the way, the dirty graffiti and the urine soaked phone boxes – I still wouldn’t know what to do if I lost my dirty, stinky, unwashed London socks in the laundry.

The two cities do not compare. Visiting the UK again I'm not even interested in visiting Manchester again despite those many years I lived there, but London visits are always welcome.

I suggest the below not quite random classifications;

1. Weather
2. Culture
3. Nightlife
4. People
5. Food
6. Transport
7. Surroundings
8. Cost

1. Weather in London

London; Milder than the north all year. The leaves tend to fall off the trees at least a month later in autumn. You tend to have a few summer days a year that are virtually Spanish in terms of temperatures.

Manchester; The cliche is true, it rains a lot in Manchester. I've missed two whole summers where it was heavily overcast for six weeks right through the mid summer period. It gets depressing and over time became my main motivation for emigrating! (seriously!)

2. Culture in London

London; World class collections of art and antiquities, free to visit on your doorstep. Performing arts; theater and gigs galore. Great buildings and so many stories from the history of the place. There are few cities in the world that come even close.

Manchester; A few museums to satisfy perhaps 5 weekends in total. A few shows but really minimal. A relatively small selection for a biggish city. Some good gigs at The Arena.

3. Nightlife in London

London; It's not a city that never sleeps, but you can certainly go out every night if you wish. There are a heap of different areas offering their own social centres e.g. you can live in Islington and just go out there with plenty of choice.  Plenty of good pubs too!

Manchester; Quieter mid week, but plenty of nightlife at the weekend. The city centre is split in a weird way by commercial buildings so you have two social centres; Deansgate and canal Street. They kind of meet at one end of the centre.

4. People in London

London; Big cities cause people to have a protective facade, so you're not running into people on the street and striking up lifelong friendships that much. However so many of the people are not from London or even Britain that through work, study, activities you are going to meet people in a more relaxed setting. I have lifelong friends in London despite no longer living there.

Manchester; It's friendlier up north, on a superficial level. I was shocked by the barriers that people put up in Manchester. It isn't the same as Liverpool, Leeds or Nottingham, where I've also lived. There's a hard streak and after 11 years and a little time away I have one friend in the Manchester area.

5. Foods in London

London; You name it, you can find it. If I want decent food in the UK London is the place to find it. You want Michelin stars? No problem. Decent pub food? Also fine.

Manchester; My wife is something of a foody, and that was a problem in Manchester. You can easily find the usual British cholesterol enhancing tasteless stuff. Good restaurants are more difficult. I liked El Rincon and some of the places in Chinatown. Some pubs outside the city do great Sunday Lunches, but in general, yuck.

6. Transport in London

London; HM Gov spends 2700 GBP per head on transport in London compared to 134 GBP in Manchester, and it shows. (Transport cash 'skewed to London') I chuckled in the tube station when people were complaining they had to wait 11 minutes for the next train. My service in Manchester was every forty minutes, and sometimes they were cancelled without notice.

7. Surroundings in london

London; The city itself takes up a big swathe of the South East, and it's surrounded by places where the life has been sucked into the centre. Still though, well connected by rail so easy enough to get out and see the coast or countryside. If you like hill walking though, forget it.

Manchester; You have some great cities within easy reach. Liverpool and Leeds especially, and both worth seeing. You have countryside around you and the Lake District is an easy drive. Plenty of coastal resorts in easy reach too.

8. Cost- in London

London; The rents have been getting progressively crazier since I lived there. You're likely stuck with a flat share to afford it there now. Transport costs are cheap. Food and drinks can be obtained at decent prices. (There's a broad spectrum of incomes there and all are catered for.) That said, the more money you have the more of the stuff to enjoy you can actually do. Incomes are higher, so although you pay more the retirement savings they sock away for you are also higher. (Therefore if you intend to live there just a few years you're lining up a better retirement, plus all the benefits outlined elsewhere). Salary for comfortable living; 40-50k

Manchester; Cheaper than London however rents have also been increasing apace. Plenty of cheap food and drink. Perhaps 30% cheaper than London overall. Salary for comfortable living; 25-35k

Another thing while I was in Manchester

I've lived in Manchester and London, they both have advantages and disadvantages.

Manchester is a lot smaller. Everything is just on a smaller scale. That's not necessarily a good or bad thing. Manchester is big enough and enough of an economic center that there's not much you won't find.

  • The centre is quite similar to the West End of London. It has a Piccadilly, a Selfridges, a Harvey Nichols and a Chinatown as well as the obvious cinemas bars, restaurants and nightclubs.
  • The 'Northern Quarter' is quite similar to Soho.
  • The rest of the inner city is more similar to Camden or Archway.
  • Salford Quays is similar to London Docklands.
  • Didsbury is quite similar to Islington.
  • South and West of Manchester you get the Cheshire countryside which is very similar to the Home Counties, but a lot closer to the centre of the city.
  • North and East of Manchester you get the Pennine Hills, which have no real equivalent near London.
  • House prices and rent are both a lot lower, other prices aren't that much different. Overall it's approximately 25-30% cheaper to live in Manchester.
  • There's no underground in Manchester, just a (IMO not very good) tram. But as it's much smaller, it's far more practical to have a car or bike. Travel times are way lower.
  • Manchester's university campus and 'student area' is huge and all together in one area.
  • Nightlife is a bit quieter during the week in Manchester, but it's buzzing at the weekend.
  • There isn't the sheer variety of restaurants in Manchester that there is in London, but it's still OK.
  • Central Manchester lacks the parks that London has, but it's a lot easier to get into the countryside.
  • The weather overall is worse in Manchester.
  • It's a bit of a cliche, but people are more friendly outside London. 

If you think it could possibly work for you, try London first.

I have no idea what your answer should be, but it won't be a hard choice for you to make.

They are totally different beasts, like comparing somewhere like Philadelphia with New York, or Paris with Lille.

Don't for one moment think these cities have much in common. Sure Didsbury is a bit like Islington, in so far as they both have people with blonde kids, left leading intelligent types and nice trousers, but they are no in any way similar. Didsbury has media sales managers on 22K a year leasing out BMW 3series with their monthly bonuses, Islington has world famous writers, diplomats daughters and famous rock-stars.

London is Best City Ever to Live

If you want to live life in the middle, to get by, to be comfortable and to do sensible things Manchester if for you, but to really live life, there is no option in the UK except London.

You will either get to London and know you simply have to be there, you will see the many massive issues with living there, the expensive, the size, the scale, the disgusting living and commuting conditions and you will love it for the amazingness that outshines all of this. London is almost like being at the center of the world, it's home to the brightest, best, hardest working, most competitive, most interesting people around. London is a spectacularly stupid place to want to live, but for many they can't imagine being anywhere else. It's an abusive but amazing relationship.

Or you just won't get it it.

In which case Manchester is far far far far more sensible. It's a totally logical place to live, but for me, it's for those that gave up on their dreams and who take a trip to London once a year to reassure themselves they prefer it up North, and they do this with success each time.

There is no such thing as a comfortable salary, people vary way more than salaries do and comfort means different things to different people.  On £25k a year in Manchester you can take your pic of any area in town, hang out in the best bars, own a car, join a nearby golf club, go to the nicest restaurants in town, and feel like a really "successful" person. Do feel the same in London you are not talking about earning 50% more, you are in a world of oligarchs and billionaires, you'd need ten times more. This doesn't mean people try to earn 10 times more but it does mean in London you change your view of what comfortable is. You accept that 50% of the city can't be lived in, that you will have to live with other people, that you won't own a car etc etc and for 30k you will have a comfortable life in a different way.

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