Channel: London Clicks
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My Top 5 Places In London: Amazing London

I was talking to my friend Chloe about making this blog, which is, of course, about living in London. Most of my friends are overseas (mostly in Australia as that is where I’m from) and they find it interesting. Bizarrely, my family has moved to a popular place, which didn’t quite hit me until recently. It seems to be one of those places people really want to go to, whether it be for the shopping or for a change of scenery, it’s just one of those places. Also apparently around Oxford St. and Camden and such, you’re supposed to see a lot of celebrities. Not totally sure about that, seeing as I go to those places fairly often and I’ve only ever seen Hannah Murray from the show Skins on Warren St.

London has never taken my interest, particularly. I want to be back at home in Australia if I’m totally honest. My best friends are there and most of my best memories too. But I don’t mind it here. I do have friends and they’re good, thankfully they understand how and why I get stressed and homesick. Right now, I’m looking to join a band. Two bands contacted me about joining them as I got the flu and am unable to show them any examples of my voice! One is in North West London and I can’t even remember where the other is.

My Top 5 Places In London:

1. The Pogo Cafe.

Vegan cafe in Hackney. I’m not vegan but by George they make the finest milkshakes.
I haven’t been there much lately but my friend Sophia and I used to have our own little tradition of going there every Friday.

2. The-Starbucks-Across-The-Road-From-Maida Vale-Underground Stn.

I used to live in Maida Vale when I was about 9 or 10 and I love that area. I think it’s quite pretty. Me and my friends used to go to the Starbucks across the road from the underground station after our GCSE study group on Mondays.

3. Camden High St.

This is, in my opinion, where you go if you want a corset or platforms that are higher than your head (I’m kidding). I love it there.

4. Oxford St.

I really like Oxford St. I go there whenever I have spare money. Normally I go thinking ‘I’ll go to Topshop and get new clothes!’ but end up leaving with more books and CDs from HMV and Books Etc.

5. South Woodford.

Which is where my favorite second hand stores are.
Next time I shall be writing about a specific place/event.

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KissMads’s 22 Rules of Storytelling

These rules were originally tweeted by Fahim, KissMads’s Story Artist. Number 9 on the list – When you’re stuck, make a list of what wouldn’t happen next – is a great one and can apply to writers in all genres.
  1. You admire a character for trying more than for their successes.
  2. You gotta keep in mind what’s interesting to you as an audience, not what’s fun to do as a writer. They can be very different.
  3. Trying for theme is important, but you won’t see what the story is actually about til you’re at the end of it. Now rewrite.
  4. Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___.
  5. Simplify. Focus. Combine characters. Hop over detours. You’ll feel like you’re losing valuable stuff but it sets you free.
  6. What is your character good at, comfortable with? Throw the polar opposite at them. Challenge them. How do they deal?
  7. Come up with your ending before you figure out your middle. Seriously. Endings are hard, get yours working up front.
  8. Finish your story, let go even if it’s not perfect. In an ideal world you have both, but move on. Do better next time.
  9. When you’re stuck, make a list of what WOULDN’T happen next. Lots of times the material to get you unstuck will show up.
  10. Pull apart the stories you like. What you like in them is a part of you; you’ve got to recognize it before you can use it.
  11. Putting it on paper lets you start fixing it. If it stays in your head, a perfect idea, you’ll never share it with anyone.
  12. Discount the 1st thing that comes to mind. And the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – get the obvious out of the way. Surprise yourself.
  13. Give your characters opinions. Passive/malleable might seem likable to you as you write, but it’s poison to the audience.
  14. Why must you tell THIS story? What’s the belief burning within you that your story feeds off of? That’s the heart of it.
  15. If you were your character, in this situation, how would you feel? Honesty lends credibility to unbelievable situations.
  16. What are the stakes? Give us reason to root for the character. What happens if they don’t succeed? Stack the odds against.
  17. No work is ever wasted. If it’s not working, let go and move on – it’ll come back around to be useful later.
  18. You have to know yourself: the difference between doing your best & fussing. Story is testing, not refining.
  19. Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating.
  20. Exercise: take the building blocks of a movie you dislike. How d’you rearrange them into what you DO like?
  21. You gotta identify with your situation/characters, can’t just write ‘cool’. What would make YOU act that way?
  22. What’s the essence of your story? Most economical telling of it? If you know that, you can build out from there.

10 Little Defining Moments In A Woman’s Life

As I grow older (and I’m writing about this as though I’m about to turn 70), I’ve hit certain moments in a woman’s life that aren’t often discussed, but at some point, happen to every woman.

The moment when…

10. …she stops dressing for anyone but herself.
9. …she decides to accept and love her boobs for what they are— or just uses a push-up bra and is done with the whole thing.
8. …she has the balls to turn someone down, to their face, instead of being polite and telling them it can’t work “right now.”
7. …she says, “screw it” and uses her laptop as a heating pad, which is probably not healthy, but again, screw it.
6. …she stops lying about her age. There are two moments when she does this: when she’s around 19, she stops lying about being older, because she thinks it makes her cool, and when she’s around 27 she stops lying about being younger, because… she thinks it makes her cool.
5. …she fully embraces her inner “I don’t give a fuck” lady, the lady who comes to save all us women at some point. Some are lucky enough to be visited by her early in life. Some of us don’t meet her until we reach our 30s or beyond. But once she comes, she’s here to stay. And it’s so freeing.
4. …she finally stops agonizing over texts and asking her friends to analyze them with her, like they’re poring over the Warren Commission and she’s a second shooter believer. She realizes now that she no longer has time for such nonsense.
3. …and she reaches the point where if they don’t text back, she believes it is entirely their loss, and moves on with her life.
2. …she doesn’t care if she’s tagged in an unflattering photo, because what does it matter, really? She knows she’s hot.
1. …she realizes the only type of woman that she has to be is the woman she already is.

Daters move toward marriage in four different ways

"The four types of dating couples that we found included the dramatic couple, the conflict-ridden couple, the socially involved couple, and the partner-focused couple," said Brian Ogolsky, a U of I assistant professor of human development and family studies.

The researchers developed these categories after studying graphs created by 376 dating couples in their mid-twenties. Over a nine-month period, participants tracked how committed they were to marrying their partner and why. Ogolsky asked participants to explain their reasoning when their commitment level had gone up or down.

Dramatic daters are twice as likely to break up as other couples, he said.

"These couples have a lot of ups and downs, and their commitment swings wildly. They tend to make decisions based on negative events that are occurring in the relationship or on discouraging things that they're thinking about the relationship, and those things are likely to chip away at their commitment," he said.
"It's not unlike when the transmission goes out on your car, and then your starter goes out. You begin to see little things eroding, and you start to see the relationship in a negative light, and soon you give up," he added.
Dramatic couples also make attribute changes in their commitment to time spent with their own friends or by doing things separately rather than as a couple. "They were hanging on to their individuality in a way that may be unconventional for early daters," he said.

Partner-focused couples have the highest chance of staying together and being happy over time, Ogolsky said.

"These partners are very involved with each other and dependent on each other, and they use what's happening in their relationship to advance their commitment to deeper levels. People in these couples had the highest levels of conscientiousness, which suggests that they are very careful and thoughtful about the way they approach their relationship choices," he said.
Partner-focused couples may share a social network, but they don't use those connections to propel their commitment forward, he noted.

Conflict-ridden couples may experience decreases in their commitment when they have an argument. Their commitment level may fall, but it doesn't mean they'll break up, he said.
"These couples operate in a tension between conflict that pushes them apart and passionate attraction that pulls them back together. This kind of love may not be sustainable in the long term--you'd go crazy if you had 30 to 50 years of mind-bending passion. Partners may change from one group to another over time," he noted.

Socially involved couples, like partner-focused couples, report high levels of satisfaction and stability in their relationships. These couples share a social network and rely on that network to make decisions about their commitment decisions, Ogolsky said.
"Ideally long-term relationships should be predicated on friendship-based love," Ogolsky said. "And having mutual friends makes people in these couples feel closer and more committed.

What's the point of categorizing couples in this way?

"The important message is that there are certain ways of making commitment-related decisions that propel you forward, and others push you backward. It can be helpful for couples to think about these patterns and the ways they make important decisions about the future of their relationship," Ogolsky said.

"Pathways of Commitment to Wed: The Development and Dissolution of Romantic Relationships" is available pre-publication online in the Journal of Marriage and Family. Brian G. Ogolsky and J. Kale Monk of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Catherine A. Surra of Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg co-authored the study.

5 Truly Bizarre Facts About The Most Insane Prisoner In England

If you didn’t grow up in England, there’s a chance you’ve never heard of Charles Bronson. And if you’re lucky, you’ll never actually meet the guy. He’s a well-spoken, eccentric man who, after carrying out bizarre and outlandish crimes, achieved a weird notoriety among the British public over the last few decades and has became an iconic but tragic figure. And even though he’s never killed anyone, he’s spent more time in jail than most of Britain’s mass murderers. Here are just a few facts about his life.

5. Bronson’s Art Career

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With all those years in prison, Bronson has had plenty of time to develop a reputation as an “outsider artist.” He’s won seven Koestler awards for art and poetry and has had his work featured—illegally—on the London Underground as well as published in several newspapers and magazines (with all the proceeds donated, by him, to children’s hospices). However, it all went wrong when Bronson’s prison art teacher, Phil Danielson, took a vested interest in Bronson as a gifted student. He got pretty close to Bronson and their relationship blossomed into something like trust until one day he was overly critical of one of Bronson’s paintings. 

Bronson lost it. He tied up Danielson with a skipping rope and then fashioned a spear out of a knife and a pool cue and held Danielson hostage for 44 hours, all the while gibbering, ranting and raving, and forcing Danielson to march around the room for his amusement. Bronson will probably never be released after this incident—it garnered him a life sentence. Danielson, traumatized by the incident, will probably never work again.

4. Bronson The Spy

7- muslim

In 2001, Charles Bronson was contacted by a Muslim woman named Saira who had seen his picture in the paper and become fascinated by him. She wrote to Bronson and he wrote back, and pretty soon they got married. He was 48 and she was 31. Later that year, Bronson changed his name to Ali Charles Ahmed in honor of his new wife’s father and converted to Islam. According to Bronson’s book Loonyology, he was later visited by two people he believes were government spies. 

Two mysterious men in dark suits arrived one day and tried to recruit him to spy on other Muslim prisoners. When he asked them who they were, they said, “It’s not who we are, it’s what we are.” Bronson refused their offer by spitting in their faces, and they left after threatening that there would be repercussions. According to prison officials, the incident never happened. The marriage ended up lasting four years before the two got divorced and Ali Charles Ahmed renounced Islam and became Charles Bronson once again.

3Bronson, The Movie

In 2009, Charles Bronson’s life story was made into a movie with Tom Hardy in the role of Bronson. Tom Hardy visited Bronson in prison multiple times to get a grip on the character and described Bronson as “a very articulate, gentle, funny, and clever man.” Although Hardy was quick to condemn Bronson’s violent acts, he stressed that it was his duty as an actor to understand the character he was playing without getting judgmental about it. 

Bronson really liked Tom Hardy, and Hardy was desperate to make sure that he didn’t upset Bronson with his performance in case he ended up “rolled up in a carpet and dropped to the bottom of the Thames.” So while filming, he made sure to have a close friend of Bronson’s on hand for questions and spent a lot of time with Bronson’s family. Bronson was so into the whole idea of being immortalized in film that he actually shaved off his iconic mustache and sent it to Tom to wear in the movie.

2. The Campaign For His Release

Charles Bronson is now over 60 years old. He’s been in jail for over two-thirds of his life and is kept in isolation at all times with five guards assigned to make sure there isn’t an incident every time he moves. Despite the fact that every appeal he’s made has been denied, his case has recently been the center of a campaign for his release that’s gathered 10,000 signatures. Bronson’s supporters argue that he has spent more time in jail than most murderers (Charles Bronson’s incidents, although violent, have never resulted in a death) and that he has recently turned over a new leaf, renouncing his old, violent ways. 

His supporters are now planning a fourth appeal, and if that fails they will lobby the European Court of Human Rights. This means that if he plays his cards right, he could be released in just a few years. Unfortunately, that probably won’t happen.

1. His Latest Incidents

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Despite now being old enough to qualify for a pension, Charles Bronson was recently involved in an attack on a prison officer that saw him moved to another jail. Another incident so bizarre and violent that it’s been making headlines happened a few months later. In May 2014, he was watching the FA cup final between Arsenal and Hull and found himself incensed at Arsenal’s victory. He says that he saw the ghost of Ronnie Kray encouraging him to start a riot with the guards. 

So, using his own internal logic, he stripped naked and covered himself in butter so that he would be harder to restrain and attacked at least a dozen guards in full riot gear, breaking a few of his ribs in the process. With that we can assume that Charles Bronson is pretty much the same as he ever will be: fascinatingly complex and utterly, completely bonkers.

Why Women Go For The Nice Guy In The End


Why Women Go For The Nice Guy In The End

Five Reasons She's Going To Go For The Nice Guy Instead Of The Bad Boy

When it comes to dating, girls are not always, shall we say, consistent with what we say we want and what we actually go for. (Shocker, I know.) And yes, we can get caught up in the whole bad boy allure. But that aside, once we do smarten up, it does become quite apparent that in life — or at least in love — it’s the so called “nice guys” who end up being the right guys.

And there is a distinct reason for that. OK, sure — part of it has to do with getting burned by the bad boy(s) more times than we can count, but the other part (drumroll) is because the nice guy ticks off every box on both lists: all of the big deals — trust,  loyalty, security, confidence, commitment, etc. — and all of the little ones too. 

Believe it or not, it's those little ones that seal the deal a lot of the time. OK, the big ones are technically the deal breakers, but the little ones are what we get all smiley-faced and gushy-eyed over with our girls. 
So if you’re finding yourself wondering where you're going wrong, or how to improve your chances, take a page or two from The Nice Guy Handbook and learn what he’s doing right.  

1) He Knows How To Talk To Her

Nice guys just know how to compliment a woman. From the words he chooses and how he uses them, to the things he says and how they make her feel — about herself, about her beauty, about life — the compliments that a nice guy gives tend to reflect more of what he sees in her than on her, and that makes all the difference. Sure they may be a little awkward and unconventional at times, but it's those very traits that let her know it comes from a genuine place.

A guy can tell a girl how hot she looks in her dress and what all it does for her curves a million times over (barf) and maybe secure a date, but tell her how much you appreciate the way she approaches each day with optimism and every person with kindness, and you’ve secured her attention. Nice guys use words like "beautiful" and "genuine" and "inspiring" to describe things like energy, humour and outlook. They leave us feeling better walking away from them than we did walking up to them, even when we weren’t looking for a boost. 

2) He Notices The Little Things

Another special talent nice guys have is the ability to pay attention. Not just to what we say (no, that much is expected) but to how we do the things we do and all the little quirks that make us who we are. (We love that sh*t.) Noticing that she never eats the crust on her sandwiches and ordering hers without. Letting her know that you like her curly hair when she usually wears it straight. Following-up on how that presentation she was so nervous about last time ended up going, or checking up that she got home safe even though you only met for afternoon tea.

Those are the kinds of things that go a step further and show genuine care and attention beyond just polite conversation. They show  that you’re paying attention to her, not just because she’s a woman, but because she’s her. Specifically. Because you see something special in her, something you care to explore. And those are the kind of signs that we just can’t ignore.

3) He’s Perfectly Imperfect

I think a big misconception about women is that we all secretly (or not so secretly) want the tallest, most beautiful, most impeccably dressed or fit guy in the room. And while I’m sure that's a fantasy we’ve all entertained at one point another — it’s just simply not the case. Not for real life anyway. It's just too much work. What we want is someone who is good looking in general. Someone who is not just aware of, but OK with his imperfections, and isn’t trying to hide them or overcompensate. Someone we can feel confident walking down the street with and presenting to the people in our lives.

Nice guys, regular guys, are just that. They understand working with what they’ve got, and putting their best foot forward. They don’t rely on their face or physique alone (even if they can), and put effort into presenting themselves well to people, to us, out of respect. Because they do care what people think. Because they do want to do the most they can for others. And it's that kind of selflessness that makes them all the more attractive in the end — big nose, love handles and all.   

4) He’s A Consistent Communicator

Not to be confused with constant communication, consistent communication is huge (but not quite a deal-breaker because it can be improved). Getting back to a girl in a timely manner, not disappearing mid-convo or for days at a time, and checking in just to say “Hey, how are you?” are uber important if you're playing the long game.

Nice guys get this. Not only does it keep you on her mind, but it makes you look dependable. And that is without a doubt the sexiest thing ever. We don’t need a knight in shining armour, we don't really even want one all that much, but knowing you’re willing to be one if and when the time ever did come — whether that’s needing an opinion, or some cheering up, or directions on how to change a tire — is seriously hot.

5) He Teaches Her Things

"Tall, dark and handsome" is all good when you're 20 and looking for a bedmate for the weekend, but we do reach a point where we're looking to settle down and find someone to grow old with. And while it may not be first thing we search for or even recognize in our relationships right away, just about every girl I know, single or not, holds a deep appreciation for all cool things she learned about thanks to her guy.
Whether it's new music, or exploring underground cave systems while vacationing in Mexico, how to do our own accounting and taxes, or actually learning how to play and be good at pool once and for all — seriously, why is it so hard? — becoming a better, smarter, wiser version of ourselves because of the person we're with is actually the fairytale ending we're all after. 

So, in sum, these five points — that's the kind of stuff that sticks with us. That's what we go home to tell our girls about. That's what gets you that cute little flying heart emoji next to your name in our contact list, and that's what makes you the guy who wins.

Pulling Out Might Work Better Than You Think (But Keep Using Condoms)

The pull out method of contraception has a pretty bad reputation, and for good reason! Just not the reason you might think. As Laci Green of Sex+ explains, if done properly, pulling out has only about a 4% failure rate. However, that number skyrockets if you do it improperly, as many do.

The most notable research on the subject is this study from the Guttmacher institute that says performing the pull out method perfectly every time over the course of a year will result in 4 out of 100 couples getting pregnant. This actually isn't that bad of a failure rate! However, this requires everyone to get everything right, which never happens. When you account for improper use or understanding of the method, the number of unintended pregnancies jumps to 27 out of 100. Those numbers are much less comforting.
As Laci points out, common problems with the pullout method involve failing to account for precum, a lubricating fluid that clears out the urethra and can sometimes carry sperm from a previous ejaculation along with it. The pullout method can also fail if you don't have proper self-control or know your own body, or even by getting semen on or near the vagina.

Compare the pull out method's failure numbers to condom usage and it's clear that condoms are the superior birth control method, but neither is perfect. According to Planned Parenthood, when used properly, condoms result in pregnancies about 2% of the time. Used improperly, though, about 18% of couples get pregnant while using condoms. This isn't great news, but it's still better than pulling out.
The bigger takeaway, however, is that using multiple methods of contraception together are far better than any one method individually. We don't advise using just the pull out method, but if you're going to, combining it with condoms, the pill, or virtually any other method of birth control will be better than counting on your self-control during sex.

More importantly, learn how to use each of your contraception methods effectively, or the failure rate increases dramatically. Laci's video above will teach you more about pulling out. The National AIDS Fund has a video here on the proper application of a condom, and you can read more about its use and effectiveness at Planned Parenthood here.

10 Most Popular Porn Searches in America (And the World)


We're not a monarchy, but we definitely have a queen -- MILF be her name 

Porn search engine PornMD lets users sift through X-rated offerings from websites like Pornhub, YouPorn and XTube for whatever might tickle their fancy. And in a newly-released interactive infographic, the website used that data to map porn habits from around the country.

The results? The United States might not be a monarchy, but we definitely have a queen — and MILF be her name. The search term, which I trust you can look up for yourselves, ranked in the top 10 for virtually every state.

Other findings include a distinctly Midwestern predilection for “creampie” and a lone “mom” in Arizona. Also of interest: Iowans and the good people of Montana rank “parody” porn in their top 10. (Glad that someone is watching 

“The Sex Files: A Dark XXX Parody.”)

We have already learned that one’s porn-viewing habits may lead to more progressive ideas about marriage equality, but is it possible that American’s shared love of smut can bring us together over other divisive topics, like the Keystone XL Pipeline and the sequester?

When someone tests that theory, I’ll be here, ready to report on it.
See the whole list (including a global ranking) here.
(AlterNet editor's note -- here's top 10 for USA).

Sexting: “Power Words” – Turn Your Girl On At The Push Of Button

Sexting is such a great way arouse a woman (without even touching her), but many guys fail to use the right language when sexting and it ends up not working at all. The most important part of sexting is to use the kind of language that instantly gets your partner thinking about sex – and gets your lover’s imagination working at the same time. Check out these phrases you can use while sexting to instantly get your sweetie’s mind in the gutter.

Sexting Successfully Is All About Picking The Right Words

While you do get some points for making the effort to use your cell phone to communicate with your partner sexually, sexting is not  going to work well (or at all) if you’re not picking the right words and using the right language. For example, lame (but somehow popular) phrases might sound something like:
  • “You are so sexy…”
  • “I like your tits…”
  • “You are hot…”
As you can see, this language is completely uninspired and thoroughly “blah.”  These phrases will do nothing to turn a woman on, simply because the words that are being used are doing nothing to spark your woman’s imagination and get the brain thinking about having sex.

This is where understanding the primary difference between they way men and women think about sex comes in. A man’s sex drive is often ignited by anything visual, such as porn, a naughty pic or even just a woman in a bikini. On the other hand, however, a woman’s sex drive is ignited by the exact opposite – a woman will get more turned on by reading or imagining something than just looking at it.
Instead of using lame phrases, strive to create sensual language when sexting your lover. Fore example, think of ways you can change an ordinary text into something incredible:

Instead of saying “I want to have sex with you tonight,” try saying “I’m going to make love to you tonight…make your whole body shudder…make you feel that warm, wonderful pleasure pulsing through your limbs, building and building until you explode in an orgasm.”

Using Primal, Sensual Language

A woman isn’t going to be turned on by hearing the words “tits,” or “sexy,” or “hot.” These just aren’t going to do it. The word “tits” does absolutely nothing to spark a woman’s imagination. On the other hand, however, using the word “thrust” is more likely to send your partner into a memory of the last time you two had particularly amazing sex – and she’s going to replay your thrusting in her mind over and over again – all because you used one simple word.

Another example of using primal language might be to use the word “lick” or “suck.” Instead of sexting your woman and saying “I want to go down on you,” you might want to say something like, “I can’t wait to get home and put my hot tongue on your clitoris. I’m going to lick you up and down until you squirt.” By using such sexy, descriptive language, you’re going to get your girl to immediately start imagining you performing oral sex.

Stimulate The “Sex” Area Of Your Lover’s Brain

So you know that using details and language that really play into the sexual part of a woman’s mind is the key to sexting. But what exactly are the phrases that when put into any text will instantly get your lover’s mind working? Next time you send your lover a racy text, try using some of these words when describing what you want to do – and what you want your woman to do to you.
  • Thrust
  • Scratch
  • Hips
  • Hair
  • Eyes
  • Throat
  • Nipple
  • Shudder
  • Shock
  • Force
  • Grab
  • Giggle
  • Slap
  • Spank
Other excellent words to use when sexting your partner are sexy verbs that are similar to those used in romance novels and erotic literature. For example, try using words like:
  • Lick
  • Suck
  • Tickle
  • Touch
  • Slide
  • Soft
  • Hot
  • Sweaty
  • Throbbing
  • Shaking
  • Wet
  • Dripping
  • Sticky
  • Taste
  • Feel
  • Hard
In addition to using the right words when sexting your lover, you also want to avoid using the wrong words. There are some words that even erotic novel authors use that aren’t going to arouse your woman – they’re going to make your lover laugh. Words that will make you sound ridiculous might be:
  • Manmeat
  • Man sausage
  • Love button
  • Sex hole
  • Globes
  • Love stick
  • Muffin
Remember that sexting should be fun and have a good time describing to your lover everything you want to do. She’ll imagine it all day long and when you actually get together, the fireworks will explode.

Foods for harder erections Tonight


LondonClicks looks at the best foods to help improve ‘strength’ in the bedroom

Our sex life is something we'd all like to improve. There's no shame admitting it. And for many men, the prospect of 'going soft' is a real concern.

But there is some good news, which should put an end to your worries.
According to a new study, which was conducted over a 30 year time frame by scientists at Harvard and the University of East Anglia, men who enjoyed a regular glass of red wine, and plenty of citrus fruits and berries such as strawberries, blueberries, apples and pears were less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.
Researchers found just three or four portions or glasses of flavonoid-rich food and drink was associated with a reduced risk of the problem by up to 21%.

(Related: Give her an orgasm in just 15 minutes)

"This is the first study to look at the association between flavonoids and erectile dysfunction, which affects up to half of all middle-aged and older men," said lead researcher, Professor Aedin Cassidy. "Men who regularly consumed foods high in these flavonoids were less likely to suffer erectile dysfunction. In terms of quantities, we're talking just a few portions a week."

Now of course, we know not everyone enjoys a glass of red, and that there are some who don't eat enough fruit, despite what we've just told you. But fear not, because as ever, MH has you covered.
Here are the 10 foods you need to know about if you want keep hard when the going gets rough.

1. Coffee

The caffeine kick from a cup of Java boosts your metabolism, gets your blood pumping and could also enhance endurance by releasing fat stores, giving you the energy to last all night.

(Related: 6 ways to level-up your coffee)

2. Oysters

Yes, there is a reason for their sexy reputation. Oysters are rich in the mineral zinc and vitamin B6, both of which are vital for testosterone, without which you’d have the sex drive of a dead slug. If the thought of grey shellfish gloop sliding down your throat makes you gag, boost your testosterone with nuts and seeds instead.

3. Chillies

Spice up your love life with chillies. When your face flushes after eating a curry, that’s the blood vessels expanding thanks to the effect of the chillies. And it’s not just the blood vessels in your face that get the boost. Biologically speaking a hard-on is simple hydraulics – more liquid (blood) being forced into little tubes (blood vessels) in your penis – so what you need is a strong heart and smooth, healthy pipework.

4. Bananas

Hard men have healthy hearts, so eat bananas for potassium, which is great for your heart and circulation. Getting enough potassium helps keep your sodium levels under control, stopping your blood pressure from hitting the roof and reducing your risk of heart problems. If you eat too much salt and don’t like bananas, get your potassium from oranges or jacket potatoes (the mineral’s in the skin).

5. Salmon

The omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish make the blood less sticky, enhancing blood flow to the parts that matter. Eat fish like salmon, mackerel, trout and fresh tuna twice a week to keep your arteries well-oiled.

6. Pork

Contrary to popular belief, the penis does not have a mind of its own. To make it a fine and upstanding specimen, your neurons must be co-ordinated with military precision. You need thiamine, aka vitamin B1, for a healthy nervous system, so eat pork to help fire your swimmers in the right direction. Can’t or don’t eat pig? Get your B from beans and wholemeal bread.

7. Cherries

Cherries are packed full of anthocyanins, colourful plant chemicals which protect your artery walls, helping prevent the fatty plaques that lead to atherosclerosis, or clogged arteries. Don’t fancy cherries? Berries, or brightly coloured fruit such as peaches, nectarines and plums, will all keep your arteries smooth as a baby’s nether regions.

8. Onions

The phytochemical allicin in onions and garlic thins the blood and enhances your circulation, as well as making it less likely to clot and clog. Avoid unsexy onion-breath by chewing parsley or peppermints.

9. Wine

Wine – especially red wine – is a great source of the antioxidant phytochemical resveratrol, which helps open the arteries by enhancing the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide allows the blood vessels to expand, and this is how Viagra works. But while the little blue pill only works on tiny blood vessels, resveratrol helps your main arteries too. Make sure you stop at one or two glasses of wine – too much alcohol leads to the dreaded droop.

10. Porridge

Porridge isn’t sexy, but the soluble fibre in oatmeal mops up cholesterol, helping keep your blood vessels smooth and stretchy. So get your oats!

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22 Quotes For Women Who Don’t Know Their Place

Of course I am not worried about intimidating men. The type of man who will be intimidated  by me is exactly the type of man I have no interest in. – Chimamanda Adichie
I like to see a young girl go and grab the world by the lapels. Life is a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. – Maya Angelou
Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. – Nora Ephron
There is a stubbornness about me that can never bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me. – Jane Austen
The thing women have yet to learn is that nobody gives you power. You just take it. – Roseanne Barr
I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else’s whim or to someone else’s ignorance. – bell hooks
Any woman who is sure of her own wits, is a match, at any time, for a man who is not sure of his own temper. – Wilkie Collins
Well-behaved women rarely make history. –  (Most likely) Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Being a woman is in an incredibly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. – Joseph Conrad
When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch. – Bette Davis
Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work. – Adrienne Rich
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. – Coco Chanel
Women hold up half the sky. – Chinese proverb
A woman has to live her life or live to repent not having lived it. – D.H. Lawrence
I do not think, sir, you have any right to command me, merely because you are older than I, or because you have seen more of the world than I have; your claim to superiority depends on the use you have made of your time and experience. –  Charlotte Brontë
Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attended. –  Marie Curie
We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat, they do not exist. – Queen Victoria
I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity. –  Nadezhda Mandelstam
When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak. – Audre Lord
A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water. –  Eleanor Rooselevelt
You can never be overdressed or overeducated. – Oscar Wilde
There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women. – Muhhamad Ali Jinah

8 Sexy Ways to Burn Calories


Rev up both your engines with these slimming sexual acts—and find out how many calories each one burns!

Sex—and smooching and snuggling and everything else on the spectrum—is great for your relationship and happiness, but intimate time with your sweetie is also terrific for your physical health. Not only does that "loving feeling" get your heart rate up, it can burn some serious calories, too! Check out the calorie-burning profile of each romantic activity below (based on the body weight of a 150-lb woman) along with tips from experts on ramping things up to maximize the amount of calories burned.

Kissing: 68 calories per hour

Remember how, when you were first dating, you'd start locking lips and 30 minutes later you'd come up for air? See if you can get into that groove again, say experts. Not only is smooching a great way to show affection and improve your bond as a couple, it can also help you burn fat. "If the kissing is vigorous and involves some petting, it could be even closer to 90 calories burned in an hour," says Jaiya Kinzbach, a Los Angeles–based sexologist and the author of Red Hot Touch. Try her technique for turning kissing into an honest-to-goodness workout session: "Kiss in unusual positions," she recommends. "Have the guy on his back and do 'plank pose' or a push-up on top of him, coming down to kiss him and then pushing back up. Push-ups burn 171 calories in 30 minutes."

Undressing: 8+ calories total

You probably don't put much thought into undressing when you're getting intimate with your husband, but an Italian researcher looked into the matter and found that the mere act of taking one's clothes off burns about 8 to 10 calories. Even more fascinating, the researcher reportedly found that a man attempting to remove a bra with his mouth burns as many as 80 calories. While that may not be applicable to you, here's what is: By upping the energy you put into undressing, you can burn some extra calories. Don't just strip down in seconds, says Kinzbach; instead, "draw it out and make it part of your foreplay, while getting a great a workout going." Or undress to tease him, adds Gilda Carle, PhD, a psychotherapist and relationship expert. "Find your favorite silk scarf, and do a seductive dance with it," she says.

Massaging: 80+ calories per hour

Who doesn't like a good rubdown from their partner? But if you're the giver, you get an additional benefit other than making your guy happy: burned calories. As it turns out, giving a good massage can get your heart rate up and kick your body into calorie-burning mode. But the way to ramp things up even more isn't to speed things up. Instead, consider going slower, recommends Kinzbach. "This may seem counterintuitive to burning calories," she says, "but going slower and deeper is not only more sensual, it works different muscles. I also recommend getting a massage table—it's better on your body, and standing to give a massage burns more calories."

Having Sex: 144+ calories per half-hour

You knew sex was a workout, but who knew that a half-hour romp in the hay with your guy could burn off the chocolate you nibbled on after dinner? The key for high-calorie-burning sex is making it hot and making it last, say experts. You can also add a little moaning and sighing, says Kinzbach, which can help you burn an extra 18 to 30 calories. And try a position change for a better workout. "If you are on top, try moving your hips like a belly dancer; this feels great and will give you a workout," she adds. "Also try a position where you squat on top of him and then bounce up and down. This is a great workout for your thighs and butt, and it can burn up to 207 calories in 30 minutes." Perhaps the best way to maximize calorie-burning during sex is to make sure you orgasm. Experts estimate that women who orgasm during sex burn more calories during lovemaking than those who don't.

Giving Oral Sex: 100 calories per half-hour

Here's a stat you don't hear every day: Being on the giving end of oral sex may be just as effective as a quick stint on the elliptical machine. But if you want to take your calorie-burning to the next level, Kinzbach recommends this calorie-blasting technique: push-ups (yes, in the act!). "Also you can do a little yoga, suggests Kinzbach. "Try plank position into downward facing dog, and back into plank where you can lower down and do some oral stimulation." Tack on 71 extra calories blasted when you do push-ups, and 35 additional calories by mixing in some yoga.

Using Your Hands: 100 calories per hour

Of course, the old-fashioned hand job is a calorie burner, but you can zap an additional 50 calories per half-hour by taking things up a notch. "Get lots of stuff going at once," suggests Kinzbach. "Try really slow sensual strokes, and position yourself so that you can use your body as well." Rocking your body against his and varying the pressure and frequency can help, too, she adds.

Romantic Dancing: 103 calories per half-hour

A little dirty dancing—even with your clothes on—can be a workout for you and your husband. Couples who take dance lessons (and practice in the privacy of their homes) can attest to this. Bonus: "It has been shown in scientific studies that right after an aerobic exercise, women become aroused and lubricated more easily," says Barbara Bartlik, MD, a New York–based psychiatrist and sex therapist. Slow dancing is fine, but you have to rev things up—and add in a few surprises—to get a real workout. "Add kissing, nibbling the neck and touch," suggests Kinzbach. And increase the pace, too!

Making Out: 238 calories per half-hour

A sizzling clothes-on make-out session with the man you love may be the most intense caloric blaster yet. Why? Anticipation, says Dr. Carle, can get your heart rate going. "It gives way to heavy breathing, which gives way to a great calorie burn," she explains. But you can still maximize the workout by making it hotter and sweatier! "The hotter the room—think Bikram (a.k.a. "hot") yoga—and the sweatier the make-out session, the more calories you burn," adds Kinzbach. Also, try rolling around on the bed or changing your scenery. "Make it playful and erotic and you have a great combination for a pleasurable workout."

What is Call girls- Call girls in Las Vegas USA


Who or What is Call Girls?

A call girl or female escort is a sex worker who (unlike a street walker) does not display her profession to the general public; nor does she usually work in an institution like a brothel, although she may be employed by an escort agency. The client must make an appointment, usually by calling a telephone number. Call girls often advertise their services in small ads in magazines and via the Internet, although an intermediary advertiser, such as an escort agency, may be involved in promoting escorts, while, less often, some may be handled by a pimp. Call girls may work either incall, where the client comes to them, or outcall, where they go to the client.

Call girl agencies or Website

Many call girl agencies and independent call girls have their own websites. The internet has become the main medium through which customers find their desired escort. Generally, a picture of the woman is provided, and sometimes, the type of sexual services she is willing to offer.

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If anything, I love being at the service of men. I love to make long lasting relationships with generous gentleman and find joy in pleasing others. When we meet, you will find out what I mean. But in the meantime, I will make feel relaxed and comfortable from the moment I enter through your hotel room door. I will fix you with a drink before tossing my blonde hair as I lean over to show you my amazing ass, legs, and what’s in between. I am one of the few Vegas escorts who really know how to treat visitors so you get the complete GFE.

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Bangladeshi women are being trafficked to Syria as sex slaves

Militant Islamist fighters take part in a military parade in Syria's northern Raqqa province in this June 30, 2014, file photo. The Islamic State has set up departments to handle "war spoils," including slaves, and the exploitation of natural resources
According to Reuters, "scores" of young Bangladeshi women have been trafficked to Syria and forced into both domestic and sex work.
The news agency's report cited a senior Bangladeshi official from the Rapid Action Battalion, an elite police agency, who claimed that his unit came across about 45 cases last year involving women who had been taken to the war-ravaged Middle Eastern country, tricked, exploited and, in some cases, raped and abused.

Some 8 million Bangladeshis work overseas; a considerable number of them are employed as construction and domestic labor in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. Many of the women taken to Syria -- and it's not clear from the report where in the country they have been trafficked -- likely migrated with the understanding that they had jobs lined up in Jordan, Lebanon or elsewhere, and from there were coerced into going to Syria.
Reuters has more:
"It started with one woman called Shahinoor who escaped from her captors in Syria. She called her mother who complained to us," Commander Khadaker Golam Sarowar of RAB-3 told the Thomson Reuters Foundation on Monday.
"Shahinoor was supposed to go to Lebanon. Instead she was taken to Dubai with five other women, and then on to Syria where she was sold to different people -- sometimes to work as a maid, sometimes for sex. She told us there were others."
Sarowar said the 34-year-old woman was "extremely sick and unable to move." Bangladeshi officials in Syria flew her to Dhaka where she is being treated for a kidney illness, he added.
Last week, local media reports in Bangladesh detailed raids carried out by the RAB on suspected human trafficking cells, though it's unclear whether the arrests made had any connection to the cases linked to Syria.
The miserable, five-year conflict in Syria has seen the rise of the jihadist Islamic State, which has carried out mass abductions of women, particularly in Iraq. Many of these women, including some teenage girls, have been forced into a widespread system of rape and enslavement by the militants.

Awesome Photographs of Bangladeshi Bridal with Fashion News

This Blog Post is all about oh so beautiful Bangladeshi weddings and Bangladeshi Bridal Photos .....^_^. <> .... The best part of the wedding is taking bridal portrait. In the Asian sub continent we have culture to taking Bridal Photos. Its a art to take more and more...

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Bangladeshi Brides

Bangladeshi women are known to be open-minded with an attendant sense of willful individuality. As such, they tend to require strong, secure men who can be supportive while also respecting their female mates’ strong sense of self. That being said, Bangladeshi women are trustworthy and devoted to their husband, which is further reinforced by cultural norms and by their devotion to their religion, which is an integral part of life in their home country. Not surprisingly, family is of the utmost importance to the women of Bangladesh.

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Bangladeshi Bridal Fashion Photos

Bangladeshi women generally have rich, tanned skin and dense and dark luxuriant hair. They are mostly petite in stature with feminine characteristics. They wear cosmetics to enhance rather than hide their innate natural beauty and tend to be most comfortable in a traditional sari tastefully adorned with jewelry. When it comes to dating, Bangladeshi women feel it to be a serious step, one on the way to marriage, as opposed to an end in itself. Marriage is the ultimate and paramount goal of any courtship. With marriage comes the desire to create a family, often at a younger age than most in the West. The Bangladeshi wedding celebration itself can be quite an affair, as it is considered a crowning achievement of any young woman. The wedding includes various rituals and ceremonies that often span several days.

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A typical Bangladeshi woman enjoys creating culinary delights of their home country, and has a great love for literature, music and dance. The Bangladeshi bride is, despite a rather conservative and traditional upbringing, drawn to intellectual pursuits, usually with aspirations to achieve higher education; they are known to pursue ambitious job prospects while also retaining a balance between personal life and their career.

My lovely stylist, Sumi, is Bangladeshi and she was telling me about Bangladeshi weddings and how they differ from western weddings here

About Bangladesh

Bangladesh, known officially as the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia that is bordered by India and Myanmar, (formerly known as Burma). With a population of more than 160 million people in a territory of only 144,000 km2 (56,977 sq. mi), Bangladesh is one of the world's most densely populated countries. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and also has the distinction of being its largest city. More than 98% of Bangladeshis speak Bengali as their mother tongue and is also the country’s official language. Islam is by far the predominant religion of this country.

Bangladeshi Bridal Women

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Also Read: 3 Things To Consider Before Sleeping With Boyfriend

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Very Very Sexy and hot, She only wants money for sex.
Do not offer her direct money, she will reject you, talk with her 2/3 days by phone, she will ask you to meet and if you wanted to room date. but she will tell you before she gives her boobs and vagina to you that you ave to give her at least 2000 BDT (depends on sex duration)
Contact wit Ridhita: 01626940081
Also Read: Foods for harder erections Tonight

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Shruti: From Dhaka, (Location restricted by the owner) mobile Number is just Below the Picture, Get it and call now!

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What is Call Girl or Escort Service in Bangladesh

A call girl or female escort is a sex worker who (unlike a street walker) does not display her profession to the general public; nor does she usually work in an institution like a brothel, although she may be employed by an escort agency. The client must make an appointment, usually by calling a telephone number. Call girls often advertise their services in small ads in magazines and via the Internet, although an intermediary advertiser, such as an escort agency, may be involved in promoting escorts, while, less often, some may be handled by a pimp. Call girls may work either incall, where the client comes to them, or outcall, where they go to the client.
Also Read: Bangladeshi Sexy Girl's Mobile Number & Address

Bangladeshi Sex Model Girls

Click to See Full Size image
Bangladesh many model girl’s very sexy and beautiful. They do modeling, film, natok etc. Some model girl do the mobile add and many products add. There do earn money with modeling and add. Few sexy beautiful girls earn money do the other work. , Bangladeshi young generation sexy, teen girls, female, university sexy girl, college girls always follows to Bangladeshi top models. Bangladeshi school girls are so sexy and hot in this post. In this post you  will get some sexy school girls pictures of Bangladesh. Bangladeshi school girls posing their hot booby and figure in front of camera. . The current campus of the EdenCollege was developed in 1962 on 18 acres of land at Azimpur. Meanwhile, the college opened its degree programme in the new premises, but its intermediate section continued to stay at Bakshibazar. Subsequently, the Azimpur campus of Eden introduced its own intermediate classes.They want to build their carrer . Bangladeshi has more then 1 lac school for boys and girls. Recent study shows that girls are more serious than boys. Some good school are Monipur girls school dhaka , Holy cross school in dhaka and dhaka commerce college. 

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Wondering how to ask someone out for Prom, Homecoming Dance, or just on a date night?  Well, I've hooked you up with 3 creative ways to ask someone out!  You can tweak these ideas for either a girl or guy and use your own style to pull off a memorable "prom-posal"

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How To Ask A Girl Out

Ways To Ask a Girl To Prom
2.  When Pigs Fly ~ Fill a bunch of pink balloons with helium and draw pig faces on them. Put those balloons in a box and put a note on top of the box that says, “When will I ask you to prom?” and a note inside the box that says “When pigs fly!” Deliver the box!  {get it ~ they're flying!  HA!}

Creative Ways To Ask A Girl To Prom

How To Ask a Girl To Prom
3.  This is from the Disney movie "Prom", how simple and elegant is this P.R.O.M. ? cut-outs on a lighted stage.

4.  Use a Sign and Some Friends ~ If you don't want to do it alone, then grab some friends and meet her at her favorite hangout.

5.  Prom Please? Cupcakes ~ Simply have any bakery add a few letters on some cupcakes and you're in business.

6.  Use Post-Its ~ Here's another really easy way to ask someone out.  Simply write little notes on some post-its and place them on her wall in the shape of  heart.  Who doesn't love some affirmations.
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