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How to Have Twins

How to Have Twins? The idea of having twins tends to polarise people. Some couples say they’d love the chance to parent two babies and others react in an entirely different way. If you are a twin or have twin siblings then your concept of the reality is likely to be very different to someone who’s never had anything to do with more than one baby at a time.

Are twins common?

Many reproductive experts believe that as humans we probably have more twin pregnancies than any of us are aware of. Technological advances have found that it is reasonably common for there to be more than one embryo conceived and implanted, but of these, only one is viable and survives.

How to Have Twins? ‘Identical twins, which make up around a third of twin pregnancies, come from one egg and are basically a fluke of nature – there’s no known common factor in those,’ says David Davies, consultant obstetrician at Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital. ‘But with non-identical twins or triplets, which come from different eggs, there are several shared influences.’

How do twins happen?

If you are keen to increase your chances of conceiving two babies then it’s important to understand how twins are made.
There are two types of twins; identical and non-identical. Identical or monozygotic twins are formed when one egg is fertilized by one sperm which then divides into two separate embryos. Each shares exactly the same genetic components and identical genetic structures. Identical twins also share a placenta.
How to Have Twins?
Non-identical or dizygotic twins form from two separate eggs being fertilized by two separate sperm. These twins are their own unique little individuals and share no more genetic composition than siblings with the same parents. Each baby in a non-identical twin pair will have its own placenta.
Another name for non-identical twins is fraternal; the other name for identical twins is non-fraternal.

What about twins in families?

Twins do run in families. But the genetic predisposition for having twins only applies to the mother. It is her family history which influences the chances of her having hyper ovulation.
Any woman can have identical twins and family history does not play a role with these.

What are the odds of having twins?

Currently in Australia 1.6% of all pregnancies result in multiple births and of these, 98% are twins. Naturally conceived twins occur once in around every eighty nine births. The majority of twins who are born are non identical and a result of two eggs being fertilized.
Some fraternal twins look very similar; others share some resemblance whilst the remainder may not even look the slightest bit related.

What will help boost my chances of having twins? How to Have Twins?

  • Being older rather than younger helps. It seems to be a twist of nature that just before a woman enters peri-menopause, her ovaries start releasing more than one egg each month. This “fertility spike” is also influenced by a surge of oestrogen. Fertility research has proven that twin pregnancies are much more common in women who are over 35 years. But this only applies to non-identical twins.
  • Women who have a low-fat diet, especially vegans and vegetarians, are less likely to have multiples than someone who goes for the whole milk and tucks into steak every Friday.‘The possible causes of this are subtle hormonal changes in people with these different diets, as well as perhaps someone with a higher fat diet having a higher body mass index (BMI) – that’s a measure for checking how healthy your weight is in relation to your height,’ says David.
  • Have fertility assistance such as in vitro fertilisation or take fertility drugs. These stimulate the ovaries to support more than one ovarian follicle each month towards maturity. The result is that more than one egg is released.
  • Western Europe sees around one in 60 twin pregnancies, while they’re much more rare in South East Asia. Meanwhile, in Nigeria, twins make up one in every 20 or 30 pregnancies.‘There are no real theories I’m aware of that would account for this, but interestingly if you’re Nigerian and living in another country, you’re less likely to conceive multiples than if you’re based in Nigeria – so perhaps it’s to do with diet or climate,’ says David.
  • How to Have Twins? Pick your own genetics carefully! Though we all know this is impossible. But if you come from a family where non-identical twins are common then your family history and genetic endowment means that you’ve got a greater chance of having them yourself. But identical twins can occur in any family.
  • One of the biggies that can boost your likelihood of having more than one child is having fertility treatment, such as IVF.‘When IVF started to get really affective in the US during the 1970s and 1980s, twin rates pretty much doubled,’ says David. ‘It’s down to your body being given drugs to stimulate it to ovulate and produce eggs.’
  • Be of African/American heritage. Women from this ethnic background have a distinctly higher rate of twin pregnancies.
  • Having been pregnant before. Women who have previously had a baby or two have a higher chance of conceiving with twins.
  • Have a big family. This theory is based on pure maths; the more times you conceive the greater the likelihood of conceiving more than one baby.
  • Get pregnant while you are on the pill. Difficult as this can be overall, there is a higher incidence of women conceiving with twins when they are on oral contraceptives.
  • Try to conceive straight after you have stopped taking the pill. The theory is that for the first couple of cycles the woman’s body is going through a hormonal readjustment phase.
  • Already have a set of twins. Because the likelihood of conceiving with twins again is higher in women who’ve already had them.
  • Be heavier rather than lighter so that you’ve got a higher body mass index (BMI). Some researchers claim that a woman with a BMI of greater than 30 boosts her chances. But considering a healthy range during the fertile years is 20-25 and 30 would put you into the overweight/obese category then this is not a healthy recommendation.
  • Taller women tend to conceive more twins. But there is nothing you can do about your height, other than blame your parents!
  • Take a folic acid supplement before you conceive. The general recommendation for women who are planning to conceive is to start taking folic acid supplements one month before conception.
  • How to Have Twins? Encourage your partner to eat some oysters. The urban myth about oysters being an aphrodisiac is not entirely without basis. Oysters are high in zinc and this helps with sperm production. The more healthy and mobile his sperm are, the greater the likelihood of being able to fertilise an egg or two. If he’s keen to take supplements, the recommendation for men in their fertile years is 14mg/day. Green leafy vegetables, cereals, bread, seeds and wheat germ are all excellent sources of zinc.
  • Be a twin yourself. Mothers who are twins are more likely to have twin babies. There is no influence on the male partner’s side, only the mother’s. But it does seem that fathers may pass the twin gene onto their daughters for their future conception possibilities.
  • How to Have Twins? Eat more yams/sweet potatoes. It is a fact that more women conceive with twins who live in areas where yams are a major component of their diet. It seems that a naturally occurring chemical component of the yams helps to support ovarian function.
  • Keep breastfeeding your older baby or toddler. Women who are producing prolactin and breastfeeding are more likely to conceive with twins. Though some women do not resume regular ovulation and menstrual cycles for the entire time they are breastfeeding; this is very individual.

What’s fact and what’s fiction when having twins?

  • The idea that conceiving twins skips a generation is not true. Although there can appear to be a pattern in some families of this happening, the odds of having identical twins is the same for every woman.
  • Eating a diet which is high in dairy foods, milk and meat is said to help, especially at the time of ovulation. But there is no scientific evidence to support this.
  • Alternative therapies do not increase the likelihood. There is no scientific evidence to support the theory that accupuncture, naturopathy, aromatherapy, chiropractic or flower essences increase the likelihood of having twins.

Deepika Padukone in Saree Looking Very Hot

Deepika Padukone in Saree Looking Very Hot! Bollywood’s top diva Deepika Padukone is an Indian film actress and model who was born on 5 January 1986 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to Konkani speaking parents. She is one of the most popular and highest paid Indian actresses. She has established a career in Bollywood films and is awarded two Filmfare Awards. She is the daughter of the badminton player Prakash Padukone and her mother Ujjala is a travel agent. Here Movienasha arranged a list of top Deepika Padukone photos in saree (hd). Let’s have a look: 

Deepika Padukone in Saree

Deepika Padukone in Saree

Deepika Padukone in Saree

Deepika Padukone in Saree

Deepika Padukone in Saree

Deepika Padukone in Saree

When Deepika was selected to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival she opted to wear a traditional Indian saree instead of a gown. 

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How to Have Sexual Dreams: Exotic Dream Part-1

This is a topic that never goes out of style. Exploring sexuality safely within the confines of the dream world is one of the prime motivations for learning how to lucid dream. The promise of “exciting dream sex” is a marketing hotspot, so to speak, for beginning lucid dreaming guides, books, and dozens of dubious meditation CDs.

What these guides don’t tell you, of course, is how difficult it is to perfect the art of exploring erotic energy in dreams, and what the pitfalls are along the way.

Let’s start with a little question and answer about the basics and then move on to the possibilities of exploring sex and sensuality in dreams.
Q: Is it true that you can learn how to lucid dream and have sex with your ultimate fantasy?
A:Yes, it’s true. In fact, the experience can feel like the real thing. All sensations in a lucid dream, after all, feel as real as the waking world, provided you have felt the sensations before (or similar sensations) and have working memories to draw from.

Q: Are dream orgasms real?
A: Yes, it’s been scientifically documented that orgasms in lucid dreams can be real orgasms, accompanied by muscular responses, a quickened heart-rate, and vascular tissue change too. This is true for men and women. However, not every lucid dream orgasm is necessarily a physical one; some seems to just trip the pleasure center in the mind, particularly if the arousal happens quickly or instantaneously. We also don’t know about the electrochemical angle yet, such as endorphin release, oxytocin levels, etc.

Q: What about wet dreams?
A: There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that lucid dreams that end in orgasm for young men can result in real-life ejaculation. I don’t know about any scientific studies that have proven this is a lab… that would be a tough sell for finding volunteers.

Q: Why are my lucid dreams so erotically charged?
A: REM sleep is simply exciting from a biological standpoint. Erections and the female equivalent (engorgement) come and go all the time in normal dreams. Becoming consciously aware in a dream often means becoming aware of our bodies’ physiological arousal as we dream. There is also a connection between flying dreams and this physiological arousal — which may explain why the top two lucid activities are flying and sex!

How to Have Sexual Dreams: Exotic Dream Part-1
How to Have Sexual Dreams: Exotic Dream Part-1

Q: I had a sexual lucid dream about someone unexpected… what does it mean?
A: Dreams tend to reflect our waking thought patterns, but having a sex dream about your boss or your pilates instructor doesn’t necessarily mean you want to bed them. But, at the end of the night, things happen in lucid dreams that we often don’t intend, and I would never suggest that someone feel guilty about a dream they had because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Even St Augustine, the medieval Christian priest who essentially coined “original sin,” forgave himself for his wilder dreams.

Q: Can you get addicted to lucid dream sex?
A: I have never heard of such a case, because of the self-limiting factors in lucid sex dreams. In other words, lucid dreaming can fulfill fantasies, but unhealthy or dishonest fantasies result in inabilities to “follow through” with the dream scene, as I discuss below.

How to Have Sexual Dreams.

If you want to increase your likelihood of having sex dreams, consider some other possible ways to help ignite your libido, both while you are asleep and awake: Sleep in something sexy. Baggy sweats and old flannel pjs might be part of your bedtime routine, but they won't inspire sexual thoughts before bed.

How to Have Sex Dreams


Master The Power Of Lucid Dreaming With This Formula

In the land of dreams, you can literally do anything you can imagine because your mind is the only boundary. You can train your real-life skills, understand yourself better, and fulfill your most secret desires.  Whatever happens in your dreams will be registered in your mind as an authentic experience.
Experiencing sex dreams is a healthy way to fulfill your sexual needs. It’s been scientifically proven that orgasms in lucid dreams can be real orgasms for both men and women. Orgasm is lucid dreams can be accompanied by real physical responses such as muscular reactions, an increased heart rate, and changes in vascular tissue.

What’s more, if you train your mind properly, you can invite whoever you want into your bedroom while dreaming. Why not have sex with a Victoria Secret Angel or fulfill even your naughtiest fantasies? How to Have Sex Dreams?

Sleeping habits that facilitate sex dreams

▪ Create a Sensual Sleeping Environment

What would make your mind more likely to produce sex dreams: baggy flannel pajamas and an old blanket, or a sensual touch of silk sheet on your naked skin? My bet is on the second option! Your bedclothes and choice of sleepwear won’t guarantee you a sex dream, but they can help create feelings of freedom and send your sleeping mind in a more sexual direction.

▪ Pick the Right Position

A study published in the journal Dreaming says you can increase your likelihood of sex dreams by sleeping in a certain position. Researchers found out that people who sleep on their stomachs with their arms above their heads are more likely to have sex dreams than people who choose other sleeping positions.

▪ Disconnect Your Electronics Before sleeping

Switch off your phone, your laptop, and any other electronic devices at least an hour before you fall asleep. Research by scientists from the National Sleep Foundation shows that a majority of Americans watch TV or spend time on their smartphones right before going to bed. The light emitted from screens negatively interrupts our sleep patterns later in the night. Instead of playing with your phone or computer before bed, practice the exercises explained in the next section of this article.

▪ Don’t masturbate for a few days

Cutting down your masturbation increases your chances of having a sex dream. If you hold yourself back yourself from masturbating for a few days, your increased need for release can set the stage for sex in your dreams.

Lucid Dreaming – Learn to control your dreams

Lucid dreaming means being aware that you’re dreaming without waking up. With practice, this awareness can be augmented by the ability to maneuver and manipulate what you’re dreaming about.
There are many methods for training yourself to have lucid dreams: keeping dream journals, taking supplements which boost your acetylcholine, naturally increasing your melatonin levels, mediation, reality checks, etc. You can find more lucid dreaming tips here: How to lucid dream tonight.
Lucid dreams significantly increase the strength of your excitement, love, and orgasms compared to how they feel when we’re awake.  It’s no surprise that the number one reason people start practicing lucid dreaming is to learn how to have a sex dream!

Visualize your sex partner before falling asleep

Form a clear picture in your mind of the partner you want to have sex with before going to bed. You can even write this down before falling asleep. The more detailed you visualize your partner and the surrounding scenery, the more likely you are to succeed in having a vivid lucid dream.

For best results, visualize a partner you have already had sex with. This will work more powerfully on your subconscious since you can draw on your memories from real life. Relax, and let your mind remember little details about your lover – such as her scent, her voice, and the touch of her naked skin. As soon as she appears in your dreams, it will be a clear signal to your mind that you’re dreaming, which will enable you to start controlling the situation.

Set a proper dream location

The dream location itself is not important. You can teleport yourself anywhere, whether it’s a fantasy land or a real place. Do you want to have sex while exploring the galaxy? Why not! It’s important, however, to set the dream location firmly in your mind before you start having sex with your dream partner. Give yourself some time to explore the location before looking for a partner in your dream. Sometimes, putting a person you want to make love with into your dream at the very beginning doesn’t work. A more efficient method is to ask her to wait for you somewhere hidden in the dreamscape. You can, for example, visualize a door opening to reveal your dream-partner waiting for you. Don’t rush. Make sure that before a new person enters your dream, you feel comfortable with the setting and the fact that you’re dreaming.

Don’t focus on foreplay

As opposed to real life, don’t focus too much on foreplay. In such an exciting circumstance, it’s very easy to lose control and wake up. Even experienced practitioners usually maintain only 6-10 minutes of lucid dreaming. Use your limited time as best you can!
For example, see yourself and your partner naked, so you don’t waste precious time undressing.

Stay calm

The moment when you realize you’re dreaming is crucial. Take it slow, so the excitement doesn’t wake you up. Calmly explore your surroundings. You have to stabilize your awareness within the dream before focusing on the fantasy scenario you want to experience.
It’s very important to trust yourself and be sure that you’re the architect of your own dreamscape. Make sure nothing can happen which would hurt you in your dreams. You don’t want to wake up in the middle of sex, do you? Learn to practice basic dream-control skills.

Dream stabilization techniques

A problem many beginners experience is that it’s difficult to hold onto conscious lucidity until the critical moment.  A sexual lucid dream is highly arousing, and most people wake up before the experience goes very far. To prevent this, simply apply these techniques when you start losing control of your dream – to prevent your dreamscape from collapsing.

▪ Look at the palms of your hands

Put your hands in front of your head and simply observe every detail of your palms. This practice helps to stabilize your dreams, calm you down, and maintain your dream-state. The more mindful you are in this exercise, the clearer your dreams will be.

▪ Try dream anchoring

This visualization technique anchors you in a dream. Feel yourself as a part of the dream, and hold onto this feeling. Anchor yourself to the dream.
Combine this technique with looking at the palms your hands, and even give yourself verbal commands, such as: “Stabilize Lucidity”, and “Focus on Now”.

▪ Hold onto something

If you start losing control of your dream, try to grab onto something. This could be your T-shirt, a blanket, your bed frame, or a tree. The physical sensation of seeing and touching an object can prevent you from waking up. Also, take some time to examine the object you’re holding. Combine this technique with other methods, such as verbal commands like “stabilize lucidity”.

▪ Attempt dream spinning

Dream Spinning should be used if the other methods don’t work. This is useful if your dream starts fading out of your control and you can’t examine your hands. For example, you may find yourself in a place of infinite darkness. Try to spin yourself slowly in your dream, as if you were figure skating. However, this spin has to be short and controlled to avoid transporting you into a new dreamscape or waking you up.
To become the architect of your dreams, try to control your thoughts in real life. How often are you awake but not really present? Many modern humans have lost the ability to be fully present. For example, they dream about holidays when they’re at work. However, when they’re on vacation, they think about what they have to do at work when they return from their trip.
Overcome your tendency to be distracted by meditating and practicing mindfulness. Be right here, right now – and intentionally create your own thoughts. The ability to be fully awakened during the day is an essential part of raising your consciousness in your dreams.

Sexy Call Girls Mobile Number from Sylhet- Bangladesh

Call Girls Directory Bangladesh! Real call girls mobile number from Sylhet, Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj. All Girls number are real and all of them are very beautiful. You can make friendship with them and also you can do sex with girls.
Sylhet is the London of Bangladesh! Bangladeshi London has so many rich girls and beautiful women, who desire to have sex time to time. 

Bangladesh Sylheti Girls Mobile Number

Name Eva
Age 23
Height 5’1” 
Bra Size 36
Eva can go out with you, anywhere in Bangladesh. Eva take 50% advance, but no booking on phone call, you can only book by face to face talk. But you have to take time when to meet over phone call. Eva is real call girl from Sylhet.
Contact Number: 01922332651
Eva lives in Sylhet sadar thana.

Eva completed her study from Dhaka University. She is very very sexy and she is real expert in sex.
Eva loves medium size penis to get fucked. Eva don't love long time sex, but she love to have sex more than one time at a single time. 

সিলেটি পুরী

Shaila Bhabi from Sylhet- Mobile Number

As you know most of the sylheti family member lives in Foreign, Shaila Bhabi's Husband lives in London. So SHaila bhabi has no one to have sex at her house. But shaila bhabi is so hot and sexy. Shaila bhabi needs sex, this is why shaila bhabi is a sylheti magi. Sex girl in Sylhet.

Shaila bhabi pays good guys who can satisfy her, but don't make a deal before you make her satisfy. If you can fuck her enough, then she will give you money, you don't need to ask it.
 Shaila Bhabi
Age 26
Height 5’2” 
Bra Size 38
Figure 38-31-36 D
Shaila loves to have sex properly, as you know sylhet call girls love foreplay, so does this Bangla bhabi. Bhabi loves to suck penis but the guy must be honestly proper clean. 

You must not have any hair in hidden places. To do sex with sylheti hot bhabi shaila, you must have to be smart. Shaila love the guys who never had sex before. Be friendly with bhabi, she will give you everything, even if need she will teach you How to Have SEX!
Her is Contact Number of Shaila Bhabi from Sylhet:  01741164184

You got Sylhet Hot Girls Mobile Number. Please do not call her if you are not smart, if you have children, if you have intention to take money from her.

Cheating wife from Sylhet - Call Girls Mobile Number in Sylhet 

Women who don't get enough sex with her husband can be a cheating wife. Every young girl needs enough sexual satisfaction. If need she might take it from other guys, I mean other than her husband. below are tow Sylheti girl who does not have the satisfaction from their husband, so they are now call girl. They needs regular sex. 

Their husband is too busy in business. So they are doing this, also they are making some money by doing sex. Sex is not their occupation but passion.  Whil it bring them some money.

Rubaia - 01727567605
very very Sexy Bhabi from Sylhet. Loves to have sex with anyone. But she will never give you blowjob. Only kiss and fuck.
Name Rubaia
Age 19
Height 4’11” 
Bra Size 34
Ayesha- 01531275381
Real Khanki Magi from Sylhet, Bangladesh. This lady can do anything if you give her money. This women will make you sex best ever you had. Who did sex with her, wants to be regular customer. but she gives only one night per person in a month. 
Name Ayesha
Height 5’0” 
Bra Size 36

Real Call Girls in Sylhet: Bangladesh

Sylhet is a tourism area in Bangladesh. 
This area needs more attractive call girls to have sex with foreign customers.  We have added two more Khanki magi Call Girl Number who lives in sylhet and do sex with tourist only. Tourist can be Bangladeshi or Foreigner. 
For Bangladeshi they takes 6000 BDT per night, and for foreigner the takes 10000 BDT per night.

Ronda Rousey - 01923490006

Raima have her own Resort in Sylhet, so you don't have to rent flat or room. She will bring you with the night package. Ronda Rousey have sex more than thousands time in a year.
Name Ronda Rousey
Age 17
Height 4’10” 
Bra Size 34

Sanzida - 01912432117
Very beautiful and sexy. Sanzida will give you chance of photography while she is nude, but no double photo, no video. Only Photoshot of her nude body. But you can not take photo for business purpose.
Still Looking for girls for dating & friendship? Ok let me give you more. 
Name Sanzida
Age 22
Height 5’2” 
Bra Size 36

Sylhet Puri Hot and sweet girl of Sylhet
Sylhet girls are very beautiful and sexy. Sylhet Beautiful Girls Mobile Number and Photos. A rare collection of Sylhet beautiful girl.

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Call Girl Esha Mobile Number from Sylhet Bangladesh. 
Esha Akter from Moulvibazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh is another real khanki magi, This sylheti Magi will give you a smashed blowjob, which you must be creamy. After this she will again give you blowjob to make your dick more strong and the she will give you her vagina to suck. 

Then she will ask you to fu** her hard. 
Esha akter loves hardcore and Bigger one. The more time you can have sex with her, the more chance you get to get her the next time.
Her rate start from 3000 BDT and ends in 15000 BDT. She don't deal over 3 nights. So you can book her maximum 3 day in a row.
Name Esha Akter
Height 5’3” 
Bra Size 38Contact Number: 01918086811

Do not call her if you can't maintain her conditions.

Find and share information about Bangladeshi Sylhet Call Girls Mobile Number.Comment below your mobile number with name, and tell us what you want. 
You don't need to find friends on the internet just put you email address and mobile number here people will call you or send Private Message. Girls Numbers, Local Models and Tv Celebs, Mobile Numbers, Share with friends 

Disclaimer: All the information above are only information purpose. This blog author or admin are no responsible for any misuse of these contact numbers and any further action. However you can try all this and we wish you good luck.

Sex Before Marriage Leads To Sexual Problems in Marriage?

Sex before marriage! What do you think about it? Who do you think sex before marriage is a no-no? Is it a sin for two people who are in love to have sex before marriage? What problem may happens if you involve in sex before marriage? Let me show you know...
Sex Before Marriage Leads To Sexual Problems

The Epidemic of Bad Sex in Marriage

An estimated 40 million women in America complain about their sex lives (Oprah, 6/00). They hate having it, sex feels like a chore, there is no enjoyment, no intimacy—these women have lost the desire for sex. WHY? The answer is not easy, and certainly is not the same for every woman, but it unfortunately affects their husbands and marriages. Although there can be many explanations for the trend, sex before marriage can only contribute to this sad phenomenon.
The two stories that follow were made public on “Oprah”, in June 2000.
One frustrated woman describes…
“Before marriage, we had sex 3-4 times a week; but after marriage, it became like a chore.”
Sex is everywhere. It permeates television shows, the Internet, and magazines. Even children’s movies often have thinly veiled sexual overtones.
Religious groups have taken offense with what the NHS pamphlet promotes and argue that its approach goes too far. 


Before marriage, the woman admitted that sex was used as a tool (to get a man to commit for her own personal comfort). In this situation, the act of sex was used inappropriately. Sex inside marriage is designed to be an emotional experience that bonds a couple through good and bad times. It is not meant to simply “comfort” a relationship. Individuals often become misguided as to the role of sex in a relationship and it is only through a great deal of effort, forgiveness, time, and healing that people are able to discover the beauty of sex in marriage.
When someone uses sex in a certain way (whether it be for personal pleasure, or to get a person to commit) that becomes the reason to have sex. Now that the woman had the permanent commitment, what is the reason to have sex? It’s not an intimate bonding experience for her, so she has lost the desire to have sex anymore.

Sex Before Marriage…

…destroyed her ability to bond with her husband and enjoy sex as an intimate experience in marriage.
One frustrated man describes…
“My wife doesn’t fulfill me when I’m having a hard time. She doesn’t make love to me when I want it, when I need it. Our marriage is falling apart.”


This man is familiar with having sex when he wants it and using sex for his own personal satisfaction and fulfillment. Sex is created to be a completely giving experience…to give the best, and all, of yourself to your spouse, so as to fulfill them. If someone has sex outside of marriage, they often use it for themselves, even if they believe it is a loving thing to do for their relationship. The wife in this situation does not enjoy sex because it is done for her husband’s satisfaction, not as a gift of self to one another.

Sex Before Marriage…

…ruined this man’s ability to become a gift for his wife through sex and his ability to sense her needs as more important than his own. Sex before marriage also ruined his marriage.
These certainly are not isolated situations. Such lack of intimacy happens on a regular basis in many marriages. Movies don’t usually show this, and so many couples are afraid to publicly talk about it. But, you know as well as I do that it is real—you know the divorce rate in this country, it’s depressing!

Before Marriage Having Sex

…allows us to make habits out of sex that are not the habits we want to have once in marriage. Such habits or motivations can ruin a marriage, even before the marriage begins. You cannot be completely self-giving in sex outside of marriage because there is no permanent commitment which allows you to give all of yourself (heart, body, spirit, mind). If you gave everything of yourself in sex outside of marriage, you risk losing everything, because that person might walk away the next day, month or year. So, we train ourselves to not give away all of our “heart and soul” in sex. We hold back emotional or intellectual attachments that we don’t want to be harmed. We condition sex to be more of a physical than emotional act, or simply for it to fulfill our immediate needs. Then, when we get married, we wonder why sex isn’t totally giving, beautiful and bonding. It is simply because we chose to turn sex into something it is not. We abused the gift of sex.

Sex should be a place where a couple grows and connects and discovers each other better, not a place where old baggage, motives and comparisons keep spouses divided and frustrated.

What do you want to bring into your marriage?

Do you really want to habitually use sex out of context, out of God’s plan? How much of your marital intimacy do you want to endanger for sexual moments now?
You’re making that decision now. God wants to bless your marriage with awesome sex, as a totally bonding and giving experience. It’s your choice—what do you want?
And there’s good news. It’s not too late to start over through the gift of secondary virginity. And, if you want to know how to have great sex, start by choosing chastity today. Here’s some good ideas about how chastity leads to great sex!

Real Call Girls Mobile Numbers from Bangladesh: University & College Girls Edition

Real call girls are now available at your door. Real Dhaka university call girl mobile phone number from Bangladesh. There are lots of Sex worker in Bangladesh. You need mobile number? We will give it to you. 019... 018.. 017.. wait we are providing Girls Number with photos below. 

Real Call Girls Mobile Numbers BD

Maximum are young and beautiful girls from various university and college. For example Dhaka University Girls, City College Girls, Eden Mohila College, Lalmatia Girls College. Even many school girls are come out as Call girls in Dhaka and other city of Bangladesh.

How to get Girls Mobile Number?
The very best way is asking to the girls directly. Girls mobile Number can be found by asking them, but if you can't ask them we will help you.

Here is a Call Girl Contact Number from Dhaka University
Name: Kanika Hamid
Age: 19
Bra size: 38
Very very sexy and hot like Bollywood star.
Looks like Tamanna Bhatia and boobs like Aysha takia. You can do sex with her in dhaka or outside dhaka. But she is very expensive. And all payments before do it. 

Contact Number: +880-1918312740
Please do no call her if you are not a good looking, young and handsome guy.
Kanika Hamid is a most wanted call girl in Dhaka city comes from Dhaka University. 

Real Dhaka University Call Girls Phone Number who lives in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Mirpur, TSC, Mohakhali, Mogbazar, Zatrabari, Uttara and more.

Name: Afsana
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Only do Sex with foreign customer. If you are visiting bangladesh or any of your relatives came to visit Bangladesh and he needs a sex girl, you can contact with her.  

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You should never disturb a girl if you really cant bear her charge.

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Chittagong is a big city as it is big it has beautiful girls too, as the city is big Chittogong girls has big big breast. If you are a breast love you must visit Chittagong once and should try a girl from the city or local village.

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Lets get some Call Girls mobile number from Chittagong.
Nipa Biswas: +880-1782091985
Small Breast but loves the thing too much. You will be pleased. 

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Loves to take photos when she get naked and wet, she loves to suck young guys and vice verse. Sarmin is professional call Girl in Chittagong city, she is doing honers at a privet university.

Dhaka Real Girls Mobile Number for Fun Dating
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Name: Tania Ahmed 

Religion: Muslim 
Live In: Comilla,Chittagong, Bangladesh
Description: Not very beautiful but too hot and sexy. If you see her breast you will be mad to suck it. Once you suck it you will wants to marry her if you are really breast lover. She is the most beautiful women in the world (in scale of breast).Shedo phone sex with her friends all the time. So Now She'd like to get some new man to have phone sex and real sex.
Contact Number: 01913592544
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Contact Number: 01813592544

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Dear friends. as you are reading all my stuffs I'm glad you are here. Please do not misuse of any of my article.

Disclaimer: Information in this post is information purpose only. Any damage or any other issue by practicing this information, this web admin, author will not be Responsible by anyway. Use it at your own risk.

Please share your number or service below by commenting, so people will get you. Thank you, 

Mustafizur Rahman IPL 2016: Its All About The Young Tiger

Mustafizur Rahman height is 5′ 11″. Mustafizur Rahman Date of Birth 6 September 1995. Mustafizur Rahman is making his IPL debut with Sunrisers Hyderabad. Mustafizur Rahman IPL Making more exiting.

If You are Looking for Mustafizur Rahman Facebook!

Mustafizur Rahman IPL 2016

Ravindra Jadeja clean Bowled by Mustafizur Rahman in IPL 2016. Its a great achivement by this young star Bangladeshi Cricketer. Lets check out Mustafizur Rahman's Bio before we go further story and news.

Mustafizur Rahman is a Bangladeshi international cricketer. He is specialized as a left-arm medium fast bowler. He has taken the most wickets in a debut One Day International series.His home district is Shatkhira, Khulna.

Mustafizur Rahman is a shy boy who doesn't like talking much, unless he is speaking in his mother tongue Bangla. One of the biggest stars in the cricketing firmament at the moment is Bangladeshi medium pacer Mustafizur Rahman. He got some talent from god and he could use it by practicing.

Cricket world knows that an storm is coming to take the leading place in cricket adventure. The name of the storm is Mustafiz. 

Mustafizur Rahman BD
After many decades Bangladesh got some real talented cricketer, Mustafiz is one of them. He did very well in Bangladeshi League cricket as he plays in  Abahani Limited cricket team. Also He did very well performance in T20 World Cup 2016. And Now he is buzzing this 2016 IPL (Indian Premier League).
South African pace spearhead Dale Steyn said "Bangladesh seamer Mustafizur Rahman has the X-factor"
Now, Dale Steyn, arguably the fastest bowler in the world, has taken note of Mustafizur's sharp skills and compared him to the legendary Wasim Akram.
"Mustafizur has got the skill set, X-factor Wasim Akram had. I wouldn't say Mustafizur is swinging as much as Akram did but it is fantastic to see him bowl." Steyn said in an exclusive interview with intoday.in.

Mustafizur has already given us some of the most exciting moments of the IPL this year. His in-swinging yorker that cleaned up Andre Russell was a spectacle. And on Saturday, he bowled 16 dot balls in his four-over spell and finished with figures of 4-1-9-2.

While the best in the business have failed to come up with strong tactics to deal with Mustafizur, Steyn, a champion himself, seems to have realised why the young Bangladeshi has spread terror among batsmen the world over.

Among many career best score here is one: "Mustafizur Rahman takes 5-22 for Bangladesh against New Zealand in this Match, ICC World Twenty20 India 2016."
David Warner and Moises Henriques heap praise of Sunrisers Hyderbad's Bangladeshi quick Mustafizur Rahman.
Sunrisers Hyderabad bowling sensation Mustafizur Rahman has revealed he isn’t bothered by any batsman. Just 20, Mustafizur has created storm with his wonderful bowling on the international stage. And he has carried his wonderful form into his first IPL campaign, picking up 7 wickets in six games at an extraordinary economy rate of 6.18. His figures of 2 for 9 against Kings XI Punjab was one of the best bowling performances in recent times. His debut performances have helped his side win three games from six games. Earlier in the T20 World Cup 2016, he took 9 wickets from just 3 matches, showing his once in a generation talent. Speaking to Times of India, Mustafizur spoke about his experience in the IPL.
Mustafizur Rahman BD
Mustafizur Rahman BD

He was asked about being successful in a tournament which is dominated by batsmen
I think it has to do with my belief and desire to do well at the top level. I know I have to make use of the chances that come my way, wherever I am playing. Going into the IPL, I wanted to make a mark, worked hard at it, and it feels good that people are appreciating my performance.  

He was also asked about his destructive off-cutter, which has got him many admirers 
I don’t exactly know what the secret is, probably it comes naturally to me. When I was growing up, one of my coaches told me to try it. I just gave it a try and it started coming out very well. Since then I have kept working on it and the results are showing.

He also spoke about the trouble relating to language  
It’s true that I don’t understand English or Hindi too well. But at the end of the day, cricket has its own language and I know what is expected out of me. I try to keep doing the things that I know I am good at and I also make an effort to understand what the captain wants. So till now, things have worked out well.

He also revealed he has no favorite wicket, and he doesn’t fear bowling to great batsmen, even if it’s Virat Kohli or MS Dhoni 
I have absolutely no favorites, I am happy to take every wicket that I get. And there is no batsman in the world who really bothers me. I know that if I can perform to the best of my abilities, I will find a way to stop each and every one of them.  They are all great players, but I try to stick to my strengths. And let’s make it very clear, that Bengaluru game was out of my system the very next day. In cricket, you can’t sit and brood over things that have already happened. I don’t even know when our game against Dhoni’s team (Pune Supergiants) is, but as and when we play, I will give my best shot.

He was also quizzed about his plans to play Test cricket, especially series against India 
It’s better to take one step at a time, but yes, I would love to do well in Tests as well. That’s the ultimate dream of any cricketer, but as far as the India series is concerned, I am not looking that far ahead. I don’t even know if I will get selected in that series, but if it happens, I will do my best.

Finally, he was asked if needed if he needs to be quicker to be successful in Test’s 
I have to keep in mind my body if I am looking to increase my pace. I think the pace at which I am bowling now is fine. I have had my share of injuries and though I know it’s part-and-parcel of the life of a cricketer, I have to try and stay fit. 

Indian University Call Girls Mobile Number

Many of Indian Call girls are student too. You can get those Indian Call Girls Mobile Number or Contact number here. I already published another number directory for Indian Girls if you missed it, here is "Indian Call Girls Mobile Number Collection" Indian Call girls are very hot and willing to do sex daily if you pay enough them.  Also read: How to Have Sex Dreams

Indian University Call Girls Mobile Number
YES its 100% true, in the fantasies of hypocrite desperate men, 50 percent of all women are call girls/prostitute/sluts etc etc in reality No its not at all true, but i can tell you something which you know yourself that more than 50% of men of these universities are ready to sleep with a call girl, for someone to say so simply about girls reflects there viewpoint about the liberalization of women moreover to give a statistic for anything there have to be a proper research and survey, i think currently there are better and important things to work on. its hard for large section of men to accept the freedom what women rightfully deserves after thousands of years of oppression.

For this article, I searched a website in google and I got to know that this is true.Photographs are also given of those girls who are involved in such things.

How is the life of a call girls in India?

Not good according to me due to the following reasons:-

1. Becoming a call girl is not their wish. It is not their dream. They don't do this work by "choice". Most of them belong to extremely poor families and have to do this work for earning some money and survival. They are just "helpless".

2. They are in a constant fear of being arrested because this work is illegal in India.

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Indian University Call Girls Mobile Number
First Name: Sanjana
Last Name: Kaif
Age: 24

Religion: Hindu
Maritial Status: Single
Date Of Birth: 19.12.1990
Language: Hindi,English
Mobile Number: +91-97487584
City: siliguri
State: siliguri
Email: nain5@gmail.com

Another Sex Girls From India With Contact Number

First Name:Puja
Last Name:Aggarwal
Age:24 Years
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Mobile Number:+91-94730144188
City/State:Tamil Nadu
Email Address:priyanak45.nadu@gmail.com

Call Girls in India, Mobile Numbers

Indian University Call Girls Mobile Number
Name: Tamanna Kaur
Age: 31 yrs
Height: 5′ 3″
Religion: Muslim
Sect: Sunni
Mobile Number: Not
Community: Hindi-MP
Education: BBA,MBA/PGDM
Occupation: Customer Services
Income: Rs. 1 – 2Lac
Location: Bhopal 

Another Independent Call Girls Waked up from Mumbai
Get her now by calling this 07620705229 

Indian call girl mobile number in siliguri with photo. indian call girl mobile number in siliguri with photo. Indian call girl mobile number in siliguri 

All girls are very beautiful and hot, Never call them if you don't have enough money to pay them. and of-course you have to be a strong guy to do that thing with them. 

In India out of 100, 56 Girls are working for sex at night. Surprising yah? me too...

High Class Call Girl Who Made £3000 a Week: Secret of a Call Girl in London City

Secret of a Call Girl in London City, United Kingdom. A former high class call girl who made £3,000 a week leading a secret double life has lifted the lid on what it's like to be an escort.


So you have a plan to date a London girl, you wish to spend quality moments together, know her, love her, have fun, you name it. But there is a problem, do you have £3,000 to spend to hire a call girl in London? Yes this lady takes offer for minimum one week and the rest you know.... 

Rachael Webster spent 15 years living as Sam, wearing the finest designer clothes and frequenting posh West End hotels including Claridges and The Ritz.She offered sexual services for the capital's rich and famous, but her clients also included gangsters, criminals and violent thugs.But Manchester-born Rachael was leading a double life as a young single mum by day and living the high life by night. 

Sometime I think, why she is so dependable? What she has that no other girl can give to a guy? Then I Call this girls escort service and made a contact to just meet with her for £500! Only for Tow hour gossip with her.  Well she is damn sex, her breast made me crazy, and I was getting hot, if I had enough money I must have sex with this call girl.

So you think she has great breast thats why she is top call girl in london? No!! Big No!!! She also has very hot and sexy hip and figure, I had seen her at pool and wet body. Man will be damn crazy if see. I have seen her videos and she mad me mad to have sex... Any guy who has the thing must be done what I did.
Secret of a Call Girl in London City

Secret of a Call Girl in London City:She would leave her young daughter in the care of her mum Lyn in Hale Wood, Liverpool, for days at a time while she traveled to the capital for work.
The mum-of-three and former alcoholic has now decided to pen her autobiography The First Floor Revisited after Lyn's death and said she feels no shame over her tumultuous life.

Rachael, who has a 13-year-old son and daughters aged 17 and 21, said: "As a single mother-of-one living a double life there was no one to tell what happened to me, so my experiences remained locked within my world of silence.

Secret of a Call Girl in London City: "I was a secret keeper - holding secrets of my childhood, secrets of the girls I worked with and secrets of my clients who confided in me their innermost thoughts."In my book I have divulged some of my own deepest secrets and the things which have moulded me into the person I am today - a lover of human life."Mine has been an incredible journey and I feel very lucky to be alive." 

Rachael - who became an alcoholic in her teens and at her worst would drink one and a half liters of vodka a day (could you think you can drink vodka like her?) - was sexually assaulted as a 12-year-old but describes her upbringing as "unsettled but relatively normal". At 22 she was a single mum living in a council house with her young daughter while working at a massage parlor in Liverpool.This all changed in 1994 when Rachael answered a 'girls wanted' advert in a local paper and began working as an escort in London's West End.

Secret of a Call Girl in London City: "As a London call girl I was always seeking the next thrill and the next high but running from the lows by allowing myself to be a pawn in the games men played," she said."On the outside I was funny, beautiful and intelligent but the inside revealed a different story."It was quite surreal that I, just a working class girl, could be having these experiences.

I knew nothing about living the high life."I was working in clubs which extremely wealthy, important people and celebrities would visit. At times I was earning extraordinary amounts of money."In some ways working as an escort gave me a life I never would have had otherwise, but in other ways I feel it robbed me of some of the best years of my life and robbed my children of their mother."

Amazing Facts to Help Improve A Quality Life

Facts about your life: The following list of inspiring and amazing facts may improve your outlook on life.  They’re noted in an attempt to help you perceive your life into a positive light. Always think positive and make your life more productive.

No doubt — you probably know a great deal.  Nevertheless, in lieu of our daily activities, some of these inspiring facts get lost sometimes.
Perhaps, the following list of inspiring facts will remind some of us of our successes in life.

Amazing facts of Life

  • Our bodies are as old as the universe, because matter is never created or destroyed.
  • Seventy percent of people pretend to be okay — simply because they do not want to annoy others with their problems. 
  • Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong and the other person is right. Apologizing means you value your relationship more than your ego.
  • Lypophrenia is a vague feeling of sadness, seemingly without cause. Lypophrenia often occurs when a person misses someone.
  • Some people aren’t actually anti-social — they’re just especially selective when it comes to the people they associate with.
  • The harder the life, the stronger a person becomes.
  • Many people talk about leaving a better planet for our children. However, leaving better children for our planet is another thought worth considering.
  • Many women find themselves more attracted to a person who has the ability to make them laugh. Laughter strengthens relationships.
  • People who often help others are considerably happier and less likely to become depressed, as they get older.
  • The human brain naturally craves four things — food, water, sex, and sleep.
  • Dogs have the capability to sense sadness in humans — they often attempt to make their owners happy by initiating cuddling.
  • One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on a person’s face and knowing that you put it there.
  • The harder you work for something — the greater you will feel when you achieve it.
  • A great relationship comprises two things: First, appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the differences.
  • Most discontented men don’t show their discontent.
  • The type of music you listen to actually has the ability to change the way you think and the way you perceive the world.
  • A person is not rich until he or she has something that money can’t buy.
  • Most everyone has experienced something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.
  • When a friend does something wrong, try to remember some of the things they did right.
  • The best revenge is to move on, get over it, and continue to succeed. Never give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.
  • Usually, most people make many hand gestures when they tell a true story. On the other hand, when telling a lie, most people keep their hands noticeably still.
  • Onychophagia is the practice of biting one’s nails, especially when done habitually and as a symptom of emotional disturbance.
  • Russia didn’t consider beer an alcoholic drink until 2011. Beer in Russia was regarded as a soft drink.
  • In 1846, a Hungarian doctor, Ignaz Semmelweis, discovered that hand washing prevented the spread of disease and saved lives. In 1865, when he was only 47-years-old, Ignaz Semmelweis was committed to a mental asylum.
  • We never actually “lose” friends — we just learn who our real friends are.
  • A person generally hates you for three reasons:
    1. They want to be you.
    2. They hate themselves.
    3. They see you as a threat.

Inspiring others — learning more

It’s quite challenging for people who want to learn more about life.  Every day people discover more about a myriad of things.  The preceding list was just a tiny speck of amazing facts many of us may not know.

Remember all then facts of life !

Bipasha Basu Wedding Photos Exlusive with Secret News

Fans of Bipasha Basu has lots of curiosity to know about Bipasha Basu marriage. We have same question why Bipasha Basu got married with Karan Singh Grover? Bipasha Basu wedding pics and news are here. read to know the secrets...
Bipasha look really happy being married like any other normal girl ..hope karan don't break heart this time ....good wishes

Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu are now officially married. This is Bipasha's first marriage, while Karan has been married twice before - to Shraddha Nigam for 10 months and to Jennifer Winget for almost 2 years. Karan's first wife Shraddha has now opened up about ex-husband's marriage.

While both of his wives have moved on, Karan has also got married to Bipasha yesterday (April 30). Though the wedding was only attened by close friends and family members, their reception was grand one and saw the presence of Bollywood's who's who.

Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover got married today and their reception is obviously a star studded affair. Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan with Abhishek and Aishwarya Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor are just a few names that are at St Regis Hotel in Palladium, Lower Parel to wish the stunning couple. Here are all the photos of the celebrities.

Her reception look is so simple but I guess when you get decked out in Bollywood movies maybe simple chic is what you go for! Check this Bipasha Basu Wedding Pics

Every moment of the wedding was super fun. There was a live band playing some peppy romantic numbers. The dance floor was huge and everyone was motivated to shake a leg.

Bipasha is a foodie and the buffet was a lavish one. Right from the choicest of Punjabi non-vegetarian dishes to Continental fare like pasta, there was everything to suit every palate.

The wedding cake had everyone asking for a second bite. It was super yummy.

The bride and the groom took out time to personally interact with the guests. Everyone was made to feel welcome and looked after very well by Bipasha’s family.

Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover personally escorted Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan when they left the venue. They came down to see them off.

Salman Khan HUGS Karan Singh Grover Bipasha Basu At Wedding Reception

Bipasha Basu is now hitched. The actress and her hubby Karan stepped out after their wedding ceremony on Saturday evening to pose for the media.
bipasha basu wedding pictures
The newly weds, Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu

bipasha basu marriage

 So what do you think about her? Will karan can hold her hand forever? or he will left the bollywood star as he did before? 

terms: bipasha basu wedding, bipasha basu wedding pics, karan singh grove, bipasha basu marriage

30 Famous Quotes About London, England

Quotes About London, United Kingdom! famous London quotes, famous quotes about england, A collection of famous sayings on London, England. Here are 30 of my favorite provocative thoughts/quotes/sayings about London that always manage to put a smile on my face.
1) You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford. -Samuel Johnson
2) The man who can dominate a London dinner-table can dominate the world. -Oscar Wilde
3) A bad day in London is still better than a good day anywhere else. -Unknown
4) Keep calm and go to London. -Unknown
5) Nothing is certain in London but expense. -William Shenstone
6) London is a modern Babylon. -Benjamin Disraeli 
7) I think London’s sexy because it’s so full of eccentrics. -Rachel Weisz
8) London, thou art the flower of cities all! Gemme of all joy, jasper of jocunditie. -William Dunbar
9) A mighty mass of brick, and smoke, and shipping, / Dirty and dusty, but as wide as eye / Could reach, with here and there a sail just skipping / In sight, then lost amidst the forestry / Of masts; a wilderness of steeples peeping / On tiptoe through their sea-coal canopy; / A huge, dun cupola, like a foolscap crown / On a fool’s head – and there is London Town. -Lord Byron
10) You are now / In London, that great sea, whose ebb and flow / At once is deaf and loud, and on the shore / Vomits its wrecks, and still howls on for more / Yet in its depth what treasures! -P.B. Shelley
11) The English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilised, too, common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane. -Stephen Fry
12)  If London is a watercolor, New York is an oil painting. -Peter Shaffer
13) I like the spirit of this great London which I feel around me. Who but a coward would pass his whole life in hamlets; and for ever abandon his faculties to the eating rust of obscurity? -Charlotte Brontë
14) There’s a hole in the world / Like a great black pit / And the vermin of the world / Inhabit it / And it goes by the name of London. –Stephen Sondheim 
15) London, London, London town / You can toughen up or get thrown around. -Kano
16) It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them. The walls of London may be battered, but the spirit of the Londoner stands resolute and undismayed. -George VI
17) There are two places in the world where men can most effectively disappear — the city of London and the South Seas. -Herman Melville
18) The best bribe which London offers to-day to the imagination, is, that, in such a vast variety of people and conditions, one can believe there is room for persons of romantic character to exist, and that the poet, the mystic, and the hero may hope to confront their counterparts. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
19) I don’t know what London’s coming to — the higher the buildings the lower the morals. -Noël Coward
20) I came to London. It had become the center of my world and I had worked hard to come to it. And I was lost. –V. S. Naipaul
21) Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary-fucking-Poppins. London! -Dennis Farina
22) The truth is, that in London it is always a sickly season. Nobody is healthy in London, nobody can be. –Jane Austen 
23) I had neither kith nor kin in England, and was therefore as free as air — or as free as an income of eleven shillings and sixpence a day will permit a man to be. Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained. -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
24) Oh, I love London Society! It is entirely composed now of beautiful idiots and brilliant lunatics. Just what Society should be. –Oscar Wilde
25) Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner / That I love London so / Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner / That I think of her wherever I go / I get a funny feeling inside of me / Just walking up and down / Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner / That I love London town. -Hubert Gregg
26) “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” — Martin Buber
27) “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
28) “A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will go to pieces if he remains forever in the same place.” — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
29) “When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.” – William Least Heat Moon
30) “The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.” – G. K. Chesterton

Sex Before Period: Know about Get Pregnant

Sex before period, What do you say? Can a woman have sex, get pregnant and get her period the day after?
A period starts two weeks after ovulation if no pregnancy occurs.  (It can be 13 or 15 days, but 14 is pretty accurate, so let's just go with that.)

Sex Before Period
If a woman has a nice regular 28 day cycle and a 4 day period, that means that she will ovulate 14 days after her last period started and 14 days before her next one is due. 

That also means there will be at least 9, probably 10, days after her last period ends before she ovulates.  Since sperm can't live more than five days inside a woman's body, this perfectly regular woman with a 28-day cycle can't get pregnant if she has sex on the last day of her period, or even for several days after that.
sex before period, Getting know women's issue

Short cycle arithmetic

But what about a woman with a shorter or more irregular cycle?  And/or a longer period?

If her cycle is 21 days and she often bleeds for 5-6 days of the 21, you can see that it's a different story.  She typically ovulates on day 8 of her cycle (22 minus 14) and sperm can live for up to 5 days inside her body, so
theoretically, she could have sex in mid-period and still get pregnant!

Here's one sequence of events for a woman with a 21-day period:

Day   1:  Menstrual bleeding starts.
Day   4:  Sex.  (Could be any time from day 3 onward.)
Day   5:  Menstrual bleeding ends.
Day   8:  Ovulation and conception occur in the Fallopian tube.
Day 17:  Implantation occurs; maybe light spotting and some cramps.
Day 22:  Next period should start, but doesn't.
Day 29:  Still no period - time for a pregnancy test!

The point to remember is that the egg is NOT in the womb at the time of conception.  In these having-sex-during-the-period scenarios, conception typically happens when the egg is way up in one of the fallopian tubes.  The fertilized egg is then going to take another 6-12 days after conception to get down to the womb and implant itself, so there is still plenty of time for the lining of the uterus to get ready for it.

This means that sex can happen even while the uterine lining is being shed and still cause a pregnancy.  The sperm can take days to make their way up into the fallopian tubes, and then conception can occur in the tubes while the womb is still getting itself ready to receive the egg. sex before period!

The rhythm method

If you are looking for "safe" days, the magic number is 20.  IF you have an extremely regular period, and IF you know when your next period is due to start, sex at least 20 days before that is very probably safe.  (S0 is sex that is less than 11 days before your next period is due.)

So let's say you are extremely regular, your next period is due to start on the 25th of the month.  Your most fertile days would be from the 6th through the 14th.

But that only works if you ovulate like clockwork and never vary.  And anything that messes with your hormone balances - stress, a cold or fever, really good sex, vigorous exercise, some drugs, even some foods - can throw your schedule off.

sex before period
Which leads to a very old joke:
Do you know the technical medical term for women who use the rhythm method to prevent pregnancy?

They're called "mothers." sex before period is not dangerous! It happens.

It depends when you ovulate. For most women it's a week or two before their period, but if you're a teen or have irregular or short cycles it could put ovulation close to your period. You have about (slightly less than) 6 days per cycle you can get pregnant. This is because s perm can live five days and an egg only about 12 hours.

If you got your "period" early and you usually have normal cycles, it's possible you had a very early miscarriage, not a period.  This is very common and most women never knew they were pregnant.

There is a very small chance if your cycles are short.  If not, then you should be clear as far as pregnancy is concerned.  That doesn't mean you did not contract a sexually transmitted disease while having unprotected sex.

To relieve this anxiety and avoid problems going forward, schedule an appointment with a doctor or a clinic, decide on a method of birth control for yourself, get a box of condoms for your partner, and get some information on safe sexual practices. sex before period and sex before marriage is normal now.

You can keep making believe that the only thing you have to worry about is getting pregnant.  Millions of women all over the world will tell you nothing is further from the truth.  Protect yourself.  Face facts and deal with them like an adult.

Dhaka University Girls Mobile Number: Khanki Magi Photos

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Top Five Reason to have sex more today!

1. Moderate sex can cure a cold
Not only does sex make you more content in your relationship, but it also keeps you healthier. In 1999, researchers at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of a certain antibody that provided a boost to their immune systems, compared to students who had sex less—or more—often.

2. Sex lowers your blood pressure.
One study shows that sexual intercourse specifically—as opposed to masturbation or other forms of sex play—has a significant impact on lowering systolic blood pressure (the first number on your blood pressure reading, or the force with which your heart is squeezing to release blood outward.)

3. It counts as exercise.
While sex does burn calories, it doesn’t burn as many as you think. In fact, according to WebMD, a 30-minute romp can burn around of 85 to 100 calories. There are ways to burn more though, beyond making sex last longer.

“If you’re on top, try moving your hips like a belly dancer; this feels great and will give you a workout,” Jaiya Kinzbach, a Los Angeles–based sexologist and the author told Women’s Day. “Also try a position where you squat on top of him and then bounce up and down. This is a great workout for your thighs and butt, and it can burn up to 207 calories in 30 minutes.”

4. Sex reduces your man’s risk of dying of a heart attack.
One study found that men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die from heart disease than men who had sex less often. That’s a huge decrease in risk, and considering that most men are big fans of sex to begin with, it’s just one more reason for your guy to get involved.

5. Orgasm has the power to reduce pain.
Next time you have a headache, try an orgasm instead of that Advil. “Orgasm can block pain,” Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, and distinguished service professor at Rutgers, told WebMD. ” It releases a hormone that helps raise your pain threshold.” Additionally, for ladies, masturbation can reduce mind-numbing menstrual cramps.

Sexy Indian Babes Try to Convince Their Parents

Sexy Indian Babes Photos and news updated in every 48 hour. Pretty Indian Girls inspire new generation of round dancers. Do you dig Indian babes? What would you say if I told you about a little place where sultry, slutty Indian women abound, and their only purpose is to drain your..
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Indian Sex Babes. Finest Indian Babes are all here. Fucking hot Indian Babes will teach the world about Indian Sex.

Someone commented on one of my post was tremulously hot and sexy.  I would say the guy was mad and he wrote "Two horny indian ladies at my room and I film them on video. They then start to suck my dick. They had amazing dark skin that I enjoyed fucking." seems insane yah? 

I will mainly have pics of Indians but I have love for all women
Disclaimer: All images, unless otherwise noted, were taken from the Internet. 
Sexy Indian Babes

Do you think Indian girls really try to convince their parents to let them marry their boyfriends? Why?
I have seen that most Indian girls always argue with their parents about almost everything . They get their way with books, clothes, education , employment, enjoyment etc. Suddenly however, every Indian girl wants to listen to her parents before getting married! Is it because of the fact that the guy of their parents' choice in most cases is always, good-looking , well-settled and has a higher paying job than her boyfriend?N.B : I'm talking about girls who had boyfriends but did not marry them because their parents did not like them or allow them. (Sexy Indian Babes)

Sexy Indian Babes

I will tell you the story about my sister. But first let me give you a small background of my family.
We are a middle class family from a small town in Madhya Pradesh. I have great parents and lovely grandparents. My family is not conservative at all. In fact my grandfather is very modern and he doesn't believe in the barriers of caste and religion. And  I am the younger brother of three sisters.

The story goes back to 2012.  My youngest sister was working in an MNC in Chennai and she loved a guy from the same company But the problem was my sister was a Jain and the guy was a Agrawal. (Sexy Indian Babes)

At that time I was studying in a college in Chennai, so I had  already met this guy several times. I really liked him a lot . It was in  the June of 2012 my sister told me that she was in love with the guy and I was very happy for both of them. I told her to tell our parents. I knew that initially they will resist a little bit but eventually they will settle down given they were really cool. But she was not very sure of the idea. She told me that she will wait for another 6 months or so and will tell our parents.

On the other hand, our parents started to search a groom for my  sister as she was already 26 by that time. They would daily browse matrimony magazines and talk to relatives to find a good match for her. Finally it was around November when both me and my sister were planning to come to home for Diwali celebrations. It was at this time she was planning to tell our parents in person. But as soon as we reached the home, she got a surprise that a boy is coming to see her within 3-4 days. She was totally shocked. Still she could not get the courage to tell our parents. But finally the day before the other boy was coming to see her, she told our parents about it. As expected, my parents  were shocked and were deeply hurt. But nobody talked about it that night. My parents even didn't tell about this to our grand parents. They told her to talk about this tomorrow after the boy's family will be gone.

On the next morning, the other boy with his family arrived. My family was very excited about this relationship from the very start. The reason being our family knew their family very well and secondly he was from the same religion. After 3-4 hours of meetings, the boy's family had left. Now meeting with the boy in person, my parents wanted this relation more than ever because they found the guy really good and obedient. (Sexy Indian Babes)

Now the awkward situation came. My parents had to tell about this to our grandparents and other relatives who had come at that time. All were deeply shattered and also shouted at her that she could have at least told this before so they could have avoided the unnecessary preparations and not asked the other boy to come and visit.

Even after a lot of convincing from my sister, my parents were still not ready. First and the foremost reason being the caste barrier, and the second one was because they were hearing and seeing a lot of news today about how love marriages end badly and about how the boys of this generation are. So they wanted to make sure that they will marry my sister to someone whom they know (which is totally right from their point of view).

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 Sexy Indian Babes photos
 Sexy Indian Babes photos
 Sexy Indian Babes photos

After my sister went back to Chennai after Diwali, my parents didn't speak to her for about a month. They had clearly told her that she should stop seeing this guy. Whenever she would call, they would just talk for 1-2 minutes and then keep the phone. She was feeling very bad about it. Also my grandfather was  not feeling well at that time and she thought that she was the reason behind his health.

Sexy Indian Babes

But after some time my parents started to talk to her normally but they never talked about the guy. Just the usual stuff. And finally one fine day, my father asked her what she needs to do finally.
Her response was:
Papa, I am ready to marry where you want me to, but my happiness lies in that person.
I think this response made a lot of difference. My parents started to think from her point of view. They came to know that my sister was deeply in love with the guy and she trusted him a lot. So they finally decided to meet the guy and their family. After meeting them, they really liked them a lot. But it took them another 6 months to finally agree for the relation. All this time, my sister kept reassuring that this guy will not be your son-in-law , he will be like your son.

Fast Forward 2 years, my sister and my jiju (brother-in-law) completed 1 year of happy married life in the last month and my parents and my entire family is happy for both of them. God 'bless them.

 Sexy Indian Babes photos to enjoy!

Celebrating Mother's Day? Make Sure You Have The Date Right

Celebrate mothers day on Sunday, May 08 - 2016! Mother's Day is observed the second Sunday in May. It is a time to honor mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers for their contribution to family. Mother's Day is a day for many people to show their appreciation towards mothers and mother figures worldwide.

Many Canadians celebrate Mother's Day by showing their appreciation for mothers or mother figures. The Mother's Day date in Canada is on the second Sunday of May 2016!
Mother and daughter at a Woman's Day festival in Durbar Square, Kathmandu. On the day of the festival, people pay homage to their mothers and perform rituals in temples or by the river.

Not every country in the world celebrates Mother's Day at the same day.If you're in the United States, you might be showering your mother with gifts on the second Sunday in May — but if you're in Thailand, that day doesn't come until August.

Why do mothers get celebrated on different days in different countries?
The answer may lie in the fact that it is not a day celebrated like the International Women's Day, a global event with recognition by the United Nations. Mother's Day, in fact, has different meanings and origins in various cultures.

In the United States, it was suggested by an activist
Anna Jarvis wanted to honor mothers' sacrifices in raising their children. She fought to add the day to the national calendar, and by 1914, President Woodrow Wilson designated the second Sunday of May as Mother's Day.

Many countries follow the United States, such as Germany, Australia, China and Turkey. Mexico also celebrates the day early in May, but on a fixed date: May 10. As this Washington Post article describes, it's a big day of celebrations for Mexicans.

While in the Middle East, it was an Egyptian journalist
The Arab world — which includes Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and others — celebrates Mother's Day on March 21, coinciding with the beginning of the spring equinox. According to the American University in Cairo, an Egyptian journalist Mustafa Amin introduced the concept of Mother's Day to the country in 1943. The tradition then spread to neighboring countries in the region.

Alma Richeh, executive director for Center for Arabic Culture in Boston, says the day is a public holiday in many of those countries.

"Usually many campaigns and charity events will take place and most of the time it's to raise awareness about women's role in society," Richeh says. "There will be special programs on TV ... in the Arab world there are many beautiful songs about Mother's Day from very popular singers."
Some news sites say that Amin proposed the idea through an opinion article after meeting a widow whose children left her when they became successful.

The day started as a historical day off to return home in Britain
In Britain, Mothering Sunday, or Mother's Day, is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, which fell on March 6 this year. According to Britannica, the custom began in the Middle Ages when people who had moved away returned to visit their home parishes and their mothers on that day. In particular, it was a day when children who left home to work as domestic servants were given a day off.

In Nepal, it's a holy festival celebrated on a new moon night
Also called Mata Tirtha Snan, mother's day in Nepal falls on the Nepali month of Baisakh, which usually occurs around late April to early May. This year, it was celebrated on May 6. Majority of Nepal's citizens are Hindu, and this day is celebrated through various rituals either performed at home, at a river or a holy place.
The day was picked based on the story about a grieving man who saw his deceased mother's face in a pond on this day after offering prayers.

Eastern Europe bundles it with International Women's Day
Russia and several eastern European countries such as Azerbaijan and Bulgaria celebrate Mother's Day on March 8, which is International Women's Day. In Russia, according to the book Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation, the day is also called "Women's Day," celebrating maternity.

Mother's Day gift ideas with top picks for Mom on kitchen appliances, jewelry, books, and more. Online shopping for the perfect gift to celebrate Mom in 2016.

Kolkata Khanki Boudi Number: Contact Numbers of Khanki Magi in Kolkata

Many users requested me to post Kolkata khanki boudi number with photos and details. Today I'm giving you Kolkata khanki magi mobile numbers. 50+ Real Call Girls from India, west Bengal, kolkata, Sexy Boudi Mobile Numbers are here. Before we go ahead, you may wanted to read "What's Wrong With Sex Before Marriage?"
Kolkata Khanki Boudi Number: Contact Numbers of Khanki Magi in Kolkata

Also Read: How To Satisfy A Woman In Bed - Sexy Moves To Try in Bed

In Kolkata maximum married guys are too busy with job or business all the time. Even at night they get so much tired , this is why they can't do sex with his wife, or if they do they finish it in only 2 or 3 minutes. But Indian Boudi/ Kolkata Boudi Wants more sex. Thats why they do relations with other guys. You may call it "Porokia Sex" or Indian Khanki Boudi Sex! Read below to get
Kolkata khanki boudi numbers.

In India there are many Khanki Boudi who do sex by taking money. You can call them call girls or Sex Girls. Now I'm going to give you some real Indian Women Mobile number to have sex. In other words, India- Kolkata Khanki Boudi Mobile Numbers are below to enjoy your sex life....

Nabila Boudi: 9735835118
Kolkata Khanki boudi Nabila is live in Kolkata, India. She never takes money to have sex. But she only do sex with good looking, handsome guys. She needs at least 45 minutes fuck. If any guy can fuck her for minimum 45 minutes can call her to book a schedule.
Nabila Boudi Age 28
Bra Size: 40
Figure: 40-31-38 A

Puspita Boudi: 9730135570
Another Kolkata Khanki Boudi mobile number is here. Her name is Pusphita.
Pushpita Boudi Age 26
Bra Size: 38
Figure: 38-30-38 D
Very hot boudi takes money to do sex. Call her for the rate and place. Pushpita boudi loves to suck penis and missionary style sex. She loves to have sex in swimming pool. Pushpita always carry Condoms so you don't have to be worried about it. All you needs to give her money and suck her boobs to make her horny. Remember Horny Kolkata Khanki Boudi can give you real sex experience. 
Here you are getting 100% Real Khanki Magi Boudi Mobile Numbers from Kolkata, India! Kolkata Boudi are very hot and sexy. Kolkata Boudi Hot photos also posting here regularly. 

Never disturb any boudi if you don't have money and if you can't do sex minimum 30 minute for any women. If your sperm come out in just 5 minutes, Kolkata Khanki boudi will give you slap or kick. Then needs long time, romance, pleasure in the hidden place of their body.

Here you will find PH numbers of Boudi, Vabhi, Bhavi, from West Bengal. Most of them are bengali and from Kolkata. I have colleceted these nos for days.  Most of them will be normal housewife. If they have any other special qualities i will put that together with names.

Kolkata khanki magi phone number
Kolkata khanki magi mobile number

 Here i will upload 1 no of a Boudi / Vabhi / Bhavi daily with names and all other details that i will be able to get. So make sure you stay tuned and visit daily cause the next day these numbers will be gone and new 1 will come.
I am not sure if all of them are accurate, because its just a collection and i have no intention to fancy them or call them all to make sure if those nos are genuine.

So if you are interested, all you got to do is just make a call, after all its 1 paisa per second. Just Give it a shot. Who knows someone else will get it before you do.

Kolkata Khanki Boudi Aditya: 9051919108 
This women are crazy about sex. Understand what this woman want in bed and then try to have some fun with her. 
Aditya Boudi Age 30
Bra Size: 38
Figure: 38-30-38 B


Most women can't orgasm during intercourse without clitoral stimulation, which is probably why so many want more of it! 

I've spent my life interviewing women and dating them (you know, for research). In India, Kolkata Khanki Boudi are most perfect in bed and they know that sex is a art. 

Laxmi Devi, The real Khanki Magi in Kolkata 9874916391
Call her at anytime to have sex, is she is free at that time. minimum payment is 1500 Rupee. 
She is very beautiful, Big breast. Specialty in blowjob and handjob.
She loves to squirt and scream... She needs hard fucker to have. This is real Khanki Magi In Kolkata‎. 

Laxmi Devi Age 35
Bra Size: 36
Figure: 36-28-36 B

You want her to leave satisfied, but you don't have all night. ... “For a woman to open up and experience sexual pleasure, she needs to feel desired by you.” Please read this to make her Happy! 


Vai number vul thakle ba hole amar kono responsibility nei.. Jodio amar source genuine,,,  But ekhane j number gulo thaakbe segulo sadharon Boudi Vabhi Bhavi der number.. So eder sathe behave OK rakhar chesta koro.... Tumi na parle onno kauke sujog dao... Busy thakle bojho tomar age line ache...Vulval Boudir number hole seta ami ullekh kore debo name er pase r 
Rendi Call Girl ba Meye der number laagle setaro jaiga ache.. 

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Kolkata Call Girls Mobile Numbers 

Kolkata Khanki Boudi Mobile Numbers from Public Survey:

Contact Numbers of Khanki Magi in Kolkata
Ami ananya...bari kolkata... akhon delhi te.... want phone sex... pls call after 9 pm  08359820340

Hii I am @bishal just 22yers old . Now I can feel sex .. But I can't find no 1 girl like you . I have big sex time In my \ .. And every time i feel it .. So don't wasn't your time just call me at any time .. To fuck hole night .. Non 1or 2 hrr ok .. Only full night on 8hrrr bqz .i will 1time complete to sex 1'15 hrr ok .. Don't worry i love you so much and i kiss you nonstop okk.
Need Kolkata Call Girls Mobile Numbers 
Here is Kolkata Call Girls Mobile Numbers 

Shuchi- 8536874636 
Shuchi Kolkata Boudi Age 33
Bra Size:40
Figure: 40-30-38 B

Shanti Roy- 9732693653
Shanti Boudi Age 27
Bra Size: 36
Figure: 36-30-36 C

Anuradha- 7501913404 
Anuradha Boudi Age 38
Bra Size: 40
Figure: 40-32-39 B
Kolkata Khanki Boudi Number

Below are some open opinion from public to Kolkata Khanki Magi Boudi or even all Indian Boudi Please read below opinions. 

any boudi or girl from kolkata can call me in my no 7890809028 for ph sex.plz cl me quickly bt after 12 am means night.

secretly & deeply & hardly sex for me....... contact any girls & women upto age 30 yrs this id :- playmale4female@gmail.com or message me this no. 9593900260

Any Sexy Boudi / Sexy Aunty or divorce women, I want to sex, pls Call me 9330952760 for Home calling.

Everything you wanted here we have tried to provide Kolkata Call Girls Mobile Numbers, Warning never call a Kolkata Call Girls Mobile Numbers for only fun. You must have to pay them.

Disclaimer: All numbers are real and collected from various source. Any damage by calling or any other issue with these numbers we this website and or the owner/ admin/ author / editor won't be liable by no way. You should use this numbers at your own risk. Porokia sex, Porokia Sex, Porokia Sex, Porokia Sex, Porokia Sex, Khanki Magi, Khanki Magi Porokia Sex, Porokia, Who loves Porokia, I love Porokia, You do Porokia, Porokia india, Porokia Bhabi, Porokia Sex, Porokia Sex.

15 reasons why London is the best city to live in as a young professional

Why London is the Best City? Why United Kingdom is the Best Country? 

1. Because 75% of Fortune 500 companies have offices in London and there are thousands of other businesses of all sizes across the city.

2. Because six Premier League football clubs call London home.

3. Because the London Underground is something everyone loves to hate, but with 270 stations, it makes this huge city feel a bit smaller.

4. Because Sunday roast is basically a weekly holiday feast.

5. Because London’s largest airport, Heath row, flies to 180 destinations around the world, making London one of the most globally-connected cities in the world.

6. Because of any city of its size, London has the most green space with parks that cover almost 40% of the area.

7. Because on your way to work you may walk by Big Ben and the London Eye.
A walk passing Parliament may catch you a glimpse of these two iconic London sights.

8. Or St. Paul’s Cathedral

9. Or the Shard. The tallest building in Europe.

10. Because you can buy anything and everything you ever imagined at markets like Camden Market, Borough Market, and Portobello Road Market.

11. Because you can check out almost 240 museums, including The British Museum, Natural History Museum, or Tate Modern. All for free. 

12. Because there are over 100 Nando’s located in the city, making it an excellent and convenient lunch option. Chicken, chips, macho peas. What’s not to love?

13. Because you can join the ranks of Sherlock Holmes, John Keats, Jimi Hendrix, Alfred Hitchcock and the Royal Family all of whom call (or called) London home.

14. Because pubs. Over 7,000 of them.

15. Because no matter how old you are or where you come from, opportunity will surround you.

Indian Actress Kajal Aggarwal Unseen Photos Leaked: Hot Telugu & Tamil Pics

Indian Actress Kajal Aggarwal Unseen Photos Leaked: Hot Telugu & Tamil Pictures are here. Kajal agarwal hot pics in 2016.Here are 20 Photos you must see...

Indian Actress Kajal Aggarwal Unseen Photos Leaked



Photo Gallery of Kajal Aggarwal

Photo Gallery of Kajal Aggarwal

Photo Gallery of Kajal Aggarwal

Kajal Aggarwal is an Indian film actress and model who predominantly works in Telugu and Tamil films. She has also appeared in a few Hindi films. Through her successful career, Kajal has become one of the most popular celebrities in South India.

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Photo Gallery of Kajal Aggarwal. Most popular south indian celebrities Kajal Aggarwal. She hes appeared in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu language films
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