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How to get pregnant by sex positions


Are some sex positions better than others?

You may have heard that some positions, such as your partner on top (missionary position), are better than others for conception. In fact, there's no evidence to back these theories up. Experts just haven't done the research yet.

What experts have done, though, is use scanning to reveal what's going on inside when you're doing the deed. Some brave couples volunteered to be scanned using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) while having sex.

The research looked at two positions: the missionary position and doggy style. (Doggy style being when you're on all fours, and your partner enters you from behind).

Common sense tells us that these positions allow deep penetration and are likely to place sperm right next to your cervix (the opening of your uterus).

The MRI scans confirm that the tip of the penis reaches the recesses between the cervix and walls of the vagina in both these sexual positions. The missionary position ensures the penis reaches the recess at the front of the cervix. The rear entry position reaches the recess at back of the cervix.

It's amazing what some experts spend their time doing, isn't it! It may be that other positions, such as standing up, or the woman on top, may be just as good for getting the sperm right next to the cervix. We just don't know yet.

So, in the meantime, enjoy some variety in your sex life and keep it fun while you're trying to conceive. And talk to others who are hoping to get pregnant by joining our Actively trying group.

Do I have to have an orgasm to conceive?

Obviously, it's very important for your partner to reach orgasm if you are trying for a baby. Some sperm can even leak out before the point of ejaculation. There is no evidence, however, that you need to orgasm to conceive.

The female orgasm is all about pleasure and satisfaction. It doesn't really help to get the sperm to the fallopian tubes and the egg. Gentle contractions in your uterus can help the sperm along, but these happen without you having an orgasm.

So, it's really not vital for you to reach orgasm after your partner, or even to reach orgasm at all, for you to conceive.

Are there any sex positions that can help us conceive a boy or girl?

There is no evidence, but legends abound! According to one, having sex with the woman on top will lead to a girl, while sex with the man on top will produce a boy.

Should I stay lying down afterwards?

It won't hurt to try it. The semen is more likely to stay in your vagina and around your cervix than if you get up straight away. However, there are millions of sperm in every ejaculation, so there should be plenty in your vagina even if you do stand up straight afterwards.

If you have the time and the inclination, it may be worth staying in bed for up to half an hour after having sex. You could also try lying on your back with your hips raised on a pillow to encourage the sperm through the cervix, uterus and into your fallopian tubes. This isn't a good idea if you're prone to urinary tract infections and have been advised by your doctor to empty your bladder straight after sex.

Another trick that some women swear by is lying on your back and bicycling in the air with your legs for a few minutes after sex. If nothing else, it should give you and your partner a good giggle. And what could be more conducive to successful baby-making than having fun in bed?

The main thing to remember when trying to conceive, is that having regular sex can really help. Having sex every two to three days increases your chance of getting pregnant within the year compared to having sex only once a week .

If you've been trying to conceive for a year or more without success (or sooner if you're 36 or older), or your periods are irregular, it's best to see your GP

How to get pregnant fast: 6 Easy Tips


Say bye-bye to birth control sooner rather than later.

How to get pregnant fast
If you use the pill or patch or shot — or another form of hormonal contraceptives, the sooner you stop, the faster your cycle can return to its natural groove. Hormonal contraceptives usually contain a combo of estrogen and progesterone, which keeps you from getting pregnant by suppressing ovulation or preventing implantation. That’s why it can take a few months after going off birth control for your hormones to get up to speed again and for your period to come regularly. Talk to your practitioner about the best time to get off your birth control: Generally, three months is the preferred time for women using the pill or patch, but it can take up to nine months (or longer) for your reproductive system to bounce back if you use the Depo-Provera injection.

Don't forget these other sperm-boosting foods.

Add these fertility foods to your man’s menu:
  • Oysters. We’re not sure if oysters are an aphrodisiac, but we do know that their zinc content pumps up the production of sperm and testosterone. If your partner’s not a fan, he can get his share of zinc from lean beef, poultry, dairy, nuts, or eggs, though oysters have the highest concentration of this baby-making nutrient.
  • Fruits and veggies. Produce is rich in the vitamins that can help protect your guy’s sperm from cellular damage. He can get folate from leafy greens — men who don’t get enough of this B vitamin tend to have sperm with abnormal chromosomes. Give him plenty of citrus fruits, tomatoes, and berries for vitamin C (which can boost sperm quality) and carrots, red peppers, and apricots for vitamin A (which keeps sperm from getting sluggish). Or serve sweet potatoes, which are rich in all three — folate, A, and C!
  • Honey and pomegranate juice. Honey contains boron, a mineral that may increase testosterone, and pomegranate juice may up sperm count and quality.

Boost your dairy and iron intake.

Besides eating right and taking prenatal vitamins, try to fit in one serving of full-fat diary a day as part of your plan to bone up on calcium. Research shows that one serving of whole milk or cheese — or yes, even a scoop of full-fat ice cream — can lower your chances of ovulatory infertility (the inability to produce healthy eggs). But be sure to limit that full-fat serving to one a day, otherwise you’ll sabotage your conception quest by packing on too many pounds. Also aim for two servings a day of iron-rich foods like leafy greens, beans, and lean meats since research shows that anemic women can have irregular cycles.

Cut down your caffeine intake…and cut out other vices.

There’s a whole host of studies showing that too much caffeine and alcohol can derail your campaign to conceive. So if you really want to get pregnant now, limit your caffeine intake to about 200 mg per day — which is the equivalent of about two cups of coffee. (If you’re undergoing fertility treatments, your doc may lower that limit even more.) But cut out out alcohol altogether and tell your partner to decrease his drinking too — alcohol can do a number on your fertility and his. And though it probably goes without saying, nix nicotine now if you haven’t already because it can cause major cell damage to your eggs and increase the chances of miscarriage once you do get pregnant.

Skip the lubricant.

If you’re trying to get pregnant faster, get your juices flowing with some good old-fashioned foreplay instead of reaching for the lube. Oil-based lubricants (like massage oil) can change your cervical mucus and the pH of your vaginal tract, making it more difficult for your partner’s sperm to find its way to the promised land. Even saliva can turn into a sperm-killer. An alternate get-in-the-mood idea: Watch a sexy movie together — doing so actually boosts the quality of your guy’s sperm. (If these tactics don’t do the trick and you find that you’re simply too dry to get the deed done, try a dime-sized dollop of a water-based lube like K-Y.)


Studies show that extreme stress can lower your chances of getting pregnant by causing hormone levels to go haywire and decrease cervical mucus. But we’re talking about high anxiety here — not run-of-the-mill frustrations like a demanding boss or tantrum-ing toddler. But even if you’re not at freak-out levels, it can’t hurt to keep your nerves in check by avoiding work overloads and hitting a yoga or Zumba class, listening to music, or venting to your partner or a sympathetic pal. Another plus to finding time for R&R now: Once you do make and deliver a baby, “me” time will be a

My Advice to Young Women


Pearls of wisdom from someone who has no place giving any advice to anyone whatsoever 

Young Women
I kind of feel like everywhere I go, I’m surrounded by women in their early twenties. I think it’s because of where I work and the places I hang, or maybe I’ve become Hugh Hefner without realizing it. (I really think my whole robe-during-the-day look is more clinical depression and less Hef, but whatever.) My point is, I find myself wishing I could sit these chicks down and tell them how to live. Maybe I could whittle thoughtfully while I dispense said wisdom, because you know how seriously you take a whittler. Since no one around me seems to be clamoring for advice from old won’t-you-enjoy-my-robe-at-3:30-p.m., over here, I thought I’d share my pearls of wisdom to young women now, where you can’t see me and for all you know I’m wearing a sensible sweater set and a mature updo and might be exactly the kind of wise, older woman you’d want life lessons from. Here goes:

Capture yourself naked

 I mean it. It is highly likely that this is the best you’re ever gonna look, even if you keep up with the Pilates or the bulimia or whatever it is you’re doing to look good right now. It’s just a fact: This is pretty much your peak, bodywise. So get your artistic gay friend (that’s what I did) or your most trusted woman friend and take some nice shots, not gross ones you’ll be ashamed of later. You’ll look back and say, “I thought I was FAT? God, I looked marvelous!” Once you get old, you start saying things like “marvelous.” You also get an ass the size of a breadbox. So start snapping those photos immediately (you're not getting any younger).

Live relationship-free for one year

 Find out what it’s like to make your own plans, have your own fun and just be. There’s no shame in a weekend or 12 spent alone, fixing your apartment or your car or your hair or just reading a great book. You have to know that you can WANT a relationship, but not NEED a relationship. It clears out the clutter—and the riffraff.

Move far away for at least two years

 If you live in Minneapolis, don’t move to Chicago—move to San Diego. If you live in Seattle, don’t move to Portland—move to Cape Cod or Miami. Even better, move to France. People in different regions THINK in a different way, and it's good to expose yourself to people who didn’t grow up thinking the same as you. I’ve lived in Michigan, Seattle, L.A. and the South, and I could write a whole book on what I learned from each region. The two years part is important, too, because you need time to acclimate. If home is where you wanna be, then go home after your two years are up. But expose yourself to something new, even if you think it sucks. At least then you’ll KNOW why you love home.

You’re not that fascinating, so shut up and listen

I know you think your thoughts are new and original and they must be told. I know you think we all need to hear every detail of the new man you met. We don’t. At restaurants, I sit next to young girls talking the ears off of their parents, their boyfriends, their friends. You know how you get truly original ideas? By listening to other people’s ideas. Mulling them over, and not just stampeding to the, “Well, I …” response. People who talk about themselves constantly are boring as shit and hard to be around. People who listen, who ask how you’re doing, people who can just sit still, are not.

Take risks now

 This is it, sister. If you want to quit your entry-level job and join the Peace Corps, now is your window. If you want to shave the Country Crock logo into the side of your head, now’s the time, weirdo. I promise you that five years from now you will be getting married, or having a child or so far into your career that you can’t spend your nights playing bass for that PBR&B band. So do it now. And if you screw up, there’s still time to get it all back together again. Which leads me to my next piece of advice ...

Screw up

 Seriously. Date the wrong people. Write a terrible novel. Get a Brazilian wax. You learn the most from your mistakes, and if you’re too afraid to make any, you’ll never learn a damn thing and you’ll stay in your hometown forever and next thing you know, you’re 43 and hanging goose-themed windsocks off your front porch, wondering when the hell you became the most boring person on earth.

We were not put here to hang goose-themed windsocks. We were put here to try hard and get our hearts broken and fight back and occasionally find a perfect peach. Life is what happens while you’re between perfect peaches. So, live it the hell up, young women in your twenties. Live it up (and remember to get a Roth IRA).

6 Menstrual Myths Revealed: Women's Health

By now you've probably heard a lot of different things about your period. While some are clearly old wives' tales, others can be trickier to decipher. Whether you're wondering if it's safe to skip the Pill's placebos or if women in close proximity really do sync up their cycles, we've called in the experts to get to the bottom of some of the biggest menstruation myths out there.

1. Your hormones shift every seven years?

There's no such timetable. Your hormones are always shifting because that's what happens throughout the monthly cycle itself. But big-picture changes are also always going on. "Women's hormones are always shifting because the ovarian reserve [the supply of remaining eggs] gets lower and lower as we age," Nanette Santoro, MD, professor and chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Colorado at Denver. The number of eggs in your ovaries in turn affects hormone levels. Specifically, as the number of eggs shrinks, levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)—which helps prompt ovulation—go up. And this can cause your periods to go out of whack.

2. Women who live together often get their periods around the same time?

Yes, and it has to do with pheromones, odorless chemicals that women produce and release. The theory is that our bodies detect and respond to the pheromones of the women around us, and gradually this creates a synchronicity of menstrual cycles. Strangely primitive, but true!

3. You can't get pregnant during your period?

It's unlikely, but not totally impossible. Sperm can, in rare instances, wait for an egg for up to a week. If you have a very short or long cycle, ovulation can happen soon after, or even during, the bleeding phase, which gives sperm the chance to get lucky.

4. It's not safe to take the Pill without a break?

Not true. If you've been getting your period regularly and you don't want to, it's fine to skip it by taking the Pill continuously (no seven-day gaps). Because the Pill contains progesterone-like hormones, it prevents the growth of the uterine lining, so there's no buildup and no lining to be shed. That's why you won't get a period "There is no need healthwise to physically get a period," Dr. Santoro says. What is dangerous is if the lining of your uterus builds up and doesn't shed, since this can put you at risk for a buildup of precancerous cells. So if you're not getting periods and you're not on the Pill, menstruation should be induced at least every three months, says Sharon Mass, MD, a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UMDNJ in Newark, New Jersey.

5. Men can get PMS?  

No. Men do have their own hormonal rhythms, but not monthly ones like women's. And "their hormones don't fluctuate significantly until they begin to lose testosterone in their 60s," says Michele Curtis, MD, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Houston Medical School.

6. If your mother got severe menstrual cramps, you're likely to get them, too?

Possibly. Doctors say they have seen a generational link, but it isn't clear whether it's conditioning, genetics or both. For some women, "it may have to do with attitude and expectations," says Dr. Curtis. So if you grew up hearing your mother complain about cramps and saw her spend days in bed during her period, you might be more attuned to menstrual pain yourself. But there's no question: "For some women, severe cramping can be very debilitating," says Dr. Curtis. "It's almost like they're going through labor every month." If this happens to you, talk to your doctor about taking oral contraceptives (they can make your periods lighter and less crampy since they stop the uterine lining from getting so thick) or prescription-strength pain relievers.


Many people believe that sex is important in a relationship. But it can be important for your health as well. Joy Davidson, PhD, a New York psychologist and sex therapist, along with a few other experts believe that sex will do the body in so many ways. And these are not just hearsay as they have been backed with scientific evidence.

1. Relieves Stress

Sex has been known to decrease blood pressure as well as reduce overall stress. A study showed that those who have frequent sex have a decreased diastolic reading in their blood pressure. Even hugging with their partner can lower the blood pressure among women.

2. Boosts Immunity

Good sexual health equals good physical health. Engaging in sex at least once in a week can trigger the release of more amounts of immunoglobulin , an antibody that can spare you from acquiring colds and various kinds of infections.

3. Burns Calories

Half an hour of sex can burn 85 calories, sometimes even more. It might seem like a small number but adding it up can already make it almost equal to that of a full body workout. A sexologist said that sex is a great form of exercise since you will have to work in order to do perform it well.

4. Improves the Heart

Some older people worry that they might have a stroke during sex but researchers have clarified that the frequency of sex has no associations with stroke. In fact, studies have shown that having sex at least twice in a week can reduce heart attack risk by 50%.

5. Boost Self-Esteem

One of the reasons many people have sex is to boost their self, this was according to study. Many people, even those who already have self-esteem, said that they sometimes have sex in order to feel better.

6. Improves Intimacy

Sex and orgasm will increase the level of the hormone oxytocin in your system. Otherwise known as the love hormone, this will help in building bond and trust. This hormone has also been linked to feelings of generosity.

7. Reduces Pain

Along with the release of oxytocin in the system is also the release of endorphins. This is very effective in relieving pain. Therefore, any kind of pain like headache and even PMS symptoms can greatly improve after having sex.

8. Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

For men who are in their 20s, having frequent ejaculations can decrease their risk from having prostate cancer later in life. At least 5 ejaculations weekly reduced the risk by one-third. Older men can also lower their prostate cancer risk by having at least 21 ejaculations in a month.

9. Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

Performing some pelvic floor muscle exercise during sex is very beneficial. It allows them to enjoy sex better and lower their chances of having incontinence later on. One of the most popular exercises of the pelvic floor muscles is the Kegel exercise.

10. Enhance Sleep

Research has shown that the oxytocin that is released during orgasm promotes sleep.


If you thought, only genes determine your lifespan, you may be wrong. There are life lessons, which if learnt and adhered to, can add years to your happy and successful life. These valuable lessons come through experienced people who could live peaceful, positive and happy life by sticking on to them in both happy and adverse circumstances.

Focus on positive thoughts.

Positivity should be your focus. If so far, your thoughts delved on negative aspects of life, like annoying neighbor, cribbing colleague or your past mistakes, you are wasting much of your precious time and energy and losing on well deserved happiness. On the other hand, if you are focused on present and future, in planning things that you want to happen, enjoying what present is offering, you will end up much happier and successful. It is all to do with your mind set, with positive outlook, pleasure in your life is bound to grow and flourish.
This quote here summarizes it all, “Watch your thoughts for they become words, watch your words for they become actions, watch your actions, for they become habits, watch your habits for they become your character, watch your character for it becomes your destiny.” It all emanates from mind, positivity leaves you upbeat, while negativity leads to depression.

Do not blame yourself for everything

The feeling, ‘I’ may be at fault, is often depressing. Self Pity or taking everything personally will do more harm than good. We tend to blame oneself when things don’t happen as we want. There develops a deep feeling of guilt, which often leads to melancholy. Everything has a cause, but it is not necessarily you, there may be personal reasons for people’s peculiar behavior towards you. It could be their negativity, but why should you be the victim? So, if you want to keep yourself happy then stop bothering what others say or do, because it is their reality not yours.

Never fail to express gratitude

Someone rightly said, ‘ it is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy’. expressing gratitude should be made a habit. people will never forget how you made them feel. By thanking those who are kind to you, will not just make other person feel good but will also leave you happier. Do not fail to acknowledge the good in your life. Expressing gratitude exercises your positivity muscle and makes it easier to remain positive during low times. When you get laid off, a practice of gratitude will remind you that you still have your health or if you have a bike accident, you’ll be especially grateful to your friends and family.

Stand up for yourself, demand respect but don’t act entitled.

There is always a choice. Either demand respect or command respect. The later is permanent in nature and is well earned. The former comes purely from position. Imagine being in the position and by virtue of the way you are, you are respected. Isn’t it perfect. However, one will come across people who need to be conveyed the essence of ownership of respect for every human being. In such cases, drive home the point that respect begets respect. Remember what has not been earned is not permanent and that what appears to be permanent is a relative term. Therefore do not get anchored to respect syndrome driven by position or status but be driven by being human

Give your 100% and Ask for 100% from everyone, every time.

If you can give 100%, you have all rights to demand for 100%. David Richo’s book, How to Be an Adult mentions that as long as you know you are not on the entitled side (demanding side), being upfront about your needs and wants eliminates a lot of anxiety and discomfort in your life. Be forthright in expressing what you want and how it should be done, unless your demand is contemptuous no one would deny it. Be prepared to take a ‘No’. However, that should not damage a relationship. If someone thinks less of you because you dared to speak what you need, you can always have better people to work with in the future.

Be prepared for Rejections.

Rejections will only refine you . As Chris Dixon puts it, ‘ If you aren’t getting rejected on a daily basis, then your goals aren’t ambitious enough’. Getting used to being rejected will only make success worth cherishing. Rejections are boon in a way that they will put you back on the right track.

Money serves many purpose

Besides the freedom that money gives, it solves most of our woes. Do not take pride in saying, money doesn’t matter to you. If you cannot take care of your money, you are bound to fall in vicious cycle of borrowing and debts. Which in turn will pull you away from your goals. Prepare a budget and live by its norms, keep a check on your expenses and maintain your savings. Booklets on personal finances can help you in doing so(For a primer, check out this series on financial accounts, budgeting, cutting costs, and negotiating salary and raises, and read about how I manage my own finances.) You will remain happy when your money is in order and your expenses are limited on things we value.

Never hesitate in negotiating.

We are often hesitant in communicating the remunerations we rightfully deserve. Remember, even a little bump in salary or fee you are able to negotiate for yourself, will only add to your future income. It will also allow you to work towards your goals with greater ease. It will facilitate a boost to your career prospects, buying a house, getting married, sending your kids to college or traveling. Always negotiate on best possible terms.

Begin saving and investing early.

Wouldn’t you prefer a more comfortable retirement, than your youth? Then please start investing early in life. Investing early makes saving money. Many suggestions on early investment come from different experts, ‘If Person A saves $5,000 a year from age 25 to 40 for a total of $75,000 and then never invests another penny, and Person B invests $5,000 every year from 40 to 65 for a total of $125,000 invested, assuming 5% growth, Person A will end up with more than $400,000 by retirement, while Person B will only have $256,000, simply because Person A started saving earlier, even if she put away less.’ For good times ahead, you need to begin investing now.

One thing at a time.

When you do more than one thing at a time, you fail to do justice to either. By doing one thing at a time, you tend to enjoy the experience of doing it. Enjoy serenity and peace of nature as you walk. Relish the taste and texture of food that you eat. Avoid being a multi tasker. One needs to make conscious effort for this. In the age tempting distractions of internet and mobile phones, it has become more important to find ways to concentrate on what you are doing. Set timings for your gadget use. Switch off your mobile, when you are working on valuable project or even when you are resting. These distractions saturate mental energy and drain your brain power, which you may need for important undertakings.

Accept and enjoy your position

Nothing is static, life can change for better or worse. Learn to enjoy your current situation, if you can do so, you can only make your future bright. Just like a man, who was unhappy being single till his married friend told him how he misses his single days. Every aspect of life has its own charm, so live and enjoy your present.

Get a regular dose of nature.

Nature answers many of your queries in its subtle ways, so find some time with nature every day. Nature has some intrinsic qualities to heal stress and replenish life with needed delight. However tight be your schedule, do not miss a chance to make your way out to the park in your vicinity. This will provide you the desired break to rejuvenate.

Look within before searching all over

To find a solution to your problem, begin looking for reasons within. If someone is posing troubles for you, it is always better to find out how you contribute to this problem. Once you acknowledge your role, major part of your problem gets resolved.

Avoid being part of gossip gang

Someone who is cribbing about others to you can soon be talking behind your back. You tend to waste precious time for not so precious associations. Better make friends with people who help you grow, be happy and at peace.

Forget and Forgive

It is sheer waste of time and energy to hold grudge against someone, who actually does not matter. It is wise to completely ignore someone who is making things difficult for you or causing pain, rather than trying to establish their faults. Else, you will deviate from your goals and will be left behind.

Give your 100% to every task

There should be no room left for wondering ‘what if’. We often miss out on golden chance by not giving our best to it. By putting your best food forward, you will be assured of being judged on your true potential, rather than half baked effort. There should be no room for regretting later. You will end up satisfied that you did your best. Even if you fail once after giving your best, there is double chances of making it next time.

Inculcate daily habits for Lasting change in life.

If your ambitions are high and you want to transform yourself at a different level, it cannot happen in a day. Aim big, but work gradually towards it. Inculcate certain virtues as daily habit to achieve this lasting change. You have to decide that what should begin now to get there. Start incorporating these habits into your life. Gradually these habits and hard work will take you to the heights you always aspired for.

Plan ahead, leave no room for regret

Whenever you have to take certain decisions — i.e. taking a vacation to spend time with your kids or aging parents or turning down social events to do a stellar job for your dream client — plan it ahead that you end up feeling glad for what you did.

Give respect to earn respect

Kindness and understanding towards all are virtues, wise men learn early. Place yourself in others shoes to realize that everyone has his or her troubles and is also striving for happiness and the freedom to pursue his or her own dreams. Extending a helping hand to those in need will always have rewarding effect. As someone rightly said,’your wealth or status doesn’t make you. Your kindness and character does.’ Kindness may cost little but pays rich rewards.

Use your mind power judiciously

They say, it’s all in the mind. The choice is yours, how you use your mind, right or wrong, kind or mean, love or hate, big-hearted or petty, wise or senseless. The more you opt for the first of those choices, the more love, kindness, big-heartedness and mindfulness you’ll be blessed in life.

The Seven Deadly Sins of a Relationship

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” – Emily Kimbrough
While I can’t claim to be the world’s foremost expert on relationships, I do know that my wife and I have a very strong marriage, and have never been more in love.
I’ve failed at marriage before, but that’s helped me become better at it. I’ve learned the deadly sins of relationships, and how to recognize them and avoid them.
A reader, newly married, asked me to share my tips on how to make a marriage work. I wish I had a magic formula, but here’s a simple list of tips:
  • spend time alone together;
  • appreciate each other;
  • be intimate often;
  • talk and share and give.
But just as important as what you should do is what you shouldn’t do — and I’m sure many of you have stepped into these pitfalls yourselves. I know I have. I’ve learned from my mistakes, and have learned to recognize when I’m making a fatal error, and how to correct it.
If you can avoid these seven things, and focus instead on doing the four things above, you should have a strong relationship. I’m not going to guarantee anything, but I’d give you good odds. :)
  1. Resentment. This is a poison that starts as something small (“He didn’t get a new roll of toilet paper” or “She doesn’t wash her dishes after she eats”) and builds up into something big. Resentment is dangerous because it often flies under our radar, so that we don’t even notice we have the resentment, and our partner doesn’t realize that there’s anything wrong. If you ever notice yourself having resentment, you need to address this immediately, before it gets worse. Cut it off while it’s small. There are two good ways to deal with resentment: 1) breathe, and just let it go — accept your partner for who she/he is, faults and all; none of us is perfect; or 2) talk to your partner about it if you cannot accept it, and try to come up with a solution that works for both of you (not just for you); try to talk to them in a non-confrontational way, but in a way that expresses how you feel without being accusatory.
  2. Jealousy. It’s hard to control jealousy if you feel it, I know. It seems to happen by itself, out of our control, unbidden and unwanted. However, jealousy, like resentment, is relationship poison. A little jealousy is fine, but when it gets to a certain level it turns into a need to control your partner, and turns into unnecessary fights, and makes both parties unhappy. If you have problems with jealousy (like I once did), instead of trying to control them it’s important that you examine and deal with the root issue, which is usually insecurity. That insecurity might be tied to your childhood (abandonment by a parent, for example), in a past relationship where you got hurt, or in an incident or incidents in the past of your current relationship.
  3. Unrealistic expectations. Often we have an idea of what our partner should be like. We might expect them to clean up after themselves, to be considerate, to always think of us first, to surprise us, to support us, to always have a smile, to work hard and not be lazy. Not necessarily these expectations, but almost always we have expectations of our partner. Having some expectations is fine — we should expect our partner to be faithful, for example. But sometimes, without realizing it ourselves, we have expectations that are too high to meet. Our partner isn’t perfect — no one is. We can’t expect them to be cheerful and loving every minute of the day — everyone has their moods. We can’t expect them to always think of us, as they will obviously think of themselves or others sometimes too. We can’t expect them to be exactly as we are, as everyone is different. High expectations lead to disappointment and frustration, especially if we do not communicate these expectations. How can we expect our partner to meet these expectations if they don’t know about them? The remedy is to lower your expectations — allow your partner to be himself/herself, and accept and love them for that. What basic expectations we do have, we must communicate clearly.
  4. Not making time. This is a problem with couples who have kids, but also with other couples who get caught up in work or hobbies or friends and family or other passions. Couples who don’t spend time alone together will drift apart. And while spending time together when you’re with the kids or other friends and family is a good thing, it’s important that you have time alone together. Can’t find time with all the things you have going on — work and kids and all the other stuff? Make time. Seriously — make the time. It can be done. I do it — I just make sure that this time with my wife is a priority, and I’ll drop just about anything else to make the time. Get a babysitter, drop a couple commitments, put off work for a day, and go on a date. It doesn’t have to be an expensive date — some time in nature, or exercising together, or watching a DVD and having a home-cooked dinner, are all good options. And when you’re together, make an effort to connect, not just be together.
  5. Lack of communication. This sin affects all the others on this list — it’s been said many times before, but it’s true: good communication is the cornerstone of a good relationship. If you have resentment, you must talk it out rather than let the resentment grow. If you are jealous, you must communicate in an open and honest manner to address your insecurities. If you have expectations of your partner, you must communicate them. If there are any problems whatsoever, you must communicate them and work them out. Communication doesn’t just mean talking or arguing — good communication is honest without being attacking or blaming. Communicate your feelings — being hurt, frustrated, sorry, scared, sad, happy — rather than criticizing. Communicate a desire to work out a solution that works for you both, a compromise, rather than a need for the other person to change. And communicate more than just problems — communicate the good things too (see below for more).
  6. Not showing gratitude. Sometimes there are no real problems in a relationship, such as resentment or jealousy or unrealistic expectations — but there is also no expression of the good things about your partner either. This lack of gratitude and appreciation is just as bad as the problems, because without it your partner will feel like he or she is being taken for granted. Every person wants to be appreciated for all they do. And while you might have some problems with what your partner does (see above), you should also realize that your partner does good things too. Does she wash your dishes or cook you something you like? Does he clean up after you or support you in your job? Take the time to say thank you, and give a hug and kiss. This little expression can go a long way.
  7. Lack of affection. Similarly, everything else can be going right, including the expression of gratitude, but if there is no affection among partners then there is serious trouble. In effect, the relationship is drifting towards a platonic status. That might be better than many relationships that have serious problems, but it’s not a good thing. Affection is important –everyone needs some of it, especially from someone we love. Take the time, every single day, to give affection to your partner. Greet her when she comes home from work with a tight hug. Wake him up with a passionate kiss (who cares about morning breath!). Sneak up behind her and kiss her on the neck. Make out in the movie theater like teen-agers. Caress his back and neck while watching TV. Smile at her often.
  8. Bonus sin: Stubbornness. This wasn’t on my original list but I just thought about it before publishing this post, and had to add it in. Every relationship will have problems and arguments — but it’s important that you learn to work out these problems after cooling down a bit. Unfortunately, many of us are too stubborn to even talk about things. Perhaps we always want to be right. Perhaps we never want to admit that we made a mistake. Perhaps we don’t like to say we’re sorry. Perhaps we don’t like to compromise. I’ve done all of these things — but I’ve learned over the years that this is just childish. When I find myself being stubborn these days, I try to get over this childishness and suck it up and put away my ego and say I’m sorry. Talk about the problem and work it out. Don’t be afraid to be the first one to apologize. Then move past it to better things.
“I felt it shelter to speak to you.” – Emily Dickinson
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Simple Manifesto: Break Free from the Tyranny of the Clock

“But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day.” – Benjamin Disraeli
For tens of thousands of years, human beings didn’t have clocks. They lived, amazingly, by the sun and the moon and seasons and the needs and rhythms of their bodies.
The clock is a very very recent invention, and even more recent is our modern society’s slavish adherence to the dictatorship of the clock.
Only very recently have we been forced to work from 8 to 5, and to go to school and follow a very rigid class schedule. Only very recently have we become obsessed with tracking and making use of every minute, so that we have things to do when we’re waiting for other things to happen.
Only recently did we begin to lose our humanity, begin to lose the art of conversation and the art of listening to our bodies, begin to lose sight of what’s really important and begin to become robots.
I’m as guilty as anyone else, but as I simply my life I begin to question the culture that surrounds me and wonder why it is that I feel so pressured to do things so quickly, by a timeline or schedule set by others, to be so productive when what I really want is to be happy.
Have you ever felt that way? I know I’m not alone.
I have a solution, and it’s not original I’m sure but it surely isn’t as common as it should be: break free from the clock. Get in touch with the rhythms of life, of your body and of nature. Be more relaxed and reject the notion that time rules us.
The Benefits of Being Free of Clockhood
Now, I’m not saying that we should throw our clocks and watches away (though I don’t own a watch) … I’m not saying we should all quit our jobs and go live in the woods. I know that my reality is different from most people, as I’m my own boss — but ask yourself, is it possible for you to be your own boss? And if not, is it possible at least to find a job where you can set your own schedule? For many people, it is possible. For others, you won’t be able to live all the tenets of this manifesto, but you can change smaller things, here and there.
Why should you change things? Because the clock is meaningless — we follow it without really realizing why. We follow it because we’ve been raised to believe we should, and because those who control us (bosses, corporations, schools, etc.) set schedules we must follow. The clock, then, is a means to control us — and that, in my book, is as good a reason to break free from it as any.
Beyond issues of freedom, breaking free from the clock is healthier. It’s healthier to follow your natural sleep rhythms, to eat when you’re hungry rather than when it’s time to eat, to live a more relaxed schedule rather than to be stressed out all the time trying to meet deadlines and follow artificial schedules.
How to Break Free
It’s probably not advisable to try to change your life drastically, if you are interested in breaking free of the clock’s tyranny. Change things a little at a time. Below are a few things I’ve been doing, or that I’m trying to do, that you might consider. You don’t have to do all of them — pick one and give it a try, and see if it is useful. The list, of course, isn’t comprehensive, but I hope it helps you spark some ideas of your own.
  1. Don’t eat on the clock. Why do you think we’re taught to eat “three squares a day”? In human history, this is a very strange concept. People used to eat when they were hungry (or at least, when the food was available), not at predetermined times of the day. The answer, of course, is that it is a better structure for industrialized corporations — people, in the early days of working in factories, had to be broken from their natural eating patterns and only given one meal break a day. Too many eating breaks means lost profits! So we learned to eat before work, then once during work, then after work. Partly as a result of that, we’re ravenous during lunch and dinner times, and we overeat. And we eat unhealthy stuff because of our ravenous hunger, and we get fat. Instead, learn to listen to your body, and eat when you get a little hungry. Grazing is a good thing, actually. Eat healthy stuff if you can, and don’t eat beyond what it takes to satisfy your body’s hunger. Don’t eat if you’re not hungry just because it’s time to eat. Learn to trust your body’s hunger signals, and you’ll become much healthier.
  2. Don’t work on the clock. We work on set schedules for the same reason — for corporations to maximize profits. But we don’t need to be controlled by corporations. If you have the chance to set your own schedule, learn to find the times when you have the most energy, and do your important work at these times. Learn to follow your passion, and do work that gets you excited, and you’ll do a better job. Many companies these days allow people to change their schedules and work from anywhere — these are the companies you want to work for (unless you can find a way to work for yourself). These are the companies of the future, that recognize that people aren’t robots and need to be able to work whenever they want, as long as they get the work done.
  3. Do fewer things. This is a maxim of Zen Habits, of course — do the important stuff, not just busywork. Do less, but focus on the high-impact stuff. I’m repeating it here because it’s an important cornerstone of the clockless method: if you do fewer things, you can do them at a more relaxed pace, instead of rushing to try to do everything within a set schedule. This rule applies not only to your work life, but to your life in general — do fewer errands, chores, civic activities, etc. in order to have a more relaxed schedule.
  4. A more relaxed schedule. Once you’ve learned to do fewer things, and to work when your energy is high, you can learn to structure your day at a more relaxed pace. Leave lots of space between appointments so that you have transition time to get ready, to get to where you need to go, to finish up what you were doing, without having to rush. Or better yet, avoid making appointments. Know what you want to do today, but do them in any order you like and at whatever time works best for you.
  5. Meditate and/or exercise. These two related activities allow you to get more in touch with yourself, you inner mind, and with the world around you. If you sit in an office all day, when will you get outside to breathe fresh air and see what the sky looks like? If you don’t stop doing the million things you do every day, when will you be able to close your eyes and listen to what is happening within you? While you don’t need to meditate or exercise every day, I highly recommend it.
  6. Take naps. Naps have been given a bad name (though they seem to be making a comeback), mostly because people who take naps are seen as lazy. Yet in many countries outside the United States, people take regular naps in the afternoons (think siestas) and in my opinion, this is a more enlightened way of living. Since working from home, I have discovered the power of the nap, and have come to look forward to it almost as much as I look forward to exercise. When you find yourself getting tired in the middle of the day, listen to your body and sleep.
  7. Learn to listen to your intuition. We have become out of touch with our intuitions. Now, I’m not a new-agey hippy type (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but I do believe that listening to our bodies and our non-rational minds has a lot of value. It is healthier and saner. However, it’s not easy to learn — it takes time, and it takes listening. Try it today, and see if you can stop resisting your intuition and live more in tune with yourself.
  8. Take time to talk and connect. How many times have you run into a friend or family member, said a quick hello, and then moved on because you were in a hurry? When did we lose touch with our fellow human beings? I believe that this is a key to our dehumanization, to our becoming robots: we no longer connect with other people as much as we used to do. We’ve lost the skills necessary to have an enjoyable, relaxed conversation. We’ve lost the institutions that encourage discussion and debate and thinking and participation. Instead, we watch TV and stare at the computer and sit in our cubicles and our one-person cars and rarely if ever make human contact. This separation disempowers us (if that’s even a word, but it should be), and makes us powerless and inhuman. Instead, next time you see someone you know (or even if you don’t know them), stop, breathe, smile, relax, talk, listen.
  9. Spend time on the important things. Another maxim of Zen Habits, of course: learn to step back and think about what’s important in your life. Learn to spend time doing these things instead of the things that have naturally come to fill your life. Forget about schedules and clocks and instead focus on what’s important. You’ll be glad you did.
  10. “Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.” – Henry David Thoreau

25 Inspirational Quotes on The Importance of Habits

Here are some quotes I collected that show you why we need to change our habits and how they affect who we become.
I hope this post will also serve as a motivator for you to take some action today.

25 Habit Quotes to Inspire You

1.Habits are safer than rules; you don’t have to watch them. And you don’t have to keep them, either. They keep you. ~ Frank Crane
2.Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. ~ Aristotle
3.A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit. ~ Desiderius Erasmus
4.The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. ~ Samuel Johnson
5.The second half of a man’s life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half. ~ Feodor Dostoevski
6.Quality is not an act, it is a habit. ~ Aristotle
7.Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryun

8.Good habits are worth being fanatical about. ~ John Irving

9.Powerful indeed is the empire of habit. ~ Publilius Syrus
10.A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time. ~ Mark Twain
11.Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow. ~ Yiddish Proverb
12.The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones. ~ Somerset Maugham
13.Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. ~ Warren Buffett
14.Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. ~ Vince Lombardi
15.Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them. ~ Confucius
16.Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day, and at last we cannot break it. ~ Horace Mann

17.Most people don’t have that willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses and they talk like victims. ~ Carlos Santana

18.Small habits well pursued betimes
May reach the dignity of crimes. ~ Hannah More
19.The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits. ~ Dan Buettner
20.It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them. ~ Benjamin Franklin
21.Habit is a man’s sole comfort. We dislike doing without even unpleasant things to which we have become accustomed. ~ Goethe

22.The best way to break a bad habit is to drop it. ~ Leo Aikman

23.Every grown-up man consists wholly of habits, although he is often unaware of it and even denies having any habits at all. ~ Georges Gurdjieff
24.In one sense the whole process of development consists of the formation of habits; for knowledge itself, and the powers of thought, as well as the higher elements in the will, all depend upon the establishment of fixed ways of reacting to given stimuli. ~ Edward O. Sisson
25.The secret of the whole matter is that a habit is not the mere tendency to repeat a certain act, nor is it established by the mere repetition of the act. Habit is a fixed tendency to react or respond in a certain way to a given stimulus; and the formation of habit always involves the two elements, the stimulus and the response or reaction. The indolent lad goes to school not in response to any stimulus in the school itself, but to the pressure of his father’s will; when that stimulus is absent, the reaction as a matter of course does not occur. ~ Edward O. Sisson
What bad habits are you struggling with? What can you do today to work on building better ones?

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Also Read: Bangladesh-Dhaka Hot & Sexy Schools-College

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Hi, I AM Jhumka,20,F,Dhaka. I am a high society call girl.
I have my own flat in Dhaka…
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Phone Sex with me and my lesbian sexy friend Jessica both,we do lesbian and also do with u : Full Night 2000 taka GP card (me,my lesbian girl friend Jessica and you ) 

Anybody willing to have sex with me must be educated.........and rich……..
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don't be fooled by idiots..... I also manage strong and handsome men for married women....
Contact with me by email – sexyjhumka@gmail.com Phone - +8801754628541 

Also Read: 

So guys I have cut out some of her speech as I can't post it in my blog, that would be too rude for guys if they are not matured enough.

Make Your Girl Weak At The Knees

Dinner and a movie? Check. Doing the dishes while she relaxes? Check. Picnic in the park? Check.

You might think you've got this whole romance thing down, and I’m not saying you don’t, but there are a whole bunch of uncommon romantic gestures you might not have considered.

So, consider the following fun and unique ways to show her that you care:

1. Make Her A Mixtape

Make Your Girl Weak At The Knees
Okay, so maybe not an actual tape, since few people have cassette players anymore. A mixed CD would certainly fit the bill.

In the age of Spotify, SoundCloud and iTunes, few people have physical copies of their music, so taking the time to think of some songs that she would like will show her you care — especially if you include some nifty artwork for the cover and liner notes.

2. Borrow A Puppy

There's something undeniably adorable about taking a puppy out for a walk and watching it discover the world in which it lives. So, imagine how into you she'll be once she sees you playing with a cute little pooch.

Borrow one from a friend or a family member; ask around. There's bound to be someone who has a dog you can borrow. For a real declaration of your future intent, you could even borrow a friend’s baby or toddler to watch for an afternoon.

3. Leave Her Notes

There's nothing like a little surprise note left in places she won't expect to show her you care. Try writing a romantic note on a Post-It and attaching it to her laptop screen, so it's there for her when she opens the computer. You could also slip notes into a book she’s reading.

4. Take Her Back in Time

She would appreciate a look into your past. Ask your parents to send a bunch of photos of you from when you were growing up. She'll get a kick out of looking at photos of the boy you once were — before you became the man for whom she fell.

5. Who's Her Favorite Writer?

Try to track down a rare first edition by one of her favorite writers. There's something precious about a rare copy of one of her most beloved novels.

You could also hunt online to see if you can track down an autographed edition; she’ll appreciate the effort you dedicated.

6. Sexy Underwear… For You

You might not feel so comfortable about this one, but try buying some sexy underwear to model for her. Hey, if sexy poses aren't one of your strengths, at least you'll make her laugh!

7. Spontaneous Stay-At-Home Dinner

When she's had a rough day at work, send her a text to tell her you're picking up food from her favorite place to bring to her for a chill date. Don't forget the wine!

8. Bake Her A Cake

Anyone can buy a nice cake, but to bake a cake from scratch is to show her that you care. When she sees that you've been busy sifting flour and separating eggs, she'll melt in your arms… just like all that darn butter you had to melt to make the icing.

9. Clear Space For Her At Your Place

This doesn't have to mean the two of you are getting super serious, but if she stays over at your place on a regular basis, then clear out space in your closet (or a drawer) just for her. This shows she's an important part of your life, and you love having her around.

10. Write Her A Romantic Letter

When was the last time you got an actual letter in the mail? Everyone prefers text and email, so the handwritten letter now seems prehistoric.

Write her a love letter; put a stamp on it and send it. When she's frowning over all of those bills in her letterbox and sees your letter, it will make her day. If you're not sure what to write, feel free to “borrow” particularly romantic quotes from movies and literature.

11. Learn How To Give A Real Massage

There are online tutorials that show you how to give a great massage. When many of us attempt to give our partner a massage, the result is often amateurish and leaves us covered in far too much lotion (there’s also an occasional bruise).

Teach yourself how to give a sensational, relaxing massage, and she'll love you for it. Be warned: You might be called upon to do it all the damn time.

12. Tell Her You Love Her

This shouldn't be an uncommon form of romance, but many women don't hear it often enough.

It doesn't have to be a big deal, but make sure you tell her you love her, whether by leaving a little note on her computer or whispering it in her ear as she's brushing her teeth. She’ll love hearing it, no matter when you tell her.

How To Fuck: 8 Ways to Have Sex That Please a Woman

How to fuck good: how to have SEX? Here are 8 Most Ridiculous Sex Tips From Sex Expert. To make your partner happy you must learn how to have sex perfectly. Its not really easy, read more..

First off, I hate the word ‘penis’. I much prefer the word ‘cock’ just as I prefer the word ‘pussy’. I think it’s more honest for pretty much every discussion outside the doctor’s office. So, that’s the vocab I’ll be using. Second, if what you’ve got going is working for you and your partner then absolutely ignore everything I’m going to say. I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do but for those guys that don’t really know what they’re doing hopefully this is useful.
Fuck loud: When the fucking is happening with you, it must be loud. While you are fucking your sexual lover, scream loud and smash many porcelain dolls. This will ensure that the fucking is never forgotten. In 100 years, you can say to your sexual lover, “Remember the fucking?” and your sexual lover will say to you, “Yes, it was loud when it happened.”

How To Fuck: 8 Ways to Have Sex That Please a Woman
Fuck so good that you win an award: One of the top ways to fuck great is to fuck so good that you win a prize or trophy for how good it is. Then if someone asks if you fuck good, you can say, “Well, I won a prize for good fucking, so you tell me, idiot.”

Light a ring of sexual Fuck-Torches: Light a ring of sexual Fuck-Torches around your mattress to encircle your fuck-chamber with a sensual flame while you fuck like a master. Fuck-Torches are not expensive and they make you fuck good, so just buy so many of them. Then while you are fucking, your sexual lover might say, “I like your Fuck-Torches,” and you can say, “Thank you. They were not expensive.”

 Learn how to have sex- Sexting: “Power Words” – Turn Your Girl On

Sweat wine: What is the most sexual fuck-juice? That is correct—it is wine, the juice of love. Thus, if you want to fuck good, you must sweat wine out of your pores. You and your sexual lover can lick the wine off of you and it will be delicious and you will both become sexual and mad. You can sweat out good wine or garbage wine, who cares?

Be damp: What is damp? Damp is the most sexual wetness. This is why, when you fuck your sexual lover, you must be damp. Before you fuck, mist yourself in steam. This will make you not too wet and not too dry: Damp. Then when you and your sexual lover are inside of each other, you can enjoy the sexual dampness, and you can go insane with lust, no questions asked!

This is not a race, clearly

I’ve spoken to exes and friends who all had aman who went fast like the rabbit. This doesn’t work. It achieves nothing but your own embarrassment. You will be talked about and it will be because you wouldn’t slow down. Notice I said wouldn’t. Slow the fuck down. Easy, right? Well, for some men who may have had bad experiences with erection quality or premature ejaculation it’s not so easy. Multiple bad experiences compound and they can hurt your sexual identity. I understand this although I’ve never been a fast humper. I went through a time in my early 20s when I wasn’t meeting anyone, wasn’t falling in love, wasn’t happy, and once I actually got with a woman I was terrified. Mortified! I shook, I kid you not. I remember shaking and the woman I was with asked me “are you shaking?”
“Nah, it’s just cold.” Ways to Have Sex.
Mortified, I tell you! That happened twice with two different women and I was no virgin. However, I was emotionally closed off and that isolation compounded once I was in a sexual situation so I feel you. What’s the cure? Don’t cater to your fears and don’t try to fast hump your way to a successful sexual encounter. It’s not a triumph. It’s running away. If you’re in a situation with a woman and you’ve got anxiety then tell her you have anxiety and tell it with a smile. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Some guys don’t ever have any anxiety and can work their way through a sorority house and never remember a face. That’s not you and that’s a good thing. Own it.

Foreplay is key

Obvious, sure but why is it key? I think a lot of young men see foreplay as a means to an end in a “I do this and she’ll warm up and off we go” kind of way. That’s not what foreplay is for. Foreplay is for her but it’s also for you and I’m not talking about getting dome here. I’m saying it’s your opportunity to show desire. Foreplay can be slow but it can also be intentional and aggressive while not being fast. I love nothing more than kissing and licking the insides of my woman’s thighs, gently and not so gently nibbling her back, squeezing her. This is all foreplay. Foreplay isn’t just giving oral or fingering her (learn how to finger, it’s more up/down than in/out) or nipple suction. I mean, it is those things but branch out. Sex for women, in my experience can be much more whole bodied than it is for most men most of the time. Understand that and play into it. Some women need to have their ears kissed to have an orgasm, some need their hair grabbed, some need their nipples pulled but what they all need is to feel desire. My point is that if you don’t explore with zest then you won’t discover these things on your own, she’ll have to tell you and while that’s cool too I think discovery is far more enjoyable and it feels more natural.
Believe me, expressing desire in a way that is confident, intentional, and barely restrained is sexy and it will make you feel sexy. Pro tip, you feeling sexy makes her feel sexy because she’s the kind of woman that can attract a confident sexy man that is way into her body which she very likely criticizes via inner monologue far too often.

Fuck with your hips, not your cock.

Fucking is in the hips. It’s in the arms. It’s in the stomach. It’s in the embrace. That’s where “fucking” comes from. It’s not in your cock. It’s your hips, arms, stomach, etc using your cock. This isn’t some dance analogy thing. This is a mindset change. You’re not there to in/out with your cock. You’re there to fuck with your body and if you’re not using your body to fuck then you won’t get the same effect for either yourself or her. You won’t be able to lose yourself in the motion and so you’ll have problems with rhythm. You won’t be able to tell where she’s at because your bodies aren’t participating together. Rhythm is the orgasm maker so get into a flow. This, I believe, also helps with staying power because your mind isn’t on you, it’s on the act.
Don’t be a douche bag, endeavor to engage in the act. Be where you are doing what you’re doing.

Pro tips: No one can teach you How to Fuck Good or How to have sex, this is the thing nature teaches every living thing, we only can teach you how to have sex longer, or how you can satisfy your partner.

How to Propose a Girl?

So you are in love and wants to propose a girl? Not sure how to propose your girl? Are you in love with some girl and find it difficult to tell her? Are you confused how to propose her? Do not worry. You are not alone because almost every boy feels the same kind of nervousness. Here are some tips that will help you in proposing a girl. You have to remember one thing that girls are different from you and they differ from each other too. At the same time they are very sensitive also.

So, the first thing that you have to keep in mind is you need to propose the girl according to her temperament and nature and it should be completely unique way of proposing. You should not copy anyone’s style or ask suggestions from your friends.
Remember, they are of your age and have no experience of dealing with girls in such a sensitive matter.

Tips on How to Propose a Girl
Be Yourself

The first tip is to be yourself and never try to overdo anything. You can make it special and sweet even while keeping it simple. If you behave in your natural way, you will find that everything will get along smoothly and comfortably.

Know your Girl and Propose Accordingly

There are some girls who still want their beloved to propose her in that traditional way. If your girl is of that type you can bow down on your knees and tell those three golden words that she wants to hear from you, just to impress her.

Make Special Plans

Plan for a romantic dinner and make her feel special about her. Order her favoritism dish and you can propose her either before dinner or during the time of dessert. You can play her favorite music as well.

You can take her to that place where you met her for the first time and recreate the same environment and scene. This will make her recall everything and when you will propose her, she will definitely get moved and will say yes to you immediately.

Create a Romantic Moment

Drive her to the beach and when the sun is just going to set, you can propose her. Girls like romantic moments and special occasions. You can play soft music while driving and make her feel that something special is going to happen with her that day.

Take her at a Favourite Spot

You can go to the spot where both of you wanted to go and the place both of you like very much. With the much loved environment around you, you can propose her.

Buy a Special Gift for Her

You can buy a charm bracelet or a ring and ask her ‘Will you marry me?’ while presenting it to her. Presenting a ring to her will help you convey your message with an ease. Go near her with a bunch of red roses or take her somewhere out and then propose her.

Proposing in a Unique Way

You can also talk to her parents and then in front of them, propose her. You can also propose her in your unique way and for this you should plan and prepare for the moment.

These tips will certainly help you propose her in a special and unique way and you will surely be able to win her heart. However, you should also be sure that the girl also loves you. So do not hurry in presenting your proposal, analyze your relationship and you will get indications from the girl you are dating. Now, go ahead and plan a date to propose her. Tell her what you have in your heart for her.

Hot Kajal Aggarwal Photos: South Indian Actress

Kajal Aggarwal hot Bikini Photos while taking shower and getting wet. Kajal Aggarwal is theMost hottest actress in south india, in fact in Bollywood. She is so sexy and have lots of bikini photos to show to her fans. by this time you may like to readWhy is Sunny Leone Felt shy?
Hot Kajal Aggarwal Wet Photos

Hot Actress Kajal Aggarwal Profile

Kajal Aggarwal, one of the tallest actresses of Indian movie industry started her career as a model. Kajal then done movies in Bollywood, Telugu and Tamil industry and now she has became a promising actress and high paid among top heroines.

Hot Kajal Aggarwal Photos
Kajal Aggarwal, aged 31 as of 2016 was born on June 19, 1985. Initially she started her career as a model only and then got minor supporting roles in movies. 
Her father is a business man and her mother is a confectioner. Kajal has one younger sister named Nisha Aggarwal who is also an actress and got married recently.
Also Read: How To Fuck: 8 Ways to Have Sex That Please your Partner
The tall beauty Kajal Aggarwal made her schooling in Mumbai at St. Anne’s High School, Colaba and high school at Jai Hind College.
She has completed her degree, Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM) in advertising and marketing in Kishinchand Chellaram College, situated in Mumbai which is commonly called as K.C. College.
Kajal became a model when she did internship with Loreal during her final year.

Hot Kajal Aggarwal Photos

Kajal Aggarwal Photos
As a model she participated in many stage shows and now she is one of the costlier and gorgeous celebrities for many brands and products.
She has endorsed so many brands and products including Lux beauty soap and jewelers in south India. She is also a brand ambassador for Panasonic and Dabur’s hair oil.

Kajal Aggrawal first appeared in the Bollywood movie Kyun…!Ho Gaya Na in 2004, as a friend of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
She entered Telugu industry in 2007 through the movie ‘Lakshmi Kalyanam’. Soon Kajal Aggarwal’s films getting successful hit in box office and made her position stable.
After many struggles, Magadheera, the Telugu historical movie became box office hit and her performance was greatly acclaimed by critics.
Kajal made her debut movie in Tamil through Pazhani which did not help her to stand strong and subsequent movies also went the same way unsuccessful.

Kajal Agarwal Bikini Images

Hot Kajal Aggarwal Wet

Kajal Agarwal Hot Bikini Wallpapers
Super talent gorgeous kajal Aggarwal
Best known for her work in Telugu and Tamil movies. The hot actress
popularity is on next level and she is one of the most popular
celebrities in South India. In addition to acting, she has also shown
her interest in Modelling, Stage shows and she is also prominent
celebrity who endorser for brands and products. The super hot girl made
her acting debut in Bollywood in 2004 with film Kyun…! Ho Gaya Na, but
film failed at box office. Kajal moved to Tollywood and her first 

Hot Kajal Aggarwal Photos Leaked

Hot Kajal Aggarwal Photos Bikini Wallpapers
Kajal Agarwal Hot Bikini Wallpapers 
Hot Kajal Aggarwal Photos Bikini Wallpapers

Kajal Agarwal Hot Bikini Wallpapers

IPL 2016: Virat Kohli Fitter Than Novak Djokovic

Virat Kohli is one of the fittest cricketers in India and takes his physical training as seriously as batting in the nets.

This fact has been vouched for many times in the past by Team India Director Ravi Shastri, but Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) trainer went on to compare Kohli with Novak Djokovic, saying that the latter needs to "catch up" with India's batting sensation.

Shankar Basu, the strength and conditioning coach, of RCB believes Kohli is currently fitter than the 10-time Grand Slam winner and current world No. 1."I have always told him [Kohli] that Novak Djokovic should be his target. 

Now, I feel that Djokovic should be targeting Kohli; he definitely has some catching-up to do," Basu told Cricbuzz."Virat Kohli is a total professional cricketer right from the way he eats and trains to the way he takes care of his body. 

I have seen him and his transition from the U-19 level and he has taken fitness to another level," Basu added.Kohli is currently leading RCB in Season 9 of the Indian Premier League.

Virat Kohli is an Indian international cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and occasional right-arm medium pace bowler. He is the current captain of the Indian Cricket Team!

Alia Bhatt Hot Wet and Sexy Pictures

Alia Bhatt hot in Bikini at beach getting wet.. Alia Bhatt posts some really eye-pleasing pictures on her instagram. No, we’re not talking about Sunny Leone, the young Sexy Alia Bhatt, who’s bold and beautiful promised a shot with lots of oomph and sex appeal. And yes, she has delivered! 

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos
Alia Bhatt hot in Bikini at beach getting wet and looks even more bold:Alia Bhatt young hot actress of Bollywood in her debut film Students Of the Year goes for bikini to attract audience towards her body figures. She walks in Bikini in the beach at the making of the film stuns everyone on the beach with her sexy body. Her sizzling body and cute red lips along with pretty face given her more popularity and more films.

Alia Bhatt describes her recent shoot for Dabboo Ratnani calendar 2015 as hot, wet, sexy and a lot of fun and we couldn’t agree more with her on this. The Highway actress takes us behind the scenes with Dabboo and all the masti she was getting clicked. And here are three things that caught our attention apart from Alia’s beautiful face…

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos

Alia Bhatt Hot Photos
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Have Sex During Your Period: Is It Safe to do?

Can you have sex during a period? Yes, you can. However, some people may feel uncomfortable having sex during a woman's monthly period because it can be messy, and the presence of blood can be off-putting. Some people may also oppose it on religious grounds.
Just because you’re having your period doesn't mean you have to forego sex. For some women, sexual activity during menstruation can be even more pleasurable than at other times of the month.

There are a few risks associated with having sex during menstruation. HIV and a few other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may be passed on more easily during a woman's period (both from the woman to the man and vice versa). To avoid catching HIV or other STIs, you should always use a condom when you have sex.

The need for lubrication lessens during your period, and some studies show that sex can soothe period-related symptoms, such as cramps. And a study published in 2013 in Cephalalgia concluded that sexual activity may reduce migraine and cluster headache pain for some.

“Sex is a normal part of life and should be enjoyed by all women,” says Carrie Coleman, MD, an ob/gyn at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “Basically, ensuring you have good contraception and STI (sexually transmitted infection) prevention throughout the menstrual cycle should make it even more safe and enjoyable.”

But before having sex, make sure you understand the risks of STIs, other infections, and pregnancy — even during your period.

Here’s what you need to know about having safe sex during your period.
Infection Risk From Sex During Your Period

It’s crucial to practice safe sex while you’re having your period because you could still get or transmit an STI, like HIV, during this time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The virus may be present in menstrual blood. Therefore doctors strongly encourage using a condom to decrease this risk.

Lauren Streicher, MD, associate clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, says that anecdotally speaking, there are two reasons for this risk. “Any bodily fluid can carry HIV or [other] STIs, and [during your period], the cervix opens slightly, which might allow viruses to pass through,” she says. “My message to women is you’re not off the hook as far as using protection.”

You may also be more prone to some infections in general at this time. Your vagina maintains a pH level of 3.8 to 4.5 throughout the month, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). But during menstruation, that level rises because of the higher pH level of blood, and yeast is able to grow more rapidly.

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are more likely to occur the week before your menstrual period, and intercourse during this time can exacerbate symptoms. But clear evidence is lacking for any increased risk of getting a yeast infection if you have sex during your period.

There's also the dreaded UTI. “Some women can be more prone to having urinary tract infections after intercourse,” says Dr. Coleman. “But this is more likely related to bacteria being able to easily travel to the bladder with intercourse, but it may happen at any point during the menstrual cycle.”

Risk of Pregnancy During Your Period

Having sex when you’re menstruating will most likely not result in getting pregnant, because you’re usually several days away from ovulating during menstruation. But there are exceptions. If you have a shorter menstrual cycle (21 to 24 days) and you have sex toward the end of your period, sperm can remain viable in your vagina for up to five days, so pregnancy is possible. But this is not an optimal time to try to get pregnant if you’re hoping for a baby.

Less Need for Vaginal Lubrication

You’re less likely to need lubricants if you engage in intercourse during menstruation, because menstrual discharge tends to provide enough lubrication. If you do need a lubricant, then “water-based lubricants are widely available and safe both for sex and for condoms,” says ob/gyn James Simon, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. “Silicone and hybrid lubricants that are water-based and silicone-based are likewise safe for both sex and condoms. Oil-based lubricants, especially mineral-oil based lubricants, can deteriorate condoms — increasing the risk of breakage — and are not recommended with latex condoms,” he says.

Period Sex as a Pain Reliever

If you experience symptoms such as cramping, feelings of sadness, or depression during your period, having sex at this time may be beneficial. Dr. Streicher says that because orgasms release endorphins — feel good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine — you can theoretically say that they will also decrease some period symptoms. “There’s no harm in trying,” she says.

Sexual Arousal During Your Period

You may feel more sexually aroused and sensitive during this time of the month because of the changes in your hormone levels. Hall says many women experience an increased feeling of congestion in the pelvic area, which can also ramp up your sex drive. But for some women, this extra sensitivity may make it uncomfortable to have sex during this time. The bottom line is to make sure that both you and your partner are comfortable with the situation. “Don’t assume anything,” Dr. Simon says. “Open questions with honest answers beforehand are paramount.”

Sexy Sunny Leone Hot Photo: SunnyLeone Warning

Bollywood queen Sexy Sunny Leone Hot Photo Sharing portal, Sunny leone images leaked out by a journal house. This is what her fan wants to see her as naked women. 

Bollywood actress Sunny Leone has scored 4 million mark of followers on Instagram. The actress who is gearing up for her romantic drama ‘One Night Stand’ took to Twitter to express her acknowledgement to her fans! Known for her sex appeal and charm, the actress has garnered a lot of fan base in India and abroad.‘One Night Stand’ will feature her in a bold character of a modern woman. 

Sunny Leone poses in a bold red outfit

Sunny Leone is every inch sexy in this super hot outfit she did for the shoot.

So You wants to watch her as a naked women? Do you know how much worth she is? You can't believe me that she is worth of money value. This naked women earn more than anyone in India.

Sunny Leone looks hot in black bikini
Sunny paired this bikini with a sari to do well with it. 

Bollywood queen a naked women on the board, making herself wet and getting to hot. To see her photos, Please keep scrolling. 
Sunny Leone clicked in off shoulder dress during shoot

SunnyLeone clicked in off shoulder dress during shoot
Sunny Leone looks super sexy in her sultry avatar during this shoot. 

She is currently married to Daniel Weber and had dated Russell Peters in the past.
Sunny Leone poses in a pink bikini

Sunny Leone poses in a pink bikini

Sunny is raising the temperature wither oomph and this bold avatar. 

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Indian Call Girls Mobile Numbers, Indian Call Girls Pictures, Girls Phone Numbers, If you are looking for those things yes come inside. You are at the right place. we have a short collection of Indian sexy girls, soon we will have a large directory. You may wants to read about Indian Sexy Sunny Leone Hot Photo: SunnyLeone

Do you want Indian women girls Housewives aunties contact Mobile numbers bhabis unsatisfied women or any type of lady you love to do sex or only be friends with? 
Now lets see How Long You can Do SEX with Desi Girls!.. Its a challenge to guys, make yourself perfect, give her the long and big shot, so she will ever be yours. 

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Do you know why Indian Girls Hot? I got a few email from my readers about this issue, they have requested me to write about this issue. A young man also added to write about how he can make a indian girl in love with him. Haha.. this is funny yet, but Now I'm thinking to write about this. In my next post I'll write about What to do to get indian girls heart. Till then Enjoy...

Katrina Kaif New Movie 2016: Jagga Jasoos And Baar Baar Dekho


Katrina Kaif new movie is "Jagga Jasoos"

Below are complete list of Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif New Upcoming Hindi Movie in 2016 and 2017. You will find the release dates too. We included her film name, actors name and other star cast name. We also added a short summery or review for the movie.
Katrina Kaif New Movie
"Jagga Jasoos"release date June 3, 2016
Jagga Jasoos is an upcoming Indian comedy-drama film directed by Anurag Basu, and produced by Basu and Ranbir Kapoor.
Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif's 'Jagga Jasoos' has been in the making for almost two years now. During this period, the film has faced several delays and if reports are to be believed, some portions from the film were reshot too. For all those who are looking forward to the release of this film, there is some bad news for you. The film has been postponed yet again and the same has been confirmed by Katrina, stated a report on DNA. The actress has been quoted by the daily saying that 'Jagga Jasoos' won't release in June but around July-August. She further revealed that around 60-70 days were still left for the completion of the film. Katrina even disclosed that she was playing a journalist in the film.While the reason for these delays is reportedly the break-up between Ranbir and Katrina, there were reports that Ranbir has been making efforts to win Katrina back. 

"Baar Baar Dekho"release date September 9, 2016

Baar Baar Dekho is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language romantic drama film directed by Nitya Mehra which marks her debut in Hindi cinema.

Baar Baar Dekho
The first poster of Sidharth Malhotra and Katrina Kaif's film Baar Baar Dekho is finally out. Produced by Ritesh Sidhwani, Karan Johar and Farhan Akhtar, the film has been directed by debutant Nitya Mehra. Sidharth took to micro-blogging site Twitter to share the first poster of his upcoming film. 

In one of the pictures, Katrina is seen sporting a short hairdo with glasses and is hugging Sidharth. And in the another picture, the two are seen walking on a beach, talking and laughing. Reportedly, Sidharth will play the role of a Maths teacher in the film.
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